12 November 2019

Bolivia’s Evo Morales forced out by coup

By Andrea Lobo, 12 November 2019

After three weeks of protests following the October 20 presidential elections, the imperialist powers and their Bolivian client elite have overthrown the three-time elected government of Morales.

Mass protests spread to Bolivia after a disruption in electoral broadcasts

Ford Kentucky Truck workers speak out against contract: “The people on the floor don’t trust the UAW”

By Marcus Day and Tim Rivers, 12 November 2019

The UAW has scheduled the contract vote at the biggest Ford local at the very end, fearful that a large “no” vote would catalyze opposition.

Breaking News
Chicago Ford workers reject UAW agreement

Amidst growing opposition
UAW-Ford contract gives green light for video monitoring of workers

The expanding UAW corruption scandal and the case for rank-and-file committees

UAW officials try to bully workers for opposing Ford deal at Michigan meeting

Lessons of the GM autoworkers strike

More on autoworkers struggles »

Far-right Vox declares itself main opposition party as Spanish government talks begin

By Alejandro López, 12 November 2019

Sunday’s elections resulted once again in a hung parliament, the fourth in as many elections in Spain since 2015.

Fascistic Vox party surges in Spanish election as hung parliament emerges

Spanish election candidates denounce socialism, back repression in TV debate

Spain’s November 10 elections and the fight against authoritarian rule

Amazon-led corporate purge of Seattle City Council fails

By Kayla Costa and Julio Patron, 12 November 2019

Five of six city council members targeted for supporting higher taxes on Amazon won reelection, including Kshama Sawant, a member of the pseudo-left Socialist Alternative group.

Another leading House Republican decides to retire

By Philip Guelpa, 12 November 2019

Representative Peter King’s decision not to run for re-election exemplifies the growing crisis of the Republican Party.

Corbyn refuses to fight ramped-up bogus “anti-Semitism” witch-hunt

By Robert Stevens, 12 November 2019

The frenzied media campaign branding Corbyn, the Labour Party and its left-wing members above all as anti-Semitic is the “push back” demanded by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Trump targets Corbyn in UK election intervention

“Give me a call”: NDP MP offers to join Canada’s pro-austerity, pro-war Liberal government

By Roger Jordan, 12 November 2019

The Alberta MP’s offer to join Trudeau’s cabinet was in keeping with the entire NDP election campaign, which was directed towards forming a governmental alliance with the big-business Liberals.

Tens of thousands in Russia face medicine shortages as a result of Western sanctions

By David Levine, 12 November 2019

Between April and August 2019, two women from Moscow and one from Yekaterinburg were temporarily arrested and charged for illegally obtaining unregistered medicine.

Australian bushfire emergency worsens but government denounces climate change warnings

By Mike Head, 12 November 2019

Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack caused outrage by attacking “raving inner city lunatics” for linking global warming to the bushfires.

11 November 2019

Over 5,000 arrests, police violence against transport strikers in India’s Telangana state

By Kranti Kumara, 11 November 2019

With ruling on razed mosque
India’s Supreme Court validates Hindu supremacist violence

By Keith Jones, 11 November 2019

Facebook and YouTube remove posts naming CIA impeachment whistleblower

By Kevin Reed, 11 November 2019

Impeachment crisis: Democrats, Trump maneuver ahead of televised hearings

By Patrick Martin, 11 November 2019

Trump rules out rollback of China tariffs

By Nick Beams, 11 November 2019

China-led trade bloc inches forward at Asian summit

By Mike Head, 11 November 2019

Ultra-right Lieberman holds balance of power in Israeli coalition talks

By Jean Shaoul, 11 November 2019

German defence minister calls for expansion of foreign military interventions

By Peter Schwarz, 11 November 2019

In a keynote address, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer declared, “there is broad agreement that, given the strategic challenges, Germany must ... “do more to defend our values and interests.”

