Skillshare 2019.2 – Timetable

This is the temporary timetable for the skillsharing camp. This isn’t the final version. The participation of many is vital to the skillsharing camp. If you have a skill you want to share or you want to talk about a specific topic… go for it and write an e-mail about what you want to do and when, to All workshops and events are at the meadow or the forest.


Reply to the press release of the administrative court Aachen about its decision on an eviction of the meadow occupation

Kurt Claßen, the owner of the meadow, wrote the mail below. We translated the most important paragraph:

The question of whether the protest camp next to Hambach Forest must be evicted or not, was not the subject of the decision of the Administrative Court of Aachen in an urgent procedure, thus the the court has not decided in this. The subject of the decision of the Administrative Court was rather … more…

An Open Answer to Extinction Rebellion Köln

The following text was published (and commented, mainly in english) on the german version of our site.
It is an open answer to Extinction Rebellion Köln. It is continuing the discourse that started on the hambibleibt mastodon account with a thread about controversies related to XR.
To read how it started follow this link:
why we choose to be on mastodon you can … more…

Skillsharing Camp in Hambach Forest, Sept 15th – 23rd

The second Skillsharing Camp of this year will take place from September 15th to 23rd. Here is the current Timetable.
We, the orga team, are currently very understaffed. If you are currently in the forest and / or in the meadow and you can imagine helping, then write to No prior knowledge required 😉

We still don’t have a kitchen crew. If you happen to … more…