David Ng


Healthcare | Board Director | UNSW Business School Alumni @ AGSM | Dad | Influential about and Healthcare - Sydney via

Sydney, New South Wales
Dołączył marzec 2011


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  1. 5 godzin temu
  2. 22 godziny temu

    “As of April 22, more than 966 million doses have been administered, and the world should cross the 1 billion mark in the coming days” | The First Billion Doses

  3. 24 kwi

    Airborne > “There is consistent, strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2 spreads by airborne transmission … The public community should act accordingly and without further delay” | Ten scientific reasons in support of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2

  4. podał/a dalej
    23 kwi

    Mass cremations begin as Delhi, India’s capital, faces deluge of COVID-19 deaths

  5. 23 kwi

    Absolutely devastating > 's COVID Crisis is much worse than the numbers tell you

  6. 22 kwi

    "The more senior the group, the fewer women there are. And yet if you look at some of the younger groups ... there’s a more balanced representation. We’re losing very high quality " | How to Close the Gender Gap

  7. 22 kwi

    “CEOs and leaders are important, but maybe not as much as we thought … people tend to over-attribute successes or failures of organisations to a single individual, or “the romance of leadership”” | Do CEOs Matter?

  8. 21 kwi

    "CEOs brought in from the outside have an 84% greater chance of turnover than insiders in the first three years, usually for poor " | The High Cost of Poor Succession Planning

  9. 20 kwi

    Banking and economic sanctions violations, money laundering, market manipulations, misleading or dishonest sales practices, tax and accounting , and employment discrimination: Banks with More Women on Their Boards Commit Less Fraud

  10. podał/a dalej
    19 kwi

    The Bank of England and HM Treasury have today announced the joint creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Taskforce to coordinate the exploration of a potential UK CBDC. A CBDC would be a new form of digital money issued by the Bank of England Big news

  11. 17 kwi

    “Across cultures, people believe that behaviors such as averted gaze, , and stuttering can betray deceivers … researchers have found little evidence to support this belief” | You’ve Been Lied to About Lying

  12. 13 kwi

    Had the immense privilege of meeting at a UNSW Business School ‘Meet the CEO’ event in 2016. An exceptional leader and accomplished executive. You can watch the full interview here:

  13. 12 kwi

    “We have now seen seven consecutive weeks of increasing cases and four weeks of increasing deaths” | pandemic is growing “exponentially,” says WHO

  14. 11 kwi

    Should a project team be made up of people with the greatest or people who will take different approaches to the problem at hand? Building Teams to Tackle the Most Challenging Problems

  15. 9 kwi

    “…people are more likely to consider solutions that add features than solutions that remove them, even when removing features is more efficient … not because they didn’t recognize the value of those solutions, but because they failed to consider them”

  16. 8 kwi

    "After women joined the C-suite, firms became both more open to change and less risk-seeking" | Adding Women to the C-Suite Changes How Companies Think

  17. 8 kwi

    “This is a you get by breathing. It’s not a virus you get by touching” | Has the Era of Overzealous Cleaning Finally Come to an End?

  18. 8 kwi

    “In everything that we do, we are first and foremost” | 'We are all aviators': Australian air force replaces term 'airmen'

  19. podał/a dalej
    7 kwi

    For to become a reality, companies need to make it a priority. should sponsor or develop diverse executive talent and those not in the c-suite to prime them for board positions, diversifying the board pool.

  20. 7 kwi

    “People who live their at work are more productive than people who don’t. They are also healthier, more resilient, and more likely to stay at the company” | Help your employees find purpose—or watch them leave


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