Free Software Foundation Europe


How we fixed DRM in Portugal (and so can you)

13 November 2019

After 15 years of trying to solve the DRM problem, the Portuguese Association for Free Software ANSOL and the Association for Free Education AEL finally managed to get what they sought: a fix to the DRM situation in Portugal.

Get Active: “Public Money? Public Code!” in the Kassel city parliament

12 November 2019

Our EU-wide campaign "Public Money? Public Code!" has made it to the city parliament in Kassel (Germany). The parliamentary group, consisting of FDP, Freie Wähler (Free Voters) and Pirates, has proposed a motion "Public Money - Public Code as a Principle in Software Procurement". The motion calls on the magistrate to follow the principle of "Public Money, Public Code" when purchasing new software and to focus increasingly on Free Software as well as Open Standards.

Software Freedom Podcast #2 about KDE with Lydia Pintscher

12 November 2019

We are back with the second episode of our Software Freedom Podcast! Once a month, we talk with people who have inspiring ideas about software freedom. In this episode, we talk with Lydia Pintscher from KDE about the development of the KDE community, the different KDE projects and the issues they will be tackling over the next two years.

Call for sessions "about:freedom" during 36C3

02 November 2019

In the context of the 36th Chaos Communication Congress happening from December 27th to 30th in Leipzig, the FSFE is happy to host an assembly again inside the cluster "about:freedom". We offer attention and a stage for self-organised sessions by and for our community and friends, and this is our call for participation.

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Selfhosting Workshop in Zürich, Schweiz

28 November 2019

Es gibt keine Cloud, sondern nur die Computer anderer Leute! In diesem Sinne zeigt ein Workshop FSFE Lokalgruppe Zürich wie man seine eigene Cloud betreibt um Dateien, Fotos, Kontakte, Kalender und vieles mehr zu speichern und zu teilen. Die Teilnehmenden lernen, wie ein eigener Cloud-Server aufgesetzt wird und haben Gelegenheit, verschiedene Cloud-Dienste auszuprobieren. Der Workshop findet statt am Donnerstag, 28. November 2019, von 18 – 20 Uhr in der Digicomp Academy AG, Limmatstrasse 50, 8005 Zürich. Der Workshop ist kostenfrei aber um Anmeldung gebeten unter:

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