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Dandelion Salad

News from around the world and videos, editorials, creative writing, photography and more. All volunteer staff and writers contribute to this blog. No one makes any money, no ads*, nor solicitations for money, all work done out of dedication to bringing news and politics from around the world not covered well in corporate run media.

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“Listen to everything, think for yourself.”


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Open Forum for Dandelion Salad
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What is Socialism? (archive of posts)

Plutocracy I: Political Repression in the U.S.A. + Plutocracy II: Solidarity Forever + Plutocracy III: Class War (must-see)

Plutocracy IV: Gangsters for Capitalism (must-see)

Plutocracy V: Subterranean Fire (must-see)

“Taxpayer Money” Threatens Medicare-for-All (And Every Other Social Program) by Jim Kavanagh

Beyond Voting by Howard Zinn + What Else You Can Do: 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action by David Swanson

Sign the Declaration of Peace

Note on Older Videos Posted on Dandelion Salad by Lo (updated)

Don’t Enlist, But Don’t Just Take My Word For It

Must-see Videos

Must-read Articles

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