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  1. vor 4 Stunden
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  3. 26. Nov.
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  4. 26. Nov.
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    26. Nov.
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  6. 26. Nov.
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    26. Nov.

    Finally, class rage on the big screen provides a reflection of the particular despair and frustration underscoring our real-world present. writes

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    25. Nov.

    Big Thief ○ く|)へ 〉  ̄ ̄┗┓ My emotional stability     ┗┓  ヾ○シ    ┗┓ ヘ/       ┗┓ノ           ┗┓

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  9. 25. Nov.
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  10. 25. Nov.

    good lord, watchmen

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    23. Nov.

    my Knives are OUT my Gems are CUT my Women are LITTLE my Waters are DARK my Life is HIDDEN my Book is SMART my Man is IRISH my Smell is HERS my Varda is by AGNES my Marriage is STORIED my Cats are HORRIFYING

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    22. Nov.

    A Florida dog put a car into reverse and drove it in circles for nearly an hour

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  13. 22. Nov.

    there appears to be a good deal of unidentifiable blood on my car this morning

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    21. Nov.
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  15. 21. Nov.
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  16. 21. Nov.

    so my first Your Daily Podcast playlist served me two canadian football league podcasts and a couple of food-related episodes which, I suppose, could be worse

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    21. Nov.

    “I personally feel like people have started to come around on “y’all” as a word. I’ve seen people — not southerners — on the internet lauding the word y’all”

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    21. Nov.

    Tonight’s game v happened mostly in secaucus

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  19. 21. Nov.

    please, no, I need to sleep

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  20. 21. Nov.

    doncic is just fuckin unreal

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