EN/ES – International Call For New Year’s Eve Noise Demonstrations

December 12th, 2019


This is a call for a raucous night of strong solidarity with those imprisoned by the state on one of the noisiest nights of the year. On New Year’s Eve gather your crew, collective, community, organization, or just yourself and come together to raise a racket and remind those on the inside that they are not alone.

Internationally, noise demonstrations outside of prisons are a way to remember those who are held captive by the state and a way to show solidarity with imprisoned comrades and loved ones. We come together to break the loneliness and isolation. Read the rest of this entry »

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Eviction of La Emboscada coming soon (Spain)

December 24th, 2019

Precautionary eviction of La Emboscada

Thursday, December 19th.

Hello comrades!
We write this statement from La Emboscada (Tetuán, Madrid), to inform that the last December 17th a judge ordered our precautionary eviction from a denunciation made by one of the owners of our Anarchist Squatted Space La Emboscada.

According to this notification, the eviction could be very close, in less than twenty natural days. Considering this information, we decide to fight with all our capacities to stop this eviction. So we call to the eviction day for a concentration in the afternoon, at 20h and we count with your support. The place of the concentration wont be public until the last moment, so we encourage you to be aware.

We decided not to remain silent while we see tens and tens of eviction processes both to living spaces and social centers. We decide not to give up neither deal with those people that want to defend their private property over everything, because we know that private property only looks for the individual profit of some, and we know that the State defends and supports this old class enemies that are already known.

We know that this case is not an isolated one (we count with all the previous facts happened in the last year) but it responds to a functioning and normal capitalist structure. We know that the owner is not the devil who escapes the norm or the common sense accepted by most citizens. So we have decided to approach it as a conflict more to face and with all the motivation and mutual aid that we could get all together with those who understand and show solidarity with the struggle against Capitalism, the law and the State.

We decide to defend squats as a tool to attack private property. This attack that every time becomes more difficult, but we only think in creating new formulas to get that they don’t bury our will to continue fighting and squatting. We know that we can’t do this without you. We know that solidarity and direct action against speculation are our better weapons.

So we encourage you to be aware to the next callings, to come to the space and the possible events that we could organize, defending the squats.

Against the reinforcement of laws to our dis-articulation and criminalization, now more than ever: Squat! Against gentrification and speculation: Squat and resist!

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Repression updates from Italy

December 22nd, 2019

Further arrest warrant for Giuseppe, anarchist imprisoned for the “Prometeo” operation (17/12/2019)

We learn that on the morning of Tuesday December 17th, 2019, Giuseppe, already in prison for the “Prometeo” operation (arrests of May 21st, for which Natascia is also imprisoned, while Robert was released), has received another mandate of arrest as part of an operation conducted by the ROS (“Special Operational Grouping”) of the Carabinieri under the direction of the Antiterrorism pool of the Turin Prosecutor’s Office. He is accused of attempting to destroy a postamat (ATM) in Genoa with an incendiary device, an action dating back to June 2016. This action was included in the list of facts that corroborated the accusations of the “Scintilla” operation (arrests of February 7th and eviction of the Asilo Occupato in Turin).

To write to him:

Giuseppe Bruna
C. C. di Pavia
via Vigentina 85
27100 Pavia
Italia – Italy

Update about Peppe – The review court confirmed the precautionary measure in prison (December 13th, 2019)

The hearing for the review of Peppe’s precautionary measures took place in Turin on December 13th, an anarchist arrested in Verona on November 26th and immediately transferred into Montorio prison, also in Verona. The review court unfortunately confirmed the precautionary measure in prison. Read the rest of this entry »

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Bristol: Arms company Babcock attacked in sabotage action (UK)

December 21st, 2019

FR: Bristol (UK) : Sabotage chez l’entreprise d’armements Babcock

The war machine is in operation 24/7. Despite the night shift at Babcock in Long Ashton, we snuck over the fence and damaged a fuel tank that forms part of their heating system.

Babcock are the second biggest contractor to the Ministry of Defence in the UK. They have 4 premises in Bristol alone. They specialise in the navy and nuclear industries. We hope our small act will show how many different ways it is possible to resist, without voting!

This “prison island” will continue whoever is prime minister. We reject all politicians and have only contempt for those who buy their lies and cheap promises.

To those who forget the many aspects of control and repression used in the social war, and buy into Labour’s hype by focusing only on the National Health Service… we laugh at you in the darkness, and angrily ask…. Do you remember Iraq?

Solidarity with those on the streets in the Green Zone in Baghdad, and belated greetings to everyone who rebelled on the International Day of Action for Rojava 14th December.

