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  1. Tweet épinglé
    26 nov.

    Be welcome to make a virtual visit to my Foundation

  2. a retweeté
    il y a 2 heures

    “If pain must come, may it come quickly. Because I have a life to live, and I need to live it in the best way possible. If he has to make a choice, may he make it now. Then I will either wait for him or forget him.” — Paulo Coelho (By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept)

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  3. il y a 38 minutes

    My most frequent exercise these days Is to shake my head in disbelief

  4. 17 déc.

    "Honesty is a very expensive gift. don't expect it from cheap people." Paulo Coelho, "The Spy" - based in a true story (2016)

  5. a retweeté
    17 déc.

    Uma das coisas da hegemonia cultural esquerdista no Brasil (e Ocidente) é, em fim, entender o porquê gente com obras medianas ou que não valem nada, como "Paulo Freire", "Chico Buarque", "Oscar Niemeyer", "Paulo Coelho", "Prestes", são tão badalados: todos são ícones esquerdosos.

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  6. 17 déc.
  7. 16 déc.

    O presidente tem medo de ser esquecido pelas bases se não disser algo absurdo 1 vez por dia (hj foi o Paulo Freire ) Declarações planejadas com mt cuidado nos subterrâneos do Planalto.

  8. 16 déc.

    A dream that is not dangerous, that does not provoke criticism that pleases everybody is unworthy of being called a dream at all.

  9. a retweeté
    12 déc.
    En réponse à

    Loving your last book! I'm just missing your signing!

  10. 12 déc.
  11. a retweeté
    12 déc.

    I’ve read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho probably 30 or more times and yet every time I realize something different, this story to me is magic itself, it portrays the beauty of life and following your heart and dreams but also reveals new secrets within myself every time.

  12. 10 déc.

    At the end of every day life will ask you: “ Are you sure you want to save the changes?”

  13. 9 déc.

    When you love and trust people more than they deserve Surely they will hurt you more than you deserve -- in Aleph, by Paulo Coelho

  14. 7 déc.

    Don't use the last days of 2019 worrying about what people say or think. Be a good person, but don't waste your time trying to prove it.

  15. 7 déc.

    20 sec read: We are all concerned with taking action

  16. 5 déc.

    When you delete or block negative people from your life, good things will start happening to you and it won't be a coincidence

  17. 4 déc.

    : final container now being shipped. I bought from my publishers over 32.000 copies of my books to be distributed for free to libraries in several countries. We've been working on this project since May Thank you ALL who helped. God bless

  18. 4 déc.

    A argumentação boba de sempre. Verdade que sou um dos 3 mais bem pagos escritores do mundo. Mas isso ocorreu porque sempre quis ser lido, e a "pirataria" ajudou a espalhar o trabalho.

  19. a retweeté
    3 déc.

    Lembro que gerou muito polêmica que o apresentou sua opinião sobre a pirataria dos seus livros...facto que fez com que o admirasse muito mais e foi um bust para que comprasse quase todos (se não literalmente todos) livros dele que encontrar nas livrarias..!!

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  20. 1 déc.

    Edward Hopper’s masterpiece

  21. 29 nov.

    Sophia Richie: The model got in a good read with a copy of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, which ... via


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