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  • Arctic Code Vault Contributor


  1. A node.js server which collects and manages access to weather data


  2. STM32 Nucleo-F429ZI FreeRTOS RFM69HCW Weather Station Receiver / Indoor Unit


  3. Reads weather station data from the serial port, posts to the wx-depository


  4. STM32 Nucleo-F429ZI FreeRTOS RFM69HCW Weather Station Transmitter / Outdoor Unit


542 contributions in the last year

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Contribution activity

December 2020

Created 12 commits in 1 repository

Created a pull request in woocommerce/woocommerce-gateway-stripe that received 4 comments

For payments initiated by payment request buttons, set form top error container

Changes proposed in this Pull Request: Issue: Link to the GitHub issue this PR addresses (if appropriate). Fixes #879 Description: If a payment req…

+15 −3 4 comments
Opened 2 other pull requests in 1 repository

Created an issue in woocommerce/woocommerce-gateway-stripe that received 7 comments

Stop saving new cards to sources. Use the PaymentMethods API instead

Stripe recommends using the PaymentsMethods API instead of sources and tokens. See F…


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