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Report by Anarchists on the Revolt in Chile: November 29-December 6

December 19th, 2019

November 29th
42nd Social Revolt Day


“We are facing a powerful and implacable enemy, who does not respect anything or anyone. He doesn’t respect the lives of human beings, he doesn’t respect our heroes.” The phrase is repeated again and again by the President of the Republic, this time at an early graduation of police.

FEAR is one of the most powerful weapons of power, so it continues to encourage a climate of paranoia to demobilize and divide the oppressed.

The State redoubled its efforts to approve its “Anti-hooded Law.” Piñera points to Anarchists, Barras Bravas [organized supporters of football teams] and drug traffickers as a coordinated trident that unleash violence.

The media plan is to exacerbate the coverage of looting of small stores. The capitalist press launches a powerful emotional charge to delegitimize the Social Revolt.

There is an obvious complicity (by action or omission) between the police, home owners and traffickers, individuals without codes who are not interested in those who are harmed by their actions.

Undoubtedly, private property is part of what we want to destroy, but today our objectives are full of strategic symbolism. If the attack on any premises needs explanation, it is not symbolic enough.

A provisional solution would be “self-defense committees,” but our inexperience and ineffectiveness in these practices allow the “yellow vests” to begin to arm themselves with an undeniable fascist affinity. Let the militia return to the street! It is the speech repeated by the lovers of the neoliberal system, although in their pockets the bills have always shone by their absence. Read the rest of this entry »

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Support Russian activists with travel costs to participate in the Father Frost Against – festival! (Finland)

December 19th, 2019

What, When and Where?

Father Frost Against – festival (formerly Father Frost Against Putin) is a cultural and political festival designed to stimulate critical thought and reflection, and to work out new activist strategies, with a focus on developments in Russia and the post-Soviet space. The festival has been organised since 2014, and the 7th edition will take place in various locations in Helsinki, Finland, on 3 – 5 January 2020 and is organized by local activists with active support and participation from individuals and groups from Russia and the post-Soviet space.

Main Aims of the Festival

Redefine social and political fields, through information exchange with successful projects and strategic planning.
Creating a space for networking and connecting with like-minded people.
Involving new participants and guests in the festival program.
Developing a new language to indicate current and relevant issues.

Who are we?
We are Studio 4.413 /a laboratory of alternative discourse and intersectional kinship based in St. Petersburg, created to shift art and activist communities. Studio 4.413 includes artists, human rights activists and independent media representatives from Russia and the post-Soviet space.
https://www.facebook.com/studio4413/ Read the rest of this entry »

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Smartphones, Ringtones, Capital

December 19th, 2019

“I believe that within the next generation the masters of the world will discover that childhood conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient tools for governing than batons and prisons, and that their lust for power can be completely satisfied by inspiring people to love their slavery, instead of crushing them and reducing them to obedience”.
Aldous Huxley, letter to George Orwell of October 21, 1949

Half a century ago, Piazza Fontana. The start of the so-called strategy of tension. A bomb exploded inside a crowded bank, just a few steps from the Cathedral of Milan. Over one hundred victims are dead and wounded, a massacre of blood-letting perpetrated in order to spread fear, terror and anguish throughout the country, to trigger the conditioned reflexes of Order. To sow a panic such as to justify, if not to invoke, the intervention of the State (also through its armed wing of police, also by suspending some liberties taken for granted).

Half a century after Piazza Fontana, we are in a full strategy of relaxation. After the bombs, the smartphone. After the blood, the ringtones. Millions of hyper-connected people, a massacre of neurons carried out in order to spread the entertainment, amusement and satisfaction that’s necessary to neutralize the unconditional reflection of revolt. To sow a distraction such as to legitimise, if not naturalise, the presence of the State (even of its armed wing of the law, even of the suspension of some liberties taken for granted).
Read the rest of this entry »

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Athens, Greece: ¡No Pasarán! Anarchists React to the Eviction of Kouvelou Squat

December 19th, 2019

From Anarchists Worldwide:

Athens, Greece: The Greek government has gone into war with anarchists and anti authoritarians, following the end of a 15 days ultimatum issued by the Ministry of “Public Order”, towards the dozens of political and refugee squats across Greece (some of them more than 30 years old), threatening them with violent evictions by the riot police and police special forces, if they did not evacuate within the deadline. The deadline ended on Thursday night on the 5th of December 2019, a political decision by the Greek State aiming to agitate and create an “explosive atmosphere”.

