Marieke van de Rakt: Prejudices, women and diversity

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January 7, 2020

Everybody uses stereotypes and prejudices. They help people to make sense of the world. That being said, prejudice is the enemy of equality and inclusion.In this talk in will talk about how prejudice affects women. I will look into women in general, but also zoom in to women in the tech industry and women in WordPress. I will explain the origin of prejudice from a sociological perspective and I’ll talk about the consequences of prejudices against women in our present day western society and in the WordPress ecosystem. To conclude, I will try to offer some solutions to overcome prejudice and to try to make our society a more equal and inclusive place. I promise, there will be jokes too!

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WordCamp Nijmegen 2019 8


Marieke van de Rakt 11


women 6


English 8884

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