Sankrant Sanu सानु संक्रान्त ਸੰਕ੍ਰਾਂਤ ਸਾਨੁKonto zweryfikowane


Founder . Author, Meditator, IITian. Learn Sufi dances, Sudarshan Kriya. Drummer. Book: The English Medium Myth निज भाषा उन्नति अहे

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  1. Przypięty tweet

    There is language of learning (or medium) and language of communication. They do NOT have to be the same. Research proves we learn best in the mother tongue. For communication one can always learn languages as needed. India does not need one *medium*.

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  2. Sometimes I get asked what India would be like if it had not been invaded and the British had not "civilized" us and "given us railways." Try 10X Japan. That's what India would be like without the English "gift." It would be the #1 economy in the world. Can still get there.

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  3. For the Islamic trolls. Yes, "invasions" includes Islamic invasions. Islamic invaders destroyed India's intellectual capacity (killed scholars, burnt universities, built none), British destroyed it economically. India was the knowledge and economic super-power before that.

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  4. Plenty of countries from Japan to Saudi keep Christian missionaries out. Both have good relations with the USA. Just takes clarity, which India does not have with fake "secularism" which makes us dumb and easy targets.

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  5. Sometimes I get asked what India would be like if it had not been invaded and the British had not "civilized" us and "given us railways." Try 10X Japan. That's what India would be like without the English "gift." It would be the #1 economy in the world. Can still get there.

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  6. Fascism and Communism are simply European cousins. Their rivalry is sibling rivalry. Both the Right and Left ideologies of Europe are children of Abrahamic exclusivism and inherit its totalitarian violence from it.

  7. Sharia and takeover of Hindus is fully funded and facilitated by the Indian state. Islamic rule in India imposed jaziya on Hindus. Christian rule said “dogs and Hindus not allowed.” Indian state does both—as an inheritor of those States, calls itself “secular.”

  8. “Minority” should never be a “status.” India’s schemers are not about “minorities” but about pandering to the two most powerful global religions. Ex-Muslims are the smallest minority. Any schemes for them?

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  9. India’s religious apartheid system extends to all areas, all govts. Now divorced women in Bihar get monthly maintenance from the State, but only if they are Muslim. Blatant religious discrimination is called “secularism” in India. No one protests.

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  10. 6 cze

    Attention friends, important, please retweet. I need a lawyer in Bern, Switzerland, willing to represent Arezu Eliassi who is being deported back to Iran after five years, where she will face imminent imprisonment, if not death. She has 12 days left. Post lawyer details below.

  11. 5 cze

    This is a must-read thread. We salute for calling out English language apartheid and colonized education system in India that systematically destroys native talent. has been speaking out against it, glad to see more leaders joining. Shame on

  12. This is because while there is at least some rising awareness about , Hindu lives clearly do not matter. This is why they are killed, raped, abducted every day. In Pakistan, Bangladesh, even in India. To "secular" complicity and even applause.

  13. 5 cze

    Congratulations to VOC Senior Fellow in China Studies who will serve on the Parliamentary Alliance on China (), providing expert advice on Chinese ethnic minority policies.

  14. W odpowiedzi do

    He is quite clueless, as are you. Hindu ethos holds India together. It is naive to think the imported misfit European graft of "secularism" does. India is plural because it is Hindu. It sheltered minorities far before Europe invented secularism.

  15. Racial minorities in the US are not equal to "minority" in India. Blacks were enslaved, Natives subject to genocide. In India were the rulers, Hindus faced genocide. They still do. Equivalent of in India is .

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  16. Racial minorities in the US are not equal to "minority" in India. Blacks were enslaved, Natives subject to genocide. In India were the rulers, Hindus faced genocide. They still do. Equivalent of in India is .

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  17. "Ugly" in Indian dress, "beautiful" in Western. "Kingdom of Dreams" show in Gurgaon—Villains in Indian clothes, carrying Trishul, speaking Hindi. Heroes spoke English, dressed in Western clothes. Director was Christian. Colonialism, racism, anti-Hinduism are the same package.

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  18. 5 cze

    Amazing wonders in India.. And students all over the world, including in India, hear only about the Sistine Chapel and its painting by Michelangelo... WHY?

  19. It's not the China plague. China is the plague. From "Great Leap Forward" to the genocide in Tibet to the crushing of internal dissent to the incarceration of Uighurs to the deliberate spreading of the . China kills free speech and dissent. The ideal of the far-Left.

  20. Because AltNews is not a fact-check portal. It is a propaganda portal, with a main aim of normalizing .

  21. India must explicitly rollback its "one china" capitulation. Tibet was an intimate part of the Indian civilization with a 1000-year project for translating Sanskrit texts into Tibetan. This saved many manuscripts from Islamic invasions, but then destroyed by the Chinese invasion.


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