Risultati della ricerca
  1. 9 dic
  2. 9 dic

    if i wasn't sure about who I wanted to win before, I sure am now.

  3. 8 dic

    Fuck .

  4. 9 dic

    Aunque percibe casi 88 mil pesos netos al mes, el embajador de en , Óscar Valero, intentó robar un libro de menos de $200 en la famosa librería "El Ateneo", en Buenos Aires

  5. 20 ore fa

    The downward-facing flower spike of Stanhopea graveolens, an orchid that grows on trees in montane forests in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras.

  6. 9 dic
  7. 23 ore fa

    Temple of the Feathered Serpent - , . Architecture and iconography of Xochicalco show affinities with and the area. The meaning of the stone reliefs has not yet been clearly deciphered.

  8. 8 dic
    Questo contenuto potrebbe includere materiale sensibile. Scopri di più
  9. 9 dic

    para conozcan a quién roba a los de ayer en el video de redes, les destruyó su mercancía, y los revictimiza. ¿Qué onda con el ?

  10. 18 minuti fa

    We're ON with our last event of the semester, "Critical Reflections on Criminology in Latin America", opens the discussion with his presentation on inequality and social capital in .

  11. 16 ore fa

    is trending in . It has to do with Ricardo Valero, Mexico 's ambassador to Argentina, who was caught shoplifting at a bookstore in , causing national embarrassment.

  12. 8 dic

    Such a great evening with my Hollywood friend’s. Great conversation, wonderful listeners even though it was deafening. The beauty of the evening was when the bill came they couldn’t find their wallets.

  13. 12 ore fa

    The "maroma" (spin) that MORENA (ruling party in Mexico) sympathizers are giving in response to the fiasco of 's ambassador to Argentina caught shoplifting, is that he maybe suffering from kleptomania. Others are even romanticizing the theft. Seriously.

  14. 9 dic

    Escándalo diplomático: el Embajador de en la fue sorprendido hurtando un libro en una emblemática librería de Buenos Aires. Oscar Ricardo Valero Recio Becerra, hombre del círculo de confianza de López Obrador, fue filmado por las cámaras

  15. 8 dic
  16. 8 dic

    Has anyone taken an international flight with ? What has been your experience? Can I bring my narcan kit with me to ?

    Mostra questa discussione
  17. 5 minuti fa

    Dana with a couple of our local burros outside Yve's restaurant in Ajijic.

  18. 9 dic

    is it possible to have three miss universe crown this year? i can't choose, they all speak with substance and spontaneity plus they're so charming and beautiful in their own ways!

  19. 9 dic

    and have the best costumes and purest hearts of the night!

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