Home Page

Hello! Welcome aboard! Take a seat! Buy a bloody ticket or clear off! I know where you live!

This is my website and is themed – oh yes – around the old fashioned Routemaster bus, partly because I like the look, but also in recognition of my own achievement in being awarded the coveted and to date unique honour of “Letter of the Year” in the old Time Out, for an elegy I wrote to the much loved hop-on-able Routemaster on the occasion of its decommissioning some five years ago. That the now primarily web-based Time Out then shared my despair at the end of the essentially analogue bus is an irony we can all enjoy.

Until recently, there were a fair few clips of me doing comedy on You Tube but these were taken down recently in order to force you all into buying my DVD instead. It is only a fiver at Amazon, where it has a bunch of five star reviews, and probably elsewhere too. Damned if I can get the link to work so just google “Simon Evans DVD”!

In the meantime, here is a clip of me doing comedy at the Edinburgh Gala of 2010. This is still my favourite joke.


Hi Guys! Folks! Chums! My new DVD ‘Simon Evans Live At The Theatre Royal’ was released in December and has been a STONKING success, garnering many great reviews from critics and the cash strapped public alike. Just have a search for it on Amazon if you don’t believe me. And google “Simon Evans DVD reviews” […]

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Long Time…

Hello, interested parties! It has been far too long since I updated this website, a confession that is no less painful for being close to universal among comedians. Oh the rush of excitement when the website is first designed! Oh, the things we’ll do, the fun we’ll have! The posts we’ll post, the feeds we’ll […]

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Friendly Fire – Chortle Review

Edwardian London. A Pall Mall gentleman’s club. An erudite, elegantly dressed man in a Harris tweed sits in his sumptuous leather armchair, takes a swig from his 25-year-old single malt and continues his treatise on the scourge of the lower classes…

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Brighton Comedy Festival 2010 gala by Steve Bennett

…After the interval, the magnificent Simon Evans … with his aloof presence and precise, sardonic wit, dripping disdain from every perfectly pronounced word. And what words…

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