Chris Hedges, Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese: The Mechanics of Rebellion

Trouble Maker w Sign

Image by Lynn Friedman via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges, Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese

RT America on Oct 12, 2019

Host Chris Hedges talks to activists Dr. Margaret Flowers and attorney Kevin Zeese, who run Popular Resistance, about power and the effect of organized, sustained civil disobedience and forms of no-cooperation when it comes to issues of war, internal security and corporate domination.

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Chris Hedges: Extinction Rebellion Has Called For A Global Strike By Workers Around The World

Extinction Rebellion London

Image by Alexander Savin via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

RT America on Aug 10, 2019

On Contact host Chris Hedges talks to Roger Hallam, co-founder of the British-based group Extinction Rebellion. The global grassroots movement uses nonviolent acts of civil disobedience by occupying areas of capitals of major industrial countries in protest, to reverse what they argue is a one-way track to global extinction. Activists are demanding the ruling elites state the truth about the climate emergency and implement radical measures to halve carbon emissions by 2025 and terminate the 150-year binge on fossil fuels.

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Will Griffin: US Veterans Poll: Wars Not Worth Fighting + Sara Flounders: Sanctions Kill: Economic Warfare and the Migration Crisis

Will Griffin: US Veterans poll: Wars Not Worth Fighting + Sara Flounders: Sanctions Kill: Economic Warfare and the Migration Crisis

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
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by Will Griffin
Writer, Dandelion Salad
The Peace Report
August 1, 2019

The Peace Report on Jul 14, 2019

Will Griffin, an Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, interviewed on RT to discuss the recent poll showing the majority of US veterans say the Middle East wars are “not worth fighting”.

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Puerto Rico Rises Up by Jason Cohen + Corruption, Mismanagement, and Disrespect Fuel Puerto Rico Protests

Puerto Rico Rises Up by Jason Cohen + Corruption, Mismanagement, and Disrespect Fuel Puerto Rico Protests

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
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Dandelion Salad

Updated: July 25, 2019

by Jason Cohen
Workers World
July 24, 2019

The souls of Puerto Ricans everywhere should burn with indignation as they read through the text messages by Gov. Ricardo Rossello and members of his administration written in a group chat. On July 13, the Center for Investigative Journalism in Puerto Rico published 900 pages of the messages.

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Rise and Resist!

Rise and Resist!

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

by Rivera Sun
Writer, Dandelion Salad
July 19, 2019

Fiery. Evocative. Uplifting.

Fiction meets reality in these impassioned and hard-hitting essays on love, courage, politics, and resistance.

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Some Like It Hot by William Bowles (updated)

London November 16 2018 (23) Extinction Rebellion Climate Change

Image by DAVID HOLT via Flickr

by William Bowles
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Investigating Imperialism
London, England
July 18, 2019, updated: July 19, 2019

I am nothing if not an optimist, a trait that most on the Left seem to share. A belief in the future, that there is one that includes us. That things, eventually, get better, if we fight for it. ‘Unrealistic’, I hear you say, what is there to be optimistic about? The planet is going to hell and taking us all with it, and there’s nothing we can do about it! Well, maybe so, then this happened, a small event, minute even, in the scheme of things but somehow it triggered a response in me that I could not ignore and which I had to address:

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President Manuel Zelaya: The US-backed Coup d’etat Turned Honduras Into Hell + Honduras Now Ruled By A Criminal Gang


Image by Peg Hunter by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

The Grayzone on Jul 1, 2019

The Grayzone’s Anya Parampil sat down for an exclusive interview with Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, on the 10th anniversary of the US-backed right-wing military coup that overthrew him.

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Blowing Up The Armory

ows sign class war ahead

Image by Pamela Drew via Flickr

The Essays of The Man From the North by Rivera Sun
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Originally published Jan. 26, 2014
June 26, 2019

We have been losing ground. Corporate politics has invaded many sectors of our lives. In times of tactical retreat (in preparation for later advances), the military uses a tactic called blowing up the armory to describe a situation in which they will destroy any unsecured weapons and munitions to prevent their opponents from capturing them and using the arsenal against the retreating forces.

