Rosie's Haven

Ask me anything   Submit a post   Rosie. 24. San Diego. Caregiver. Loves Hockey and Baseball, among other things. Chicago Blackhawks. San Francisco Giants. Tom Hiddleston. Buster Posey. Patrick Sharp. Brent Seabrook. Duncan Keith. Anything else, I'm super friendly, don't be afraid to...


michaelmuller7: For all the hard work you did in #ENDGAME in helping try to save the World or not, as you’ll have to watch it to find out. Here are a couple outtakes from the @_manabouttownuk shoot we did. Looking forward to Far From Home to fly into theaters.

(via skymoonandstardust)

— 1 hour ago with 535 notes


if i can’t have you - shawn mendes | 2019

(via thebookofmendes)

— 1 hour ago with 889 notes


This is the Jackie Aina money pic. Reblog and watch your skin clear, your edges grow, and your bank account flourish!


(via champagnesugamama)

— 1 day ago with 15498 notes





Toddlers are so pure. She doesn’t understand that we help her with certain things because she’s little. She thinks that everyone just helps each other like that. So she tries to blow on my food and cut it up for me and tries to help me put on my shoes.

i was giving little wagon rides to a baby around the backyard one day and all of a sudden she hops off and slaps the seat of the wagon telling me to get on because it was my turn and i was like no it’s ok im too heavy and she was like NO ITS UR TURN and kept tugging on my hand so i would sit down. eventually i got on and it was just a little 2 year old trying so hard to push me around on a wagon not understanding why it wouldn’t budge but still so determined to let me have my turn lol

I don’t think I’d realised how many casual compliments we pay to our toddler until she started casually complimenting us back, because experience has taught her that’s How Social Interaction Is Done, and there’s nothing quite like a very earnest three-year-old solemnly and sincerely informing you that you look wonderful and smell nice to make you feel really good about yourself

I tell her she’s my best girl. She tells me I’m her best auntie. Then we both feel good about the world!

Teach them kindness.

(via frdandersen31)

— 2 days ago with 254195 notes
I Hate Everything About You - Part 1 (Noah Centineo)



Originally posted by lilpieceofmyworld

She’s the daughter of Robert Downey Jr., struggling to find her own name in the industry, while he’s the internet’s collective crush, learning how to deal with his new-found fame. What happens when they get cast together in a TV adaptation of her favourite book series?

Word Count: 2.6 K

Pairings: Noah Centineo X Reader

Warnings: None as far as I’m aware, bit of love/hate if you’re not into that, bit of drinking, spray tans, paparazzi

There is just something incredibly satisfying about kicking back, putting your feet up and lying in the sun, doing nothing at all. The sound of the waves crashing, little kids squealing all around and the sultry rays of the sun beating down on you, warming you up from within – it’s summer at its absolute best. Which is why, I’m sprawled out on a deck chair on Santa Monica Beach, California, sipping a Piña Colada – I’m only seventeen but here with my very lenient mother – With a pair of shades shielding my eyes and the rest of my bikini-clad body exposed, so as to work up a tan. Hard work, I know, since I’ve been at it for nearly four hours now and there isn’t even a toasty hint on my skin to show for it. My complexion is pasty and uneven, which I have no idea how because I’ve been in California all my life. The least I should have is beautiful, evenly bronzed skin.

Ugh, I think in frustration, I should’ve just gotten one of those terrible, orange, spray tans to match the president. At least they’re easy to get.

Correction to my earlier statement, then – There is just something incredibly satisfying about kicking back, putting your feet up and lying in the sun, doing nothing at all, when you’re capable of tanning! My back is stiff and I’m sweating like a pig, as there is hardly any wind today. The humidity has resulted in my hair going beyond frizzy and I’m completely unrecognizable, so at least there is no chance of any paparazzi getting candid shots of me and making them viral with headlines like- ‘Y/N Downey shows off sexy bikini bod!’ Or something equally ridiculous.

Keep reading

— 2 days ago with 138 notes


“I’m not a monster, I’m just ahead of the curve.”

 Heath Ledger as the Joker in The Dark Knight (2008) dir. Christopher Nolan

(via kboogie09)

— 2 days ago with 3262 notes



So sweet

I don’t know if you’ve actually seen this episode, but Pam invites the entire office to her art show that she’s been gearing up for for a really long time. Nobody shows up except for Oscar and his partner (and they critique her work, calling her “lacking in courage” among other things, not realizing she is standing right behind them) and then Michael. And Michael is the only one who tells her she is great just for putting herself out there, and the only one who places value on what she’s done, and he points out all the little details she got right and notices absolutely every bit of hard work she put into it. And then treats Pam like the artist she is by not just paying her for her art, but displaying it where literally everyone can see it.

It’s one of my favorite episodes.

(Source: four-toed-creed, via bobs-burgers-ho)

— 2 days ago with 862642 notes




Signs you grew up lonely

- Chasing people who don’t want you

-Making up lots of stories and worlds

-Overtalking whenever there’s someone to talk to

-Excessive reading


-Clinging emotionally to others

-Being the ‘disposable’ friend in the group

-Excessive baths

-Talking to oneself

-Obsessive friendships

-Excessive helpfulness


You don’t have to be so rude

(via melaninmarvel)

— 2 days ago with 269385 notes


title: nine of wands
summary: “Please don’t leave.” He scrambles to his feet and grabs your hand. Smooth, long fingers curl around yours. Strong hands capable of harm that hold you with such reverence. You never imagined his mouth, intimate and soft, would be the thing that hurt you.
if you enjoyed it, please consider reblogging, kudos and/or commenting—whichever best suits your energy levels.
length: 1.3k words
prompt: tarots (& low-key hands) + Sebastian Stan by @themusicplayedherlife
beau: sebastian stan


Originally posted by lowkeysebastianstan

“We—I kissed her.”

The weight of the night sits on your shoulders like a school bag bursting at the seams with textbooks. And much like the anxious kid you were on your first day of high school, your throat is raw with fear. Your heart is straining against the strings holding it up as the words stumbling out of his mouth each have a go at it.

read on ao3 here

— 3 days ago with 40 notes