Chris Hedges: In Conflict with the Natural World + What Happened to the Labor Movement?

Global Warming

Image by Woody Hibbard via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

RT America on Nov 23, 2019

Chris Hedges talks to author Amitav Ghosh about the natural world and sacred forces that sustain life and the conflict when treated by the human species as an inert commodity to exploit. In his novel Gun Island, Ghosh explores how these ecosystems have turned with a vengeance on the hubris and collective lunacy of modern industrialized society.

Chris Hedges: What happened to the labor movement?

RT America on Nov 22, 2019

Thousands of teachers are striking in Indiana, forcing the closure of schools across the state. “On Contact” host Chris Hedges joins Rick Sanchez to discuss the state of the US labor movement. He argues that unions have been the only vehicle for improving the lives of US workers and that striking is their most successful tactic. He also points out that unions have been “hollowed out” and rank-and-file union members need to be willing to defy ineffective or corrupt leadership.

From the archives:

Chris Hedges: History of the Factory

GM Auto Workers Strike for Power and to Protect Workers + Betrayed Autoworkers Strike Across US

Chris Hedges: The Tyranny of the Corporate Workplace

The $5,000,000,000,000,000 Question? by William Bowles

To Survive: We Need A Global Awakening Much Bigger Than A “Revolution,” Much Deeper Than Just Ending Capitalism by Eric Schechter

Amazon Is the New Factory

How Capitalism Controls You by The Anti-Social Socialist

Zac Corrigan: Socialists Support the West Virginia Teachers’ Strike

Chris Hedges: Aftermath From The Loss of Thousands of Union Jobs

Chris Hedges and Tim DeChristopher: Coping with the Reality of Climate Change Destruction

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