Supporting continuity and open collaboration

Security Policy

Reporting security bugs

Reports about security vulnerabilities can be sent to We are also running a HackerOne profile at

The MariaDB Server developers classify all security bugs according to their threat level. The threat level can be one of:

  • Critical: an exploitable vulnerability that causes arbitrary code execution or allows an unauthenticated user to crash the server or get access to
    the data.
  • Medium: everything else.

We strive to fix any Critical security bug immediately, usually within hours, and release fixed MariaDB binaries as soon as possible, usually the next day.

We will fix Medium security bugs as soon as possible, but we will not change our planned release schedule to get the fix out earlier.

Please review our Security Policy and Assets covered within that we have available on our HackerOne profile.

Generic guidelines on reporting bugs

The Reporting Bugs page on the KnowledgeBase has details on how to report a bug.

The developers are generally happy to help with verifying bugs. If you need help, ask on IRC or on the maria-developers mailing list.

If the bug is repeatable, it is very helpful if you create a test case for the bug for use with mysql-test-run. See Debugging MariaDB with mysql-test-run for more information.

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