Abby Martin: Netanyahu Should Be Indicted for War Crimes!

Abby Martin: Netanyahu Should Be Indicted for War Crimes!

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
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Dandelion Salad

with Abby Martin

Abby Martin: Israeli War Crimes Against Palestinians, an In-Depth Look ‘Gaza Fights For Freedom’

goingundergroundRT on Nov 23, 2019

We speak to journalist and creator of the ‘Empire Files’ series Abby Martin on her new documentary ‘Gaza Fights For Freedom’. She discusses Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent indictment and why this will change nothing for Palestinians since Netanyahu is not being indicted for war crimes. She then discusses her new documentary which features sections on Israel’s use of banned explosive rounds and use of tear gas and other chemical weapons on Gaza’s Palestinians, the continuously deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza, the history of Israel’s establishment and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arabs, war crimes committed by the IDF historically and recently during Gaza’s Great Return March protests and more!

[Full program]

EP.816: Abby Martin- Netanyahu Should Be Indicted for War Crimes! ‘Gaza Fights for Freedom!’

goingundergroundRT on Nov 23, 2019

On this episode of Going Underground, we firstly speak to former Israeli Ambassador to the US and former deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon. He is challenged by host Afshin Rattansi on Israeli settlements which are illegal under international law and discusses the Trump Administration’s decision to no longer recognise Israeli settlements as illegal. Afshin also challenges him on Israel’s alleged possession of nuclear weapons, Israeli bombing of Syria and Iranian targets in Syria, alleged Israeli support for ISIS and Al-Qaeda during the Syrian Civil War against President Bashar al-Assad and more!

Next, we speak to journalist and creator of the ‘Empire Files’ series Abby Martin on her new documentary ‘Gaza Fights For Freedom’. She discusses Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent indictment and why this will change nothing for Palestinians since Netanyahu is not being indicted for war crimes. She then discusses her new documentary which features sections on Israel’s use of banned explosive rounds and use of tear gas and other chemical weapons on Gaza’s Palestinians, the continuously deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza, the history of Israel’s establishment and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arabs, war crimes committed by the IDF historically and recently during Gaza’s Great Return March protests and more!

From the archives:

Abby Martin and Mike Prysner: Installing A Fascist Rule In Bolivia + Anya Parampil: Debunking Bolivian Coup Myths (“Gaza Fights For Freedom” documentary discussed)

The Occupation of the American Mind (must-see)

UN Commission Report Accuses Israel of War Crimes in Gaza

Chris Hedges: What Do We Know About Tear Gas?

Ban Tear Gas Entirely! by David Swanson

Norman Finkelstein: Israel’s Murderous Assault on Nonviolent Protesters in Gaza + Israeli Forces Kill 55 as Palestinians Protest US Embassy Opening (updated)

Abby Martin: Israel Would Not Survive Without the United States + Ilan Pappe: We Need Sustained International Pressure on Israel

Mental Health Suffers As Gaza Is Choked By The Blockade by Soraya Boyd

Chris Hedges: Israel’s Secret Weapons–“Combat-Tested” Against the People of Gaza

Abby Martin: The Distortion and Death Behind the Israel-Palestine Coverage

4 thoughts on “Abby Martin: Netanyahu Should Be Indicted for War Crimes!

  1. Pingback: Chris Hedges, Abby Martin and Mike Prysner: The Heroic Aspect Of The Palestinian People Who Just Keep Resisting – Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: Nils Melzer: Assange Will Not Face a Fair Trial + Guillaume Long: Overthrow of Morales is a Textbook Coup + Abby Martin on Assange, Bolivia and Gaza – Dandelion Salad

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