Wolfgang Wopperer-Beholz    


Sense-maker and facilitator, co-creator . Extinction Rebel. Previously co-founder , and .

London, England
Beigetreten März 2008


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  1. 2. Sept. 2020

    I would like to show you a map. A map that allows to navigate political landscapes and extract strategies for political actions like . It's a theory. This is what it looks like. You may recognize or maps and spectrum of allies. 1/

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  2. 30. Juli 2020

    Mit habe ich im Podcast von über und gesprochen. Eine schöne Alternative zum bedingten Ausfall der Konferenz. Hier zum Nachhören.

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  3. Premiere: Ich moderiere einen ! Folge eins: ein sehr spannendes Gespräch mit Harald Welzer.

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  4. 14. Feb. 2020

    , meine Perle...next week (Thur 21.02) I will speak there about , & whether we need to be braver. If you want to join, you can:

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  5. 6. Feb. 2020

    Wie kann auch in zu einem echten werden? Darüber reden Valerie Mocker () und Wolfgang Wopperer-Beholz () am 20.02. um 19 Uhr im . Anmeldungen hier 👉

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  6. 5. Okt. 2019
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  8. 28. Sept. 2019

    Summer is over but the rebellion has only just begun. Join us October 7th for the next We need everybody 🌍💚 Full video here > Information about the UK action HERE >

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  9. Alright. Debunking time, everyone. 1. Greta is a kid, a teenager. A nerdy kid who read up voraciously and researched climate change, already since years now, because she cared about it from a young age. 2. Greta is not a climate scientist, in the sense that she is not ... 1/

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  10. Come join our local action this Saturday at 1pm, it's the final one in Hackney before the International Rebellion. Thank you for the coverage.

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  11. 20. Sept. 2019

    Same shit, different century. Ernsthaft, es reicht. Ich bin 34 Jahre alt und in dieser Zeit hat sich rein gar nichts getan, trotz erdrückender Beweislage.

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  12. “The climate crisis demands new ways of thinking – scientists should be first to admit failure and move on.” Senior climate scientist Wolfgang Knorr from Lund University about why climate science has failed and what to do now:

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  13. “Any good thing you do now is arguably a hedge against the hotter future, but the really meaningful thing is that it’s good today. As long as you have something to love, you have something to hope for.”

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  14. “To have any chance of surviving as a species, we need to share resources, to bring the weakest and most marginalized into the center of our communities, and we’re going to get a lesson in dependence and interdependence like none of us have seen.”

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  15. Leave your desk. Invite your boss. Walk out of school. Switch off the TV. Put down your phone. Get on the streets. And bring everybody. You are called on. If you do one thing with your life, do this. Not later, now. Join the Rebellion on October 7th:

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  16. Science and society deal with complexity – but, judging from the current state of the world, they don’t seem to be very good at it. Why? And how can we change them to keep the worst from happening? New essay on complexity, metaphor, and radical change:

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  17. “Real democratic renewal will not come through Westminster manoeuvring, or new pieces of legal text, but through building serious and sturdy new institutions.”

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  18. “Our job is not to feel hope—that’s optional. Our job is to be hope, and to make space for the chance of a different future.” on how to keep going:

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  19. 28. Aug. 2019

    Metaphors are like climate models: always wrong, sometimes useful, confusing to retired engineers

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  20. "You are living in a country, and on a planet, in crisis. Your primary moral responsibility is to fight for your family, your species and all life on earth. You didn’t ask for it, you didn’t cause it, and you probably don’t like it. But here you are."

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