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The Official Twitter Account of India's Most Vibrant Political Movement - The Indian National Congress

New Delhi, India
Dołączył luty 2013


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  1. 8 godzin temu

    As you can see the entire nation is against the CAA, students are protesting but the PM & his govt. don't even want to listen to people: AICC General Secretary Smt.

  2. 8 godzin temu

    AICC General Secretary Smt. speaks to the media on her meeting with families in Bijnor, UP who have lost their loved ones during the anti-CAA protests.

  3. podał/a dalej
    10 godzin temu

    Dear Students of 🇮🇳, No Indian student should allow Modi-Shah to divide 🇮🇳the way they are doing. Students of 🇮🇳, you are the future of 🇮🇳 and 🇮🇳 is your future. Let’s stand together and fight their hate.

  4. 10 godzin temu

    CAA और NRC के बारे में चिंता का सबसे बड़ा विषय है- संविधान की आत्मा पर सीधा हमला। अब जब संविधान पर ही हमला हो जाएगा, तो कौन सुरक्षित होगा। क्योंकि, आज भारतवासी जो कुछ भी हैं, संविधान की बदौलत ही तो हैं।

  5. 10 godzin temu

    AICC General Secretary Smt. visits families in Bijnor, UP, who have lost loved ones during the anti-CAA protests.

  6. 11 godzin temu

    जिस वोटर आईडी कार्ड के बल पर भाजपा सत्ता में बैठी है, इन्होंने उसे ही खारिज कर दिया है। दरअसल, इन्होंने आपके अस्तित्व को खारिज करने का दुस्साहस किया है। क्योंकि, गृह मंत्री जी कहते हैं कि नागरिकता साबित करने के लिए न आधार चलेगा और न ही मतदाता पहचान पत्र।

  7. 12 godzin temu

    एक भारतीय नागरिक, जिसने इस हिंदुस्तान के लिए अपना जीवन समर्पित कर दिया, उसे अपने भारतीय होने का सबूत देना पड़े...इससे ज्यादा पीड़ादायक क्या होगा?

  8. 12 godzin temu

    उलझे-उलझे से जनाब नजर आते हैं। बातों में इनकी सारे जवाब नजर आते हैं। संभलकर रहना इनसे मेरे प्यारे देशवासियों। नियत में इनकी, इरादे खराब नजर आते हैं।

  9. 13 godzin temu

    CAA और NRC के बारे में चिंता का सबसे बड़ा विषय है- संविधान की आत्मा पर सीधा हमला। अब जब संविधान पर ही हमला हो जाएगा, तो कौन सुरक्षित होगा। क्योंकि, आज भारतवासी जो कुछ भी हैं, संविधान की बदौलत ही तो हैं।

  10. 13 godzin temu

    Given the precedent the Assam NRC has given us, an Indian citizen without the requisite documents will be forced to suffer the ordeal of several court cases & may eventually end up in a detention camp completely Stateless.

  11. 13 godzin temu

    The country is in danger & so the people have "changed their tune". What PM Modi continues to forget is that India is a democratic country & the people can give you praise & criticism in equal measure. A democratic leader must accept both wholeheartedly.

  12. 13 godzin temu

    Will the govt explain why communities like Christians from Bhutan & Tamil Hindus from Sri Lanka, who have a history of persecution have been left out of the CAA?

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  13. 13 godzin temu

    Please listen carefully to what Former PM Dr. Manmohan Singh says. Not once does he mention that religion should be the basis of giving persecuted Minorities in India’s neighbourhood citizenship? He says our approach should be liberal towards refugees.

  14. 13 godzin temu

    Why only some religions from some countries Modiji? Don't all refugees & persecuted communities deserve protection? Do you not believe all humans have a right to life & liberty? This law is unconstitutional & discriminatory & that is the truth.

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  15. 13 godzin temu

    Your party & your leaders have openly stated several times what your intentions with CAB & NRC are, there's no point backtracking now. Every Indian, regardless of creed or caste is worried about the CAA & NRC, because they violate our Constitutional values.

  16. 14 godzin temu

    प्रधानमंत्री जी, सत्ता के मद में आप चूर हैं, देश का दलित, अधिकारों से हुआ दूर है। पाकिस्तान है आपकी चिंताओं में शामिल, देश के दलित पर अत्याचार आपको क्यों मंजूर है?

  17. 14 godzin temu

    Does PM Modi believe Indians can't do a simple google search to fact check his lies? Detention Centres are extremely real and will continue to grow as long as this govt is in power.

  18. 14 godzin temu

    Given that CAA is a violation of the Constitution of India and NRC will require all Indians to provide proof of their citizenship, every Indian should be concerned with the direction this govt is taking our country.

  19. 14 godzin temu

    The Congress NRC was envisioned for Assam alone in accordance with Assam Accord, which clearly stated all illegal immigrants in Assam will be expelled, REGARDLESS of religion. The NRC BJP intends to bring is nationwide & has been announced in Parliament & speeches multiple times

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  20. 14 godzin temu

    The CAA is a violation of the Indian Constitution & the Secular fabric of India, which every citizen is connected to & every citizen has a right to defend. The PM & his party will never understand this, as they've never had any respect for Constitutional values.

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