Výzva adresovaná izraelkému premiéru Netanjahuovi a ministru obrany Barakovi. Žádá o záchranu oblasti Massafer Yatta — kopců jižního Hebronu (podepište i druhou petici na stejné téma zde). Organizuje italská organizace Operation Dove podpořená mnohými palestinskými a izraelskými skupinami. Více info o kampani “This Must Be the Place” na stránkách nofiringzone918.org a zde.
Podepište výzvu zde.
Text výzvy (v angličtině):
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel Prime Minister
Ehud Barak, Israel Ministry of Defense
Firing Zone 918 in South Hebron Hills violates basic human rights. Its abolition would be a step toward promoting access by Palestinian inhabitants of the area to:
- the right to a dignified life;
- the freedom of movement;
- the right to private property;
- the right to education;
- the right to work;
- the right to medical care;
- the freedom of worship.
Given these circumstances, we strongly demand:
- the refusal of the Ministry of Defense request to evict the area;
- the abolition of Firing Zone 918;
- the respect for the rights and dignity of Palestinian communities in the South Hebron Hills.
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