Following the first wave of attacks and evictions, mainly against squats housing refugees during the fall, the second wave of attacks has just begun, this time against political squats and social centers. Coinciding with the arrest of antifascists and the proposed judicial acquittal of Neo Nazi leaders in the Golden Dawn trial, the right wing Greek government and its self proclaimed socialist Minister of Public Order have proceeded with the eviction of “Kouvelou Mansion” Squat in Marousi, Athens on Tuesday 17 December, while another three squats have been evicted today December 18th, in Koukaki, Athens, following a massive police operation, that terrorized a whole neighborhood with police brutality, attacking people living in adjoining houses that were no squats. Brutal images of Greek SWAT policemen having their boots on people’s heads on the ground and a mother bound on the floor of her terrace with a hood on her head, reminiscing of Abu Ghraib torture images, have been circulated in the media.

While this info text is being written it has become known that at about 22:00 today 18 December, people attacked shops and banks near the main square of Athens at Syntagma, while also the Christmas tree at Exarcheia Square in Athens has been set on fire [Note from Anarchists Worldwide: see second video]. While the Greek government has proclaimed that more than 20 squats, just in Athens, will be violently evicted until the end of 2019, the police attacks seems like the match that will put fire in an already explosive situation during Christmas and New Year’s festivities.

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USA: Oak Journal Audiozine Episode Out Now – Wither the System

December 17th, 2019

Oak is happy to announce our first audiozine episode. Visit Oakjournal.org for link or visit soundcloud.com/oakjournal directly to listen. And please subscribe to the RSS feed so you can get all the episodes. More episodes and print to come early 2020.

In this episode we hear from Yellow Finch tree sitter Rhubarb. We also hear from Popular Front founder and conflict reporter Jake Hanrahan. The episode explores contemporary resistance from both the macro and micro level. Topics include: resistance to Mountain Valley Pipeline, extraction resistance movements in general, autonomous zones, tree sitting, Hong Kong, Rojava, American Leftism, and much much more.

Readings in this episode include:

O Lost…? by John Zerzan

Barbarian Tongue by Trace Fleeman y Garcia

The New World by SMH Read the rest of this entry »

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“From Baghdad to Beirut, we shall continue. No Sunni, no Shia…” – Internationalist text from the Middle East

December 17th, 2019

بەکوردى بۆ بڵاو کردنەوە [ku]
“From Baghdad to Beirut, we shall continue. No Sunni, no Shia…” [ar]

The Iraqi government is made up of all bourgeois factions in Iraq, and it is accepted by regional forces and the world bourgeoisie, but the proletariat tried to bring it down…

The “Green Zone” in Baghdad is a centre of the world’s capitalism; the proletariat tried to occupy it and lost a lot of lives for it…

The port of Basra is a global corridor for oil exports and international trade and the proletariat blocked it, and tried to control it.

The Iraqi police, security forces, special forces and military forces are forces of global capitalism (with the participation of Shia, Sunni, Christian, Kurdish, and Turkmen bourgeoisie, with a large numbers of regional and international forces, including troops of America and Europe, Turkey, Iran, etc.), but the proletariat attacked them, their centres and detachments in the streets, and as many as 650 proletarians have been killed by them and more than 20 thousand wounded (this is not to mention the number of abducted and imprisoned…).

The proletariat in all rebellious areas of Iraq burned down the headquarters of the political parties (religious and national without exception), they burned down the houses of members of parliament and State officials and they also attacked security and police stations, media, judicial institutions and the Ministry of Justice, newspapers and television stations… By doing this, the proletariat attacked the whole State.

According to the prime minister Adel Abd al-Mahdi, this movement destroyed the national economy (capitalism) in all its aspects. The proletariat in its struggle attacked without exception everything, any symbol, any person, any base attached to the history of the authority and repression including military, diplomatic institutions, trade centres and secret services, internal as well as external. All the attacks on the repressive forces of Pasdaran in the city of Karbala are not really anti-Iranian as the media said, but it is a part of the class action against the repressive forces and centres in all their forms just like the attack on the Green Zone and the other places. Read the rest of this entry »

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Amazon, Ring, and the New Policing (USA)

December 15th, 2019

From It’s Going Down:

Report from insurrectionary anarchist publication Anathema on the growth of networks of surveillance being developed by Amazon and local police departments.

In November, The Intercept reported that internal documents at Ring, the home security company owned by Amazon, reveal that the company is planning to create automated neighborhood “watch lists” by incorporating facial recognition technology into its increasingly vast network of “smart home” doorbell cameras. The feature would alert camera-owners via smartphone when someone deemed “suspicious” pops up on their cameras. Like the old-fashioned “neighborhood watch” that Ring wants to replace, the feature would extend the power of the police and as well as make certain areas of town more dangerous for anyone Ring camera owners deem “suspicious.”

