Will Griffin: A Soldier’s Journey to Revolution

Will Griffin: A Soldier’s Journey to Revolution

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
Watch the video below

by Will Griffin
Writer, Dandelion Salad
The Peace Report, Oct. 21, 2019
October 23, 2019

I recently interviewed an Afghanistan veteran about his transition from US Army soldier to Revolutionary Communist. Mason Bliss deployed twice to Afghanistan, in 2011 and in 2013. Since separating from the US Army in 2015, he has been organizing as a communist, raising the consciousness of the masses and fighting back against the system he once defended, US imperialism.

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Counting Down to Civilization’s Collapse + Inequality, Climate Change, and America’s Destabilization by Rainer Shea

Make Capitalism Extinct

Image by Collin Anderson via Flickr

by Rainer Shea
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Rainer Shea: Anti-Imperialist Journalist, Oct. 4, 2019
October 16, 2019

As I’ve watched young people around the world take part in the climate actions of the last few weeks, I’ve gotten the sense that I’m watching a spectacle which has been orchestrated to create the illusion that we’re still in an earlier, more stable time for the planet’s climate. Legitimate as the passion and commitment of this generation of teen climate activists is, their efforts are being packaged by the political and media establishment in a way that encourages denial about our situation. These ruling institutions neither want us to recognize the real solutions to the crisis, nor to see the irrecoverable and massive damage that’s already been done to the climate.

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Only Revolution Can Save Us by Paul Street

Sunday London...

Image by Paul de Gregorio via Flickr

by Paul Street
Writer, Dandelion Salad
The Official Website of Paul Street, Sept. 1, 2019
September 9, 2019

Is there no limit to the lethal and authoritarian absurdity of America, land of mass gun massacres like Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Aurora, Orlando, Las Vegas, Parkland, and now El Paso and Dayton among other pockmarked sites?

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The Sources of Early Christian Communism by Roman A. Montero

Happy Birthday to Jesus, the Anti-Imperialist Socialist!

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

by Roman A. Montero
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Oslo, Norway
Roman A. Montero’s blog
Originally published by Church life Journal, July 30, 2019
September 6, 2019

In the vast literature dealing with the rise of Christianity, we find many different accounts of how this small sect of Jewish messianists arose, spread, and eventually took over the Roman Empire. However, most of these histories focus on Christianity as a group defined by a set of beliefs, or a group dedicated to the adoration of the person of Jesus Christ. While it is true that Christianity, as it arose, was certainly those things, it was also a group with its own socio-economic ideology and set of practices.

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The Fight Against Climate Change Is An Anti-Colonialist Struggle by Rainer Shea + The Amazon is Burning at a Record Rate

The Fight Against Climate Change Is An Anti-Colonialist Struggle by Rainer Shea + The Amazon is Burning at a Record Rate

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
Watch the video below

by Rainer Shea
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Rainer Shea: Anti-Imperialist Journalist, Aug. 27, 2019
August 30, 2019

With this month’s burning of the Amazon as a result of the actions of the fascist Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, the first world has gotten a glimpse of the horrors that the world’s poor and indigenous people have long been experiencing at the hands of capitalism and colonialism. Because the Amazon’s existence is crucial for preventing climate apocalypse, the world outside of the region’s indigenous community now feels threatened by the consequences of profit-motivated white supremacy.

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Chris Hedges: Extinction Rebellion Has Called For A Global Strike By Workers Around The World

Extinction Rebellion London

Image by Alexander Savin via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

RT America on Aug 10, 2019

On Contact host Chris Hedges talks to Roger Hallam, co-founder of the British-based group Extinction Rebellion. The global grassroots movement uses nonviolent acts of civil disobedience by occupying areas of capitals of major industrial countries in protest, to reverse what they argue is a one-way track to global extinction. Activists are demanding the ruling elites state the truth about the climate emergency and implement radical measures to halve carbon emissions by 2025 and terminate the 150-year binge on fossil fuels.

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Rise and Resist!

Rise and Resist!

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

by Rivera Sun
Writer, Dandelion Salad
July 19, 2019

Fiery. Evocative. Uplifting.

Fiction meets reality in these impassioned and hard-hitting essays on love, courage, politics, and resistance.