Chicago Ford workers denounce UAW contract: “They want to monitor you every minute, every second”

By Marcus Day, 11 November 2019

UK workers see 2 pence an hour average wage increase, while pay of richest skyrockets

By Margot Miller, 11 November 2019

Eleven thousand scientists warn of climate emergency

By Daniel de Vries, 11 November 2019

Northern Virginia transit workers vote to strike as walkout by Metrobus contract workers enters third week

By Nick Barrickman, 11 November 2019

Steel layoffs in US mount due to falling production and trade war

By Samuel Davidson, 11 November 2019

California police arrest woman for delivering stillborn baby with drugs in its system

By Dan Conway, 11 November 2019

US-backed Colombian military kills eight children in bombing, attempts cover-up

By Andrea Lobo, 11 November 2019

Australian Labor Party review covers up causes of federal election debacle

By Oscar Grenfell, 11 November 2019

New in Turkish

David North, Lev Troçki’yi Savunurken’in Türkçe basımını İstanbul Kitap Fuarı’nda sundu

Muhabirlerimizden, 12 Kasım 2019

Dünya Sosyalist Web Sitesi’nin Uluslararası Yayın Kurulu Başkanı ve ABD’deki Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi’nin Ulusal Başkanı David North, Pazar günü, Tüyap Uluslararası İstanbul Kitap Fuarı’ndaki dinleyicilerine video konferans yoluyla seslendi.

Berlin Duvarı’nın yıkılmasının otuzuncu yıldönümü

Peter Schwarz, 12 Kasım 2019

1989’da yaşananlara ilişkin bir kavrayış, DAC’nin karakteri ve Stalinizmin rolü, günümüzdeki kapitalist gericiliğe karşı mücadele yürütmek için önemli önkoşullardır.

New in Norwegian

Pompeo til orde for korstog mot Russland og Kina i Berlinmur-tale

Bill Van Auken, 12. november 2019

Pompeo eskalerte amerikanske trusler om global krig, i en hyklersk tale som påkalte et verdensomspennende korstog for «frihet».

Over 5 000 arrestert, og politivold mot streikende transportarbeidere i delstaten Telangana i India

Kranti Kumara, 12. november 2019

Streiken er i stor fare, til tross for transportarbeidernes mot og utholdenhet, på grunn av det forræderske fagforeningslederskapets appell til den høyreekstreme, hindu-sjåvinistiske BJP-nasjonalregjeringen om å gripe inn.

Nytt spansk valg uten avklaring, der det fascistiske partiet Vox vokser

Alex Lantier, 12. november 2019

Fremveksten av det fascistiske høyre kommer etter en reaksjonær valgkamp som var orientert rundt alle de vesentlige partienes støtte til polititilslaget mot masseprotestene i Catalonia.

Ultra-høyre Lieberman balanserer makten i Israels koalisjonsforhandlinger

Jean Shaoul, 12. november 2019

Lederen for partiet Yisrael Beiteinu krever en ny regjering som ekskluderer de konservative religiøse partiene.

New in Arabic

يتنافس خمسة مرشحين على الانتخابات الجزائرية في 12 كانون الأول / ديسمبر وسط معارضة جماهيرية

قمران آيرة, ٦ تشرين الثاني نوفمبر ٢٠١٩

وسط احتجاجات جماهيرية مستمرة ضد المؤسسة الحاكمة الجزائرية والانتخابات الرئاسية في 12 كانون الأول / ديسمبر ، أعلنت الهيئة الانتخابية الجزائرية أن خمسة مرشحين يخوضون الانتخابات.

New in Bengali

ভারতে মাদারসন মোটরগাড়ি শ্রমিকদের ধর্মঘটকে মাওবাদী ইউনিয়ন নেতৃত্ব ক্রমাগত বিচ্ছিন্ন করে রাখছে

মোসেস রাজকুমার ও শশী কুমার, ২৫ অক্টোবর ২০১৯

মাসারসন অটোমোটিভ টেকনোলজিস অ্যান্ড ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং (এম-এ-টি-ই বা মেট)-এর শ্রমিকদের দ্বারা সংগঠিত অনির্দিষ্টকালের ধর্মঘট এখন তৃতীয় মাসে পড়ল।

মার্কিন ফ্যাসিবাদকে এক বলিষ্ট না! ট্রাম্পকে গদিচ্যূত করতে গণআন্দোলন গড়ে তুলুন!

