Supporting the international mobility of artists through assistance, advocacy, and education.

Tamizdat is a nonprofit organization that facilitates and advocates for international cultural mobility and exchange. Driven by the conviction that the international mobility and exchange of culture is fundamental to a healthy and progressive civil society, Tamizdat seeks through its program activities to assist the international performing arts community in addressing problems presented by international borders, and U.S. immigration policy and procedure.
Artist Mobility Updates
Upcoming Tamizdat Events
  1. APAP: New York, NY: Panel: Global Priorities: Funders, Presenters, and International Cultural Exchange

    January 12 | 9:00 am - 10:00 am EST
  2. King Raam at APAP Sunday Plenary: “Resilience & Sustainability: The Long Conversation”

    January 12 | 11:30 am - 1:00 pm EST
  3. ISPA – Design Thinking: New Ideas Today

    January 16 | 11:30 am - 12:00 pm EST
  4. Folk Alliance International Conference Panel: “Do I need a visa? Do I have to pay taxes?”

    January 24 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am UTC+6
  5. Manitoba Music: Winnipeg, CA: Navigating U.S. Visa Applications + Border Laws

    January 31 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm UTC-6


TamizdatAVAIL provides pro bono U.S. visa assistance to the international performing arts community.

The Safe Haven Incubator for Music NYC

SHIM NYC is a creative and professional residency and mentorship program for international musicians who are persecuted or censored for their work.

The Policy Project

Through impact litigation and advocacy, Tamizdat seeks to make the U.S. artist visa process more affordable, reliable, equitable, and transparent.

Conference Sessions

Every year, Tamizdat provides educational sessions at international professional events and conferences.

Artist Mobility Forum

Join Tamizdat's listserv for real-time updates and conversation regarding international artist mobility.

White Paper

Tamizdat's 'White Paper on Artist Mobility to the U.S.' is a pragmatic, strategic, and data driven antidote for the dysfunctions in the U.S.’s artist visa system.

The Nova Review

The Nova Review is a publication and platform for conversation about the decolonization of the culture industry.

Artist Visa Services

Tamizdat's Artist Visa Services provides assistance to independent international artists, in collaboration with our affiliated law firm, CoveyLaw.

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