Tim Curry


Actor. Evil Genius. Stud. Absolutely not dead yet. Who!? Not THE Tim Curry? Why yes. Please note: This is a PARODY PAGE lovingly dedicated to Tim Curry.

Csatlakozott 2010. november


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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    2018. nov. 11.

    If I RT someone on here, please don't take that as your cue to start being an absolute dick to them on my behalf. I add commentary in an attempt to raise a smile or gently pull folk up on self-indulgent fuckery. We're all guilty of a lack of awareness now and again - play nice.

  2. okt. 20.
  3. okt. 17.

    I’d wager it’s because modern society has lost its grip on reality and reliable sourcing so much so, that one can no longer make an informed decision based purely on facts presented by valid outlets, and instead gets waylaid by hearsay and gossip. In conclusion - y’all basic.

  4. okt. 15.
  5. okt. 15.

    I was 64, Norah. They used this little tool called makeup to make me look like a crack head even though I’m not actually one in real life AND - hold on to your hats - they paid me. It’s this little hobby I have called acting idk. Thanks so much. Fucking 80. Smfh.

    Ez a Tweet nem elérhető.
  6. okt. 13.
  7. okt. 13.

    There are only two types of people in this world, Lil. 1 - Those attracted to Tim Curry in RHPS. 2 - Liars.

  8. okt. 12.

    Honestly Seth, I’m here to tell you not everything is about you. This is in regards to my appearance in the Rocky Horror reboot. A - I looked like a stone cold fox. B - Seth is an ableist turd.

  9. okt. 11.

    This is the worst thing I’ve ever read. And I’ve read the entire script for Congo. Ew.

  10. okt. 11.
    Ez a Tweet nem elérhető.
  11. okt. 10.

    But I love chicken nuggets more.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  12. okt. 10.
    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  13. okt. 10.

    Eric, I have no doubt. But the last time I gave my address out someone signed me up for an 18 month subscription of Razzle and I couldn’t look the postman in the eye for near on a decade

  14. okt. 10.

    Not a soul. I have no friends. I also definitely don’t have an array of lovers setting my phone alight morning noon and night. Nope. Not me. Nah. So It’s a good job you’re here to check I haven’t been eaten by coyotes alone in my own home. Phew. Anyways. I’m fine. Send wine.

  15. okt. 8.

    Upstage lads, this is my OWWNLEEE number.

  16. okt. 7.

    I still don’t know what’s going on but I never won a fucking Tony so let me have this idk

  17. okt. 6.

    If it helps - please be assured you wouldn’t have stood a fucking chance.

  18. okt. 6.

    6 hours to go. I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here but anyways. Vote for me, dickheads. ❤️

  19. okt. 5.
  20. okt. 4.
  21. okt. 4.
    Ez a Tweet nem elérhető.

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