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Wisdom: A Force Unstoppable

Wisdom - Seeds of Light

Image by Hartwig HKD via Flickr

The Essays of The Man From the North by Rivera Sun
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Originally published Dec. 15, 2013
June 6, 2019

“Look out upon this nation and tell me what you see,” a friend once said to me.

I told her I saw anger, hunger, poverty, senselessness, fear, sick and worried people, hatred twisting faces, greed stuffing overfull guts, ignorance regurgitating lies, well-intentioned impotence, self-centered passivity, and, beyond this roiling sea of humanity’s foibles, I saw my opponents lined up to massacre us all.

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Showdown At The Venezuelan Embassy: Federal Authorities Back Down After Threatening To Evict Peace Activists Inside By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers + Activists Arrested! (updated)

Showdown At The Venezuelan Embassy: Federal Authorities Back Down After Threatening To Evict Peace Activists Inside By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, From Inside the Venezuelan Embassy

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

Updated: May 15-17, 2019

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, from inside the Venezuelan embassy
Popular Resistance
May 15, 2019

Writing on Day 36 of the campaign to prevent a US-sponsored coup by protecting the Venezuelan Embassy from illegal takeover.

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Humanitarian Aid Blocked from Entering Venezuelan Embassy in Washington D.C. by David Swanson + Medea Benjamin: Venezuelan Embassy’s Power Cut

Embassy Protection Collective Activists Occupying the Venezuela Embassy in Washington, DC

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
Watch the videos below

by David Swanson
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Let’s Try Democracy
May 10, 2019

Two months ago, I heard a story. You heard it too, if you went anywhere near a television or a newspaper in the United States. The government of Venezuela needed to be overthrown because it wouldn’t allow in humanitarian aid.

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Chris Hedges: The Issue Before Us is Death


Image by j_mills via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

“The corporate forces that have commodified the natural world for profit have also commodified human beings. We are as expendable to global corporations as the Barrier Reef or the great sequoias. These corporations and ruling elites, which have orchestrated the largest transference of wealth upward in human history, with globe’s richest 1 percent owning half the world’s wealth, kneel, and force us to kneel, before the dictates of the global marketplace. They have seized control of our governments, extinguishing democracy, corrupting law and building alliances with neofascists and authoritarians as the ruling ideology of neoliberalism is exposed as a con. They have constructed pervasive and sophisticated systems of internal security, wholesale surveillance and militarized police, along with criminalizing poverty, to crush dissent.” — Chris Hedges, Confronting the Culture of Death

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Disrupt! Interrupt! The Ground of Resistance is Ours

Trouble Maker w Sign

Image by Lynn Friedman via Flickr

The Essays of The Man From the North by Rivera Sun
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Originally published November 18, 2016
April 7, 2019

A smoothly functioning society is created and maintained by the people. Children go to school, workers show up at their jobs, shipments are made, groceries and purchases are bought, bills are paid, goods and services are delivered; and so on. In times of justice, when the workings of society are fair, respectful, and uphold the rights and dignity of humanity, then the people have every reason to collectively maintain functional workplaces, schools, roads, social events, and so on.

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Chris Hedges: All Revolutionaries are Possessed with Sublime Madness

"Stop Bitching - Start a Revolution"

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges Progressive News and Opinion on Jan 22, 2019

A wide ranging interview exploring Chris’ thinking on some very important but not always explored ideas, as well as a discussion of his book, America: The Farewell Tour. “I don’t accept the mass-culture, Disneyfied view of hope.”

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Paul Street: Reflections on the Absurdity of the U.S. Constitution


Image by Brad Dougherty via Flickr

with Paul Street
Writer, Dandelion Salad
The Official Website of Paul Street
March 25, 2019

“The Democratic Party isn’t about social and economic justice, democracy or ecological survival. It isn’t even mainly about winning elections, it’s about serving and colluding with corporate sponsors and climbing the neoliberal capitalist oligarchy. Think Bill (NAFTA) Clinton, the multi-millionaire head of The Clinton Foundation, think Barack (Trans-Pacific Partnership) Obama who has entered the economic oligarchy now as a reward to his dutiful service to the nation’s unelected dictatorship of capital.”

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