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Some Like It Hot by William Bowles (updated)

London November 16 2018 (23) Extinction Rebellion Climate Change

Image by DAVID HOLT via Flickr

by William Bowles
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Investigating Imperialism
London, England
July 18, 2019, updated: July 19, 2019

I am nothing if not an optimist, a trait that most on the Left seem to share. A belief in the future, that there is one that includes us. That things, eventually, get better, if we fight for it. ‘Unrealistic’, I hear you say, what is there to be optimistic about? The planet is going to hell and taking us all with it, and there’s nothing we can do about it! Well, maybe so, then this happened, a small event, minute even, in the scheme of things but somehow it triggered a response in me that I could not ignore and which I had to address:

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David Harvey, Michael Hudson, David Kotz and Alexander Buzgalin: The End of the “End of History” (Left Forum 2019)

long live socialism Occupy May Day 2012

Image by brent granby via Flickr

with Michael Hudson
Writer, Dandelion Salad
July 9, 2019

Left Forum 2019

At the panel, speakers will argue that the decline of neo-liberalism and the growth of a new conservative wave are objectively conditioned. The prevailing model of late capitalism that has led to the domination of the market of simulacra, financialization and stagnation, called the ‘new normality’, cannot ensure the progress of the productive forces that are on the verge of not just another technological revolution, but a qualitative change – the genesis of the economy in which a decisive role will be played not by reproductive, but by creative work.

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Chris Hedges, Kali Akuno and Richard Wolff: Lenin: His Works’ Pertinence Here and Now, Left Forum 2019


Image by rdesign812 via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges, Kali Akuno and Richard D. Wolff

Left Forum 2019

A century ago, Lenin led the world’s first revolution against capitalism that successfully established a new and different government and society, the USSR. Lenin’s work before, during and shortly after that revolution left a legacy of insights, strategies, and programs. This panel aims to highlight and discuss some of the most pertinent aspects for today of Lenin’s life and work. We intend to include time for audience participation and discussion.

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Caleb Maupin: Can Socialism Be Achieved Through Voting? + What’s Up with Andrew Yang? A Conversation on UBI

Class War #occupyboston

Image by Chase Elliott Clark via Flickr

with Caleb Maupin
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Caleb Maupin (website)
Caleb Maupin (Facebook Page)
June 21, 2019

“Socialism is a society coming together and taking control of the major centers of economic power: the banks, factories and industries, the major natural resources, the major sources of energy, all the centers of the economy. All the centers of economic power being controlled by society and functioning to work in the benefit of society. If you think that that could come into being as the result of a bunch of people going to the polls and clicking for one candidate, that’s delusional, could never happen.” — Caleb Maupin

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To Survive: We Need A Global Awakening Much Bigger Than A “Revolution,” Much Deeper Than Just Ending Capitalism by Eric Schechter


Image by Revan Jinn via Flickr

by Eric Schechter aka LeftyMathProf
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Eric’s Rants and Videos blog
June 9, 2019

Paradise or Extinction

leftymathprof on Jun 8, 2019

The climate apocalypse will soon kill all of us (including the plutocrats), if we don’t take drastic measures right away. But the plutocrats are blocking those measures, because they don’t want anything cutting into their short-term profits. In this video I discuss the crazy culture that has us headed toward extinction. To survive, we need an immense cultural change.

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Wisdom: A Force Unstoppable

Wisdom - Seeds of Light

Image by Hartwig HKD via Flickr

The Essays of The Man From the North by Rivera Sun
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Originally published Dec. 15, 2013
June 6, 2019

“Look out upon this nation and tell me what you see,” a friend once said to me.

I told her I saw anger, hunger, poverty, senselessness, fear, sick and worried people, hatred twisting faces, greed stuffing overfull guts, ignorance regurgitating lies, well-intentioned impotence, self-centered passivity, and, beyond this roiling sea of humanity’s foibles, I saw my opponents lined up to massacre us all.

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We Need To Overthrow The Present Political System by Eric Schechter

Sunday London...

Image by Paul de Gregorio via Flickr

by Eric Schechter aka LeftyMathProf
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Eric’s Rants and Videos blog
May 29, 2019

This morning an acquaintance of mine emailed me a link to Jem Bendell’s article “Deep Adaptation.” Following is a slightly revised copy of the reply I sent to him:

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Who Among the Contented Classes Will Unfurl the Flag of Rebellion Against the Plutocrats and the Autocrats? by Ralph Nader

20110928 Class War

Image by Chris Piascik via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

Updated: May 22, 2019

by Ralph Nader
The Nader Page, May 9, 2019
May 21, 2019

For all the rhetoric and all the charities regarding America’s children, the U.S. stands at the very bottom of western nations and some other countries as well, in terms of youth well-being. The U.S.’s exceptionalism is clearest in its cruelty to children. The U.S. has the highest infant mortality rate of comparable OECD countries. Not only that, but 2.5 million American children are homeless and 16.2 million children “lack the means to get enough nutritious food on a regular basis.”

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