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  1. 15 मिनट पहले

    Get Voraciously’s Meal Plan of Action newsletter and raise your weeknight cooking game

  2. 40 मिनट पहले

    Opinion: The real reason Carlos Ghosn’s great escape is a big embarrassment for Japan

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    Analysis: The decade’s most impactful pop-culture debuts, from "Game of Thrones" to Kylie Jenner as a billionaire

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    Perspective: The ideas, debates and questions that we’ll be talking about for the next 12 months

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    Extraordinary purple "mother of pearl" clouds illuminate the Arctic

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    Analysis | The most disappointing technologies of the decade: Face computers, space tourism and Juicero

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    Bloomberg’s business in China has grown. That could create unprecedented entanglements if he is elected president.

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    Police used a stun gun on a grandmother three times after she wouldn’t let them enter her home

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    Perspective | Best movies of 2019: A compelling mix of new and established voices

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    NBA stars pay tribute to David Stern, “the best commissioner to ever do it”

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    Perspective | 2020: The year in preview

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    Perspective: The 24 most important viral reactions on the Internet in the past 20 years

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    Firestone tires built Liberia’s economy. Now, painful layoffs are sowing fear for the future.

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    Perspective: Better breakfasts, less takeout, more togetherness: Our 2020 food resolutions

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    Analysis: R.I.P. the first meme of the decade, which has already lived and died

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    An Ohio city known for helping the homeless now questions its limits

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    Does your pastor preach too long? A new survey shows the dramatic differences in sermons.

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    Trump administration’s compromise vape ban provokes public health outcry

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    A glut of hangover remedies crowd the Internet. Do any of them work?

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    Analysis: How the hottest decade in recorded history unfolded around the globe


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