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Journal Reviewer Gateway

At SAGE we value the work done by peer reviewers in the academic community, who provide an essential service to the process of publication excellence, driving research within their fields of expertise.

The peer review process is essential to the development of research across all subject areas. Authors and researchers benefit from having their paper improved and their knowledge developed. Reviewers also benefit from being able to read cutting edge research prior to publication and before anyone else in the field. They also have the satisfaction of knowing that they are contributing directly to the development of their chosen field.

We hope that the following pages will provide you with information and resources to help you when you are taking part in this essential process.

 SAGE Journals in the 2018 Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science Group, 2019)

To view highlights across the SAGE portfolio and see a listing of Impact Factors by Journal, visit 2018 Impact Factor and Ranking Results >>