Ring’s documents do not define what “suspicious” means. In practice, this will likely be defined by gentrifiers and cops, whose systemic racism is well documented. At its core, the watch list would identify people who “don’t belong” in certain areas; this means black and brown people, poor people, and anyone whose appearance deviates from social norms. Ring’s Neighbors program — an online discussion forum between camera owners — is already well known for its aggressive racism and for generally heightening distrust and paranoia within neighborhoods. For many people, Ring’s new feature would make it dangerous to be in certain neighborhoods at all — a victory for the forces of gentrification everywhere.

Ring doorbell cameras have already allowed police to significantly expand their operations, simply by appropriating private citizens’ technology for no additional expense. The technology therefore has immense “value,” not only for the company, but for the state. For decades it’s been steadily expanding policing in order to keep its increasingly immiserated people under control, while struggling to balance its own budgets. Read the rest of this entry »

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New Issue of Anathema: Volume 5 Issue 7 (USA)

December 15th, 2019

Anarchist zine from the comrades in Philadelphia.

Volume 5 Issue 7 (PDF for reading 8.5×11)

Volume 5 Issue 7 (PDF for printing 11×17)

In this issue:

Global Insurrection
Pink Wave
What Went Down
Ring And The New Policing
During The Quiet
Sean Bonney Poem (Confessions 2)
Interview: 10 Years After The UC Occupations
Response to “Property Destruction Is Not Enough”
Bomb Scares
End The Abatement?


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Berlin, Germany: Attack Against Deutsche Telekom & Nissan – From Berlin to Greece & Worldwide…

December 15th, 2019

In the morning hours of 13th of December we set fire to five company cars and one radio antenna on the Deutsche Telekom premises at Hannemannstraße in Berlin-Britz as well as to two cars in front of the Nissan car dealership at Gärtnerstraße in Berlin-Alt-Hohenschönhausen.

Our attacks are aimed at two companies that are globally involved in securing the rule of power and enriching themselves by it, including in Greece, where the current government is threatening to evict all occupied houses and social centers and where those who do not allow themselves to be pushed into the neoliberal norm are subject to massive attacks by the state:

Deutsche Telekom, as the biggest European company for Telecommunications, which, profiting from the crisis, bought parts of the former state company Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. (Greek: OTE A.E.) and is now a 45% shareholder. With its subsidiary T-Systems, the Deutsche Telekom is worldwide leading in service for security authorities, industry and the energy sector.

Nissan, as a company, which supplies the Greek repression authorities. In June 2019 four Nissan Qashqai Diesel 4×4 and two Nissan Navara for the Criminal Investigation Unit (Δ.Ε.Ε. Διεύθυνση Εγκληματολογικών Ερευνών – forensic division) as well as one Nissan NV400 for the anti-riotcops (M.A.T. – Μονάδες Αποκατάστασης Τάξης – Monades Apokatastasis Taxis) were ceremonially granted to the cops in front of their academy in Amygdaleza, in the north of Athens.

We chose this moment because it was in December 2008, when the assassination of Alexis by the cop Korkoneas in Exarchia, Athens, triggered a social revolt that was accompanied by a multitude of international attacks on the symbols of state and capital and their murderous functionaries.

11 years later, living conditions have not improved either here or there. Rather, the social war is intensifying worldwide. The gap between rich and poor continues to widen. The triumphant march of neoliberalism produces a mass of excluded people who are denied the possibility of social participation. Expelled and parked on the margins of the metropolis or in slums, they are declared enemies, who should be monitored and oppressed. Walls and fences, private security services, intelligent cameras and highly equipped police units are the clearest expression of an increasingly militarized territory in which, under the disguise of security, war is being waged against the poor.

New technologies and the associated digital access to our lives enable new and more subtle techniques of governance. The thousands and thousands of data that are produced every day are intended to make any action calculable and controllable. With Predictive Policing, the foresighted cop, a tool was created that sorts people according to stereotypes and thus creates the criminals of the future. Such technologies are embedded in the restructuring of cities into Smart Cities, the implementation of which companies such as Deutsche Telekom are constantly working on with 5G infrastructure projects or smart traffic systems, lanterns, waste management and much more. However, this is by no means to enable a better life for all, but to enable the totalitarian idea of comprehensive control of the city and its population through practical solutions.

The technological attack is so successful because humans are actually collective beings. Part of the neo-liberal agenda was and is the destruction of this very collectivity in order to reassemble it in line with the market through digital domination. Driven by the fear of being excluded, even outlawed, and by the supposed joys that Virtual Reality has to offer us, we ourselves weave on the net that encloses us. The state of isolation in the cities or the disregard of rural communities leads many into the arms of the constructed national community and therefore parties like the AfD get a influx of followers. Fighting the rise of fascism by integrating ideas of solidarity and collectivity into social struggles, is therefore certainly a task for the coming time.

