Sergey PonomarevEgiaztatu kontua


Moscow based photojournalist, contributor, tweeting both Rus&Eng. Wanderlust king. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2009(e)ko abuztua(e)tik Twitterren


@SergeyPonomarev blokeatu duzu

Ziur zaude txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @SergeyPonomarev desblokeatuko.

  1. mai. 7

    Кровь стынет от просмотра

    Txio hau ez dago eskuragarri.
  2. api. 13

    Wrestlers practice at the wrestling school named after Shamil Umakhanov in Khasavyurt. See full story under hashtag

  3. api. 12

    Young wrestlers and coaches attend Friday Prayer at the mosque in Khasavyurt, Russia. See full story under hashtag

  4. api. 11

    Children stretch and practice during a training session at the wrestling school named after Brothers Saitiyev in Khasavyurt, Russia. See full story under hashtag

  5. api. 10

    Wrestlers practice during their training session at the gym in Makhachkala, Russia See full story under hashtag

  6. api. 9

    A coach shows wrestling methods during their training session at the gym in Makhachkala, Russia. See full story under hashtag

  7. api. 8

    Children stretch and practice during the training session at the wrestling school named after Brothers Saitiyev in Khasavyurt, Russia. See full story under hashtag

  8. (e)k Bertxiotua
    api. 5

    Пятница у нас в мечети

  9. api. 6

    Wrestlers with cauliflower ears practice during their training session at the gym in Makhachkala, Russia. See full story under hashtag

  10. api. 5

    Wrestlers practice at the wrestling school named after Shamil Umakhanov in Khasavyurt. See full story under hashtag

  11. api. 4

    A judge announces the winner of the fight during local championship at the wrestling school named after Brothers Irbaikhanov in Khasavyurt, Russia. See full story under hashtag

  12. (e)k Bertxiotua
    api. 4
  13. api. 3

    Young wrestlers cheer teammates competing on the carpet during local championship at the wrestling school named after Brothers Irbaikhanov in Khasavyurt, Russia See full story under hashtag

  14. api. 2

    Young wrestlers compete on the mat during local championship at the wrestling school named after Brothers Irbaikhanov in Khasavyurt, Russia. See full story under hashtag

  15. api. 1

    Wrestlers practice at the observation spot on top of the hill overlooking Makhachkala, Russia. See full story under hashtag

  16. mar. 30

    Boys a lined up before a training session at the wrestling school named after Brothers Saitiyev in Khasavyurt, Russia See full story under hashtag

  17. mar. 29

    Young wrestlers compete on the mat during local championship at the wrestling school named after Brothers Irbaikhanov in Khasavyurt, Russia. See full story under hashtag

  18. (e)k Bertxiotua
    ots. 21

    Deze laptop was leeg, dus 0 bit kwijt. Ik wil wel nog vijf schroefjes terug van de inlichtingendienst.

    Erakutsi haria
  19. (e)k Bertxiotua
    ots. 19

    After we get rid of the garbage in Arkhangelsk, he said, “we will start getting rid of the garbage in Moscow.” suffer a winter of discontent. ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ photos by ⁦

  20. (e)k Bertxiotua
    ots. 13

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

Baliteke Twitterren kapazitatez gaindi egotea edo momentuko gainkarga bat izatea. Berriro saiatu edo Twitterren Egoera ikusi informazio gehiagorako.

    Agian hau ere gustuko duzu
