Fumarole gas team descends into Sherman Crater. Photo copyright Doug Nathe. Click to enlarge.

Fumarole gas team descends into Sherman Crater. Photo copyright Doug Nathe. Click to enlarge.

Guided Geology Field Trip to terminus of Easton Glacier on Mount Baker. September 10, 2016. Details: https://mbvrc.wordpress.com/update-posts/

Link:  Today’s Mount Baker eruption simulation from USGS.

More information about Boulder Glacier debris flows is here. The 2016 flow described in the Bellingham Herald article is described with many photos here including new information on the date of the flow- 2 PM May 25th.

For scheduled presentations on Baker eruptive history and hazards, go here.

Donate Button with Credit Cards

If you are trying to buy a fundraiser t-shirt, click here for ordering information. (scroll down for photo).

Email MBVRC. (not a link):                     mountbakerresearch@gmail.com

This is the website for the MBVRC , which focuses on volcano research and public education about volcano hazards from Mount Baker in the Cascades. Subscribe via email using this page to receive notification of updates, including new geologic discoveries,  publications, pictures, our fundraiser t-shirts, posters and calendars, requests for volunteers, or announcements about upcoming public presentations about Mount Baker. Sign up for  posts via email by using the ‘subscribe’ button at right. Our data website is at www.mbvrc.wwu.edu, where we maintain a database of Mount Baker geologic publications.

Mount Baker Volcano Research Center is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit research and educational center, informally affiliated with the Geology Department at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. Our goals are to raise public awareness about Mount Baker volcano hazards and raise funds to support our own and others research efforts at the volcano. MBVRC is registered with  Washington State as a nonprofit research and educational organization.

A history of Mount Baker eruptions, hazards, crater photos, fumarole videos and research reports are at the main MBVRC website: http://mbvrc.wwu.edu. There,  you will find updated information about volcano research at Mount Baker, a full list of published papers and abstracts about Baker, images and video about Baker geology, eruptive history, geochemistry of Baker rocks and fumaroles, and how to contribute to our research efforts.

If you are trying to buy a fundraiser t-shirt, click here for ordering information.

"Mount Baker- 100 years of Change" by John Scurlock. Click to enlarge.

“Mount Baker- 100 years of Change” by John Scurlock. Click to enlarge.

Go here to order our  poster, “Mount Baker- 100 years of Change” showing the entire south side of Mount Baker in 1912. The same view was retaken in 2012.

2012 Mount Baker volcano shirt

Cardinal red [men’s styles only], and three women’s short sleeve colors: iris [top], dark heather [bottom] and purple. The ‘eruptive history’ table is on the back of the shirt. Click to enlarge.


The  MBVRC Board of Directors.

2016 Board:  Dave Tucker, Sue Madsen, John Scurlock, and Doug McKeever.



  1. What is the chemistry and temperature average for the hot springs now? And if I want to check it, where on your site can I view it?

    • Hello, Suzanne,
      Thanks for your query to MBVRC:
      “What is the chemistry and temperature average for the hot springs now? And if I want to check it, where on your site can I view it?”

      There is some fumarole chemistry posted on our website, at http://mbvrc.wwu.edu/geochemistry/index.shtml
      We do not have Baker Hot Springs geochem posted on the http://www.mbvrc.wwu.edu website. No USGS sampling, to the best of my knowledge, has been recorded at the hot springs since 1988, which is pretty sad. I know that another round of crater fumarole geochemistry measurements will be attempted this coming summer, which I hope we could eventually post on the MBVRC website. I’ll ask those folks to try to sample the springs as well. I strongly suspect that hot spring temps fluctuate a lot during the snowmelt season, when there’s a lot of runoff in the vicinity. That would be an interesting thing to verify. Hmmmmm, sounds like a student project to me….

      Thanks for writing.
      Dave Tucker

  2. I am very interested in the trip to Baker on the 24th, but I can’t justify the cost to myself. Could you tell me what I will get for my $75.

    • Lee,
      The field trip fee includes van transportation, a trip handout, a full day of hands-on guided geology with digressions to explain any required background material, scintillating company with geologists and interested citizens. How’s that?

  3. My neighbor saw a large amount of steam above Mt Baker today (10-2-14) with a mushroom cloud about the steam column. Is anyone knowledgeable about this sighting?

    Bernie Walz

    • Bernie,
      Thanks for writing. No other reports of any large clouds above Baker. Gas emissions, largely water vapor, are always present. With the right atmospheric conditions and good backlighting, they can be quite impressive. No unusual seismic activity is reported from Baker during the period you referred to, and there is nothing now.

  4. Since moving to Abbotsford from the city of Toronto ato the impressionable age of 14 way back in the mid 80s I have always been in awe of the sheer beauty of this magnificent volcano. Having never seen many mountains growing up let alone an active volcano I was instantly fascinated with it and have been ever since. It opneed my mind up to the amazing world of geology and volcanic geology that I have passed on to my children. Every day I feel lucky enough to live in the shadow of koma kulshans beauty. It’s been a life long dream to one day visit the slopes of the guardian of the white snows one summer or just to see it fart would be great. Since moving here I’ve visited many mountains and volcanoes of the cascade range as well as others farther north but none have impressed me more than koma kulshan. If there is anything I can do to help I would be honored to be a part.

  5. Thank you for keeping track of the changes the mountain.

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