Scotland World Cup Squad 1974 Easy Easy

This record made No 20 in the "Hit Parade" in 1974 and has the greatest lyrics to any song ever !

"Yaba daba doo we'll support the boys in blue"
"Ring a ding a ding, there goes willy on the wing"
"Ring a ding a dong now we know we can't go wrong"

I could go on but you gotta hear it yourself

Reginald Bosanquet Dance with me

Reginald Bosanquet was a famous ITN Newsreader in the 70`s
This is not an impressionist, it's actiually him.
And it's truly dreadful. the worst dance track ever made ?

Billy Connolly You take my Photograph (I break your face)

Billy Connolly goes all Electronic....... I kid you not.

The year is 1983, the Lyrics are By Billy himself and something tells me this is a deeply personal song.
It's also a very apt & relevent song for today's media savvy world.

Who would have though Billy Connolly could sound so futuristic ;-)

Jess Conrad why am i living ?

The inspiration for this blog is a compilation album that the late great Kenny Everett put together.

The worlds worst record show "cringe along with us"

This album features some of the worst records ever made. The idea isn't to list records that are intentionally bad, these tracks are supposed to have been made in all seriousness, they just didn't turn out that way.
In fact they are so bad, they make me smile & I hope they do the same for you
In most cases you need to pay special attention to the dreadful lyrics and this one is no exception.
My favourite track from the album, Jess Conrad asking the question, Why am i living ?
Dig the groovy backing singers !

Shooby Taylor the Human Horn

Paul 'Benny' Henry Waiting at the Crossroads

Crossroads was a long running UK TV Soap that ran from the early 60's through to the 80's and despite much derision for it's for low production values and far-fetched scripts, attracting huge viewing figures in the millions.
"Benny" was one of the most popular of the characters to come from this soap, a simple man who wore the same hat and cloths for what seemed like 10 years.
This single was released in 1980 by the Actor who created him, Paul Henry, but for some reason it wasn't a hit. I can't think why can you ?