Auschwitz MemorialCompte certifié


Official account. The Memorial preserves the site of the former German Nazi Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp. You can help

Oświęcim, Polska
Inscrit en mai 2012


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    30 nov.

    750,000 goal reached. Thank you ALL for this incredible support. Following us should be THE FIRST step. Remember the past but also reflect on our moral responsibility for the world. Think: "What can I do to make our world a better & safer place." And start doing it. Now.

  2. Raczyński believed UN will see necessity "not only of condemning the crimes committed by the Germans & punishing the criminals, but also of finding means offering the hope that Germany might be effectively restrained from continuing to apply her methods of mass extermination”

  3. 10 December 1943 | 334 Soviet POWs, invalids (deported from Viljandi on 28 November 28), were taken from sector BIIa at Auschwitz II-Birkenau to a gas chamber. To cover up the fact of killing the POWs, the SS presented the version that they would be transported to KL Lublin.

  4. 10 grudnia 1943 | Wywieziono z sektora BIIa w Auschwitz II-Birkenau do komory gazowej 334 sowieckich jeńców wojennych - inwalidów (przywiezionych 28 listopada z Viljandi). By zatuszować fakt zabijania jeńców, władze SS podały wersję, że zostaną oni przewiezieni do KL Lublin.

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    10 December 1942 | Deliana Rademakers, a Dutch Jehovah’s Witness perished in . She was registered in the camp on 20 November 1942. One of at least 387 Jehovah’s Witnesses imprisoned in Auschwitz. Her story in :

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    10 December 1942 | A transport of 2,500 Jews deported from a transit camp in Małkinia arrived at . 1,976 people were killed in gas chambers. 524 men were registered in the camp - among them Załmen Lewental, one of the future leaders of the resistance in Sonderkommando.

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    "Resistance Movement in KL Auschwitz" The lesson summarizes the organization of secret resistance activity that took place at Auschwitz from the very beginning of its operation, including informing the world about the crimes perpetrated in the camp.

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    "From the uprising Warsaw to Auschwitz" The lesson tells the story of nearly 13 thousand citizens of Warsaw deported to Auschwitz through a transit camp in Pruszków after the outbreak of an armed Uprising in Warsaw.

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    "Extermination of Jews at KL Auschwitz" The lesson analyses the situation of Jewish prisoners of the concentration camp in different periods & chronology of events that led to the transformation of Auschwitz into an extermination center.

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    "Expulsion of Polish and Jewish population from Oświęcim and nearby villages 1940-42" The lesson dedicated to expulsions that the German authorities carried out between 1940-42 against the Polish and Jewish inhabitants of Oświęcim and nearby villages.

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    "Escapes from KL Auschwitz" The lesson describes the geographical location of the Auschwitz camp, its security system, alarm system, repressions faced by captured escapees, the collective revolts and finally tells the stories of 25 escapes.

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    "Art at Auschwitz" The lesson is dedicated to a unique document that shows the reality of functioning of Auschwitz and the fate of its victims through the works of art created by the prisoners.

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    [THREAD] A visit to is a unique personal & educational experience. Thanks to our online lessons people from all around the world can learn about different specific aspects of the of . This thread presents our 16 online lessons.

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  14. "Roma in Auschwitz" The main topic of the lesson is the history of deportations and the subsequent extermination of Roma and Sinti people in the Auschwitz camp.

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  15. "Resistance Movement in KL Auschwitz" The lesson summarizes the organization of secret resistance activity that took place at Auschwitz from the very beginning of its operation, including informing the world about the crimes perpetrated in the camp.

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  16. "Preparation for a visit to the Auschwitz Memorial" The main task of this lesson is to prepare for a visit to the .

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  17. "Preparation to the visit at the Auschwitz Memorial for youth over 13 years old" The lesson presents basic information about the Nazi ideology, describes the history of Auschwitz and the development of extermination of Jews and Roma.

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  18. "From the uprising Warsaw to Auschwitz" The lesson tells the story of nearly 13 thousand citizens of Warsaw deported to Auschwitz through a transit camp in Pruszków after the outbreak of an armed Uprising in Warsaw.

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  19. "First deportations of Poles to Auschwitz" The lesson tells the story of the first weeks of the newly created German Nazi camp and its first prisoners - Poles deported from the Cracow district in the General Government.

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  20. "Fate of Soviet prisoners in Auschwitz" The lesson about the fate of almost 15,000 of Soviet Prisoners of War imprisoned at Auschwitz.

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  21. "Extermination of Jews at KL Auschwitz" The lesson analyses the situation of Jewish prisoners of the concentration camp in different periods & chronology of events that led to the transformation of Auschwitz into an extermination center.

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