As it is happening in other countries at the moment, the abolished leftist government in Greece has prepared the ground for the new rise of a right-wing conservative regime. The past phase of Syriza’s government should have clearly demonstrated to those in doubt that participation in power must fulfill the conditions of capitalist constraints and that no emancipatory project can stand on democratic parliamentary feet. To name these contradictions, to reject any domination by others, not to compromise and not to recognize the authority of a hostile system are part of the anarchist idea.

We feel connected with the rebels worldwide, who are currently in many different places in the world, especially where the state-social partnership is not developed to the smallest detail, those who let the sparks of resistance grow into a widespread fire of social uprising. While in Athens self-organized and revolutionary structures are being defended and state and capital being attacked, we are fighting the same struggle here, in which we aim at the profiteers of capitalist domination. We do this with the consciousness that the infrastructure and the flow of goods are elementary components of it. We send our flaming greetings especially to those who fight against the regime of Nea Demokratia in Greece as well as worldwide to all those people who revolt against authority, are in prison for it or who have to flee.


via Deutschland Indymedia, Anarchists Worldwide.

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Melbourne, Australia: Action Against Turkish Military Supplier Trakka Corp in Solidarity with Rojava

December 15th, 2019

From Anarchists Worldwide:

In the early morning hours of December 14th, 2019, the International Day of Action for Rojava, we paid a visit to the offices of local war profiteers, Trakka Corp/Trakka Systems, in Moorabin, south-east Melbourne, to let them know that their greed-driven collaboration with the fascist Turkish State’s war machine has not gone unnoticed.

In August 2019, Trakka Systems were contracted by Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company, to supply “cutting edge, high intensity, multi-mission Trakka Beam A800 searchlights” for their Black Hawk helicopters, including the Sikorsky TAI (Turkish Aerospace Industries) variant destined for use by the fascist Turkish Armed Forces in their ongoing invasion and occupation of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (Rojava).

As a small contribution to the International Day of Action for Rojava we decided to take direct action against Trakka Systems to express our solidarity with the people of Rojava and their internationalist comrades who, since October 9th, 2019, have courageously resisted the genocidal occupation plans of Erdoğan’s fascist forces. We also carried out this action to highlight the shameless activities of capitalist vultures like Trakka Corp / Trakka Systems, one of many companies operating within so-called Australia who willingly collaborate with war-mongering authoritarian regimes for profit. Not only do Trakka Systems do business with the Turkish Armed Forces, they are also in bed with other international military and police forces such as those of Israel, Indonesia and the US, who they supply with the latest in ‘Critical Vision Technology’.

Finally, we hope that our small action contributes in some way towards a revival of militant, targeted direct action and sabotage in so-called Australia.

Biji Rojava!
Death to Turkish State Fascism!
Death to War Profiteers!
Long Live International Solidarity!

– Anarchists

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Anarchists attacked a mobile operator in Kiev (Ukraine)

December 15th, 2019

Posted on December 10, 2019. Note A2DAY: Ukrainian media, citing the police, report that on December 10 the tower of the operator Vodafone, not Lifecell, was burned in Kiev. A2DAY: “Makhnovists” affinity-group confirmed that due to the mistake tower of another operator was attacked.


In the night of December 10 a group of anarchists burned down the cell tower of Lifecell operator settled by the crossroad of Hostomel road and Big Ring Road in Kyiv. Lifecell is owned by the Turkish company Turkcell. This company is the participant of aggression of Erdogan’s regime against the people’s self-government in Kurdistan. The latest episode of its criminal politics is the invasion of Turkish army into the Democratic Federation of Northern and Eastern Syria (Rojava) in October 2019.

Turkcell constructs its towers in the areas of Syria occupied by the Turkish government as it happened in Afrin, Shahba and Idlib. This mobile network which is under control of Ankara authorities appears in every place invaded by Erdogan’s soldiers. Kurdish guerillas destroy Turkcell towers — we are proud to take the torchlight of the struggle from their hands. Revolutionary resistance and solidarity lie beyond state borders and national boundaries.

We performed an attack against Lifecell/Turkcell also as the response to the violent incident which took place in front of Embassy of Turkey in Ukraine. On October 11 anarchists and people from Kurdish community organized the peaceful demonstration against the aggression of the Turkish state. Embassy workers have attacked demonstrators and smashed a face of one of the female comrades participated in the event. Violence should not be left without a response.

Freedom to the peoples — death to the Empires!


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