সোশ্যালিস্ট ইকুয়ালিটি পার্টি-র রাজনৈতিক কমিটি, ১৪ অক্টোবর ২০১৯

সন্দেহের ওপর ভিত্তি করে যে তদন্ত কংগ্রেস শুরু করেছিল তার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে রাষ্ট্রপতি ডোনাল্ড ট্রাম্পের প্রতিক্রিয়া প্রকাশ্যেই সম্পূর্ণ ফ্যাসিবাদী চরিত্রের। গত সপ্তাহে মিনিয়াপোলিস, মিনেসোটা ও লেক চার্লসে ট্রাম্প প্রকাশ্যে বিদেশীদের প্রতি আতঙ্ক, জাতিগত বিদ্বেষ এবং ইহুদি-বিদ্বষের স্বপক্ষে কথা বলেছে।

New in Spanish

En discurso sobre Muro de Berlín, Pompeo avanza cruzada contra Rusia y China

Bill Van Auken, 12 noviembre 2019

En una declaración hipócrita invocando una cruzada mundial por la “libertad”, escaló las amenazas estadounidenses de una guerra global.

El "conflicto irrefrenable": la esclavitud, la guerra civil y la segunda revolución de Estados Unidos

Eric London, 12 noviembre 2019

La siguiente es la segunda de una serie de tres conferencias impartidas en respuesta al "Proyecto 1619" del New York Times, que presenta una interpretación racializada y falsa de la historia estadounidense.

La esclavitud y la revolución Norteamericana: una respuesta al proyecto 1619 del New York Times

Tom Mackaman, 12 noviembre 2019

Este es el texto de la conferencia pronunciada por Tom Mackaman en la Universidad de Michigan el 22 de octubre de 2019 como parte de una serie sobre el “Proyecto 1619” del New York Times .

El partido fascista Vox se dispara en las elecciones españolas mientras surge un parlamento sin mayoría absoluta

Alex Lantier, 12 noviembre 2019

El ascenso de la extrema derecha viene tras una campaña electoral reaccionaria orientada alrededor del apoyo de todos los partidos principales a la represión policial a las protestas de masas en Cataluña.

Ministra de defensa alemana pide expansión de intervenciones militares extranjeras

Peter Schwarz, 12 noviembre 2019

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer declaró, "existe un amplio acuerdo de que, dados los desafíos estratégicos, Alemania debe hacer más para defender nuestros valores e intereses".

El mayor conglomerado de medios brasileño implica a Bolsonaro en el asesinato de Marielle Franco

Miguel Andrade, 12 noviembre 2019

Cada facción del sistema político brasileño —del ejército a la pseudoizquierda— teme que las medidas de austeridad de Bolsonaro y su retórica fascista desaten una explosión social.

Ejército colombiano respaldado por EE. UU. asesina a ocho niños en bombardeo e intenta encubrirlo

Andrea Lobo, 12 noviembre 2019

El descaro de la represión militar para defender los altos niveles de desigualdad en el mundo es el resultado de más de un siglo de opresión imperialista.

Once mil científicos advierten de emergencia climática

Daniel de Vries, 12 noviembre 2019

Cada facción del sistema político brasileño —del ejército a la pseudoizquierda— teme que las medidas de austeridad de Bolsonaro y su retórica fascista desaten una explosión social.

Bloque comercial liderado por China avanza de a poco en cumbre asiática

Mike Head, 12 noviembre 2019

La formación de la RCEP sería un duro golpe para Washington y su impulso para aislar, rodear militarmente y subyugar a China.

New in German

US-Demokraten fordern Internetzensur
Wer soll entscheiden, was im Netz „Lüge“ ist?

Andre Damon, 11. November 2019

Die Kampagne der US-Demokraten für Internetzensur zielt darauf ab, politische Opposition und Dissens zum Schweigen zu bringen. Das Ganze wird in demagogische Vorwürfe gegen Facebook verpackt, mit „Desinformation“ Profit zu machen.

Macron warnt im Economist vor Weltkrieg und dem Zusammenbruch der Nato

Alex Lantier, 11. November 2019

Macron schilderte die Konflikte innerhalb der Nato und gab zu, dass sie für ihre Angriffe während der letzten Jahrzehnte keinen Rückhalt in der Bevölkerung hatte.

