Austin EversVerifierat konto


Executive Director of American Oversight. Follow us .

Washington, DC
Gått med maj 2007


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  1. Retweetade
    1 dec.

    Sworn statements confirming that President Trump lied in his tweets about being “wiretapped” in Trump Tower by former President Obama.

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    1 dec.

    Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ calendars showing that she prioritized charter and religious schools over public schools, and that she took more than 11 long weekends in her first six months in office.

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  3. Retweetade
    1 dec.

    In 2017, we uncovered a paper trail that revealed deep problems at federal agencies and a swamp that was anything but drained. Some highlights of what we obtained:

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  4. Retweetade
    1 dec.

    Since our launch in March 2017, we've used public records requests & litigation to expose corruption, uncover & publish over 1 million pages of records, & hold government officials accountable.

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  5. Retweetade
    2 dec.

    A timely reminder of why freedom of information laws remain a critical pillar of 21st century democracy. Open data complements FOI & is *how disclosures should be made*, but cannot replace a legal mechanism that forces releases of info that show fraud, waste, or corruption:

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  6. Retweetade
    2 dec.
  7. Retweetade
    30 nov.

    We’re still committed to holding Trump administration officials accountable. We uncovered new records regarding Stephen Miller’s involvement in the development and execution of family separation, the Muslim travel ban, and other immigration policies.

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  8. Retweetade
    29 nov.

    The Trump presidency will end in January, but our investigations into the administration’s corruption are far from over. The public still needs answers about William Barr, Mike Pompeo, Stephen Miller, & more. Join the fight & donate on !

  9. Retweetade

    For months Republicans and Trump have tried to stop the vote, slow the count, and now audit the results. Every step of the way we’ve pushed back. Thank you and for this in-depth look at what we’ve been up against.

  10. Retweetade
    26 nov.

    Tip: If you want to get the court's attention, spell its name wrong--two different ways--on page one. Add typos, grammar glitches, wild generalizations. Build credibility before carefully connecting the dots from Hugo Chavez to the election in Georgia.

  11. Retweetade
    25 nov.

    "What Trump has done once again is corrupt something that ought to be beyond corruption: the mercy that the most powerful person in the world can bestow upon those who are in chains."

  12. Retweetade
    25 nov.

    For the record, here is Judge Gleeson's brief explaining the nature and gravity of Michael Flynn's crimes against the United States It was a privilege to serve among counsel for this brief, joined by some of the most dedicated lawyers I know

  13. 25 nov.

    This is not how it works. Feel free to visit for plenty of examples. You don’t even need to be a lawyer to do it, which might be good news.

  14. Retweetade
    24 nov.

    Excellent interview on featuring 's Tom Blanton discussing the struggle of ensuring that past administrations upheld record-keeping laws and the need to keep a close eye on the Trump Admin's commitment to document retention until Jan 20

  15. Retweetade
    22 nov.

    The Trump Presidency nearly destroyed the United States. Will what went on in the darker corners of his White House ever be known?

  16. Retweetade
    23 nov.

    Ethics watchdog American Oversight has filed three Freedom of Information Act requests with DHS that seek to determine the extent to which Chad Wolf and Ken Cuccinelli were aware of, planned, or participated in the firing of Christopher Krebs. 

  17. Retweetade
    22 nov.

    So who gets custody of the kraken?

  18. 21 nov.
  19. Retweetade
    21 nov.

    We published an in-depth report on how anti-immigrant extremist groups and administration officials have worked together to falsely tie immigration to crime; to impose greater visa and immigration restrictions; and to attack sanctuary cities.

  20. Retweetade
    16 nov.

    This is a Republican official, revealing that a sitting UN Senator pressured him to cheat in the election by throwing out legal votes. , care to explain?

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