Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority.

Read our 2019 Annual Report (Desktop, Mobile)

From our blog

  • How Let's Encrypt Runs CT Logs

    Let’s Encrypt launched a Certificate Transparency (CT) log this past spring. We’re excited to share how we built it in hopes that others can learn from what we did.

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  • Onboarding Your Customers with Let's Encrypt and ACME

    If you work at a hosting provider or CDN, ACME’s DNS-01 validation method can make it a lot easier to onboard new customers who have an existing HTTPS website at another provider. Before your new customer points their domain name at your servers, you need to have a certificate already installed for them. Otherwise visitors to the customer’s site will see an outage for a few minutes while you issue and install a certificate.

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  • Introducing Oak, a Free and Open Certificate Transparency Log

    Today we are announcing a new Certificate Transparency log called Oak.

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