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei
Erfolgreiche Veranstaltung zum Jahrestag des Mauerfalls

unseren Korrespondenten, 11. November 2019

Zum Jahrestag des Mauerfalls führte die Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (SGP) in Berlin eine Versammlung durch. Die Sprecher gingen auf den Zusammenbruch des stalinistischen Regimes vor 30 Jahren und auf die tiefe Krise des Kapitalismus ein, die sich seither entwickelt hat.

„Die Ungewollten“ – 80 Jahre seit der Irrfahrt der St Louis

Verena Nees, 11. November 2019

80 Jahre nach der Irrfahrt der St Louis mit über neunhundert jüdischen Flüchtlingen, die von Kuba, den USA und Kanada abgewiesen wurden, hat die ARD einen neuen Fernsehfilm von Ben von Grafenstein ausgestrahlt.

Niederländische Lehrer treten gegen den Widerstand der Gewerkschaften in eintägigen Streik

Harm Zonderland und Parwini Zora, 11. November 2019

Der Streik der Lehrer war die jüngste Aktion im „Herbst der Unzufriedenheit“.

New in Russian

Партия Социалистического Равенства примет участие во всеобщих выборах в Великобритании: Нет мерам жесткой экономии, милитаризму и войне! Свободу Джулиану Ассанжу! За классовую борьбу и социалистический интернационализм!

Партия Социалистического Равенства (Великобритания), 9 ноября 2019 г.

Партия Социалистического Равенства выставит кандидатов на всеобщих выборах в Великобритании 12 декабря, чтобы вести политическую борьбу против политики жесткой экономии, авторитарного правления, милитаризма и войны.

Эта неделя в истории
75 лет назад: Отчет о конференции троцкистов в оккупированной нацистами Европе

9 ноября 2019 г.

4 ноября 1944 года газета Militant, орган американской Социалистической рабочей партии, в то время троцкистской партии США, опубликовала сообщение о конференции, которая была проведена пятью европейскими троцкистскими партиями в феврале того года во Франции. На первой странице был опубликован отчет о конференции под заголовком «Только что получены воодушевляющие новости о февральской встрече во Франции, находящейся в условиях нацистского террора».

New in French

Les candidats aux élections espagnoles dénoncent le socialisme et soutiennent la répression dans un débat télévisé

Alex Lantier, 9 novembre 2019

Alors que Podemos et les sociaux-démocrates soutiennent l'austérité, le nationalisme et le militarisme, la classe dirigeante crée les conditions pour que le parti fascisant Vox se développe rapidement.

Le scandale montant de la corruption du syndicat UAW et la nécessité de comités de la base

Tom Hall, 9 novembre 2019

Le syndicat UAW essaye actuellement de faire passer en force un accord de reculs sociaux chez Ford suite à la fin de la grève chez GM, alors même que son président est sur le point d’être inculpé de vol des cotisations des travailleurs.

New in Portuguese

Peronismo retorna ao poder na Argentina em meio a enorme revolta social

Andrea Lobo, 2 Novembro 2019 2019

Apesar de sua demagogia populista vazia, Fernández já deixou claro que imporá brutalmente as exigências do capital financeiro.

Other Languages


The Spanish elections and the rise of the fascistic Vox party

12 November 2019

Vox is part of a broad trend in European capitalist politics toward the promotion of neo-fascist parties, nationalism and the furious public legitimization of fascist dictators.

Earlier Perspectives »

The Socialist Equality Pary Election Campaign in Sri Lanka

Vote for Pani Wijesiriwardena in the Sri Lankan presidential election! Rally to fight for international socialism!

By Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 12 November 2019

Pani Wijesiriwardena is standing on behalf of the Socialist Equality Party in Sri Lanka on a revolutionary socialist and internationalist program, against imperialist war, social inequality and authoritarian rule.

Sri Lankan daily interviews SEP presidential candidate Pani Wijesiriwardena

12 November 2019

Below is the text of Pani Wijesiriwardena's interview by Sri Lanka's leading newspaper, the Daily Mirror, which published it last week under the title “Capitalism offers no solutions to the dangers facing workers: Pani Wijesiriwardena”

Sri Lanka: Pseudo-left NSSP promotes UNP presidential candidate

By Vilani Peiris and K. Ratnayake, 11 November 2019

The NSSP and its presidential candidate are trying to tie the working class to the United National Party and capitalist rule.

More on the 2019 Sri Lankan SEP election campaign »


David North introduces Turkish-language edition of In Defense of Leon Trotsky at Istanbul Book Fair

By our reporter, 11 November 2019

Socialist Equality Party (Germany) holds meeting on anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall

By our correspondents, 12 November 2019

On the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei held a meeting in Berlin-Schöneberg City Hall attended by dozens of workers and young people.

Thirty years since the fall of the Berlin Wall

The New York Times' 1619 Project

SEP and IYSSE meeting series in the United States
Race, Class and the Fight for Socialism: Perspectives for the Coming Revolution in America

This meeting series will refute the historical falsifications advanced in the New York Times “1619 Project,” explain their underlying political motivations and present the strategy for socialist revolution in America today.

The “Irrepressible Conflict:” Slavery, the Civil War and America’s Second Revolution

By Eric London, 9 November 2019

The following is the second in a series of three lectures delivered in response to the New York Times’ “1619 Project,” which presents a falsified, racialist interpretation of American history.

Slavery and the American Revolution: A Response to the New York Times 1619 Project

By Tom Mackaman, 1 November 2019

This is the text of the lecture delivered by Tom Mackaman at the University of Michigan on October 22, 2019 as part of a series on the New York Times' "Project 1619."

An interview with the author of The Free State of Jones
Historian Victoria Bynum on the inaccuracies of the New York Times 1619 Project

By Eric London, 30 October 2019

“1619” and the myth of white unity under slavery
Book review: Masterless Men: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South by Keri Leigh Merritt

The New York Times’s 1619 Project: A racialist falsification of American and world history

Free Assange and Manning

Public meetings in Australia and New Zealand
Stop the US extradition of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange! Free Assange and Manning!

28 October 2019

Concert for Assange outside UK Home Office demands “No extradition!”

By Laura Tiernan, 6 November 2019

More on the campaign to Free Assange and Manning »


As contract vote approaches, DSA defends sellout by Chicago Teachers Union

By Kristina Betinis and Jerry White, 12 November 2019

DSA is seeking to block political discussion and opposition to the Chicago Teachers Union contract that meets none of the teachers’ central demands.

The Democrats’ campaign for internet censorship: Who is to determine what are “lies”?

By Andre Damon, 9 November 2019

Comparing two impeachments

By Barry Grey and Andre Damon, 2 November 2019

In Berlin Wall speech, Pompeo advances crusade against Russia and China

By Bill Van Auken, 11 November 2019

One year since the Northern California Camp Fire
An accounting of a crime

By Toby Reese, 11 November 2019

The New York Times’ obsession with race expands to its food commentary

By Trévon Austin, 9 November 2019

Democratic Socialists of America “International Committee” denounces “reckless” withdrawal of US troops from Syria

By Genevieve Leigh, 9 November 2019

Washington Post and New York Times incite racist campaign against Chinese-Americans

By Andre Damon, 5 November 2019

Autoworkers Struggles

From the archive of the WSWS
What is the UAW?

By Shannon Jones, 12 November 2019

The article, first published in 2015, details the corporatist degeneration of the UAW and its transformation into a bribed tool of management.

Former UAW-GM VP Joe Ashton charged in corruption scheme

How Ford and the UAW plan to cut autoworkers’ health care


Social inequality in Early Bronze Age Europe

By Philip Guelpa, 12 November 2019

Genetic and archaeological data indicate that social stratification in Europe during the third and second millennium BC was more complex than previously thought, and may indicate the origins of later, slave-based ancient societies.

Socialist Equality Party (UK)

Socialist Equality Party to stand in UK general election: No to austerity, militarism and war! Free Julian Assange! For class struggle and socialist internationalism!

Socialist Equality Party (UK), 6 November 2019

The Socialist Equality Party will stand candidates in the December 12 UK general election to wage a political struggle against austerity, authoritarian rule, militarism and war.

Workers Struggles

Dominican health workers strike, Chilean copper miners protest subcontracting
Workers Struggles: The Americas

12 November 2019

Healthcare workers in the Domincan Republic held a one day strike November 7 to press wage demands while Chilean copper miners are set to strike against the abuse of subcontract workers.

Flight attendants to take further strike action at Lufthansa

Vote “no” on the tentative teachers' contract! Form rank-and-file committees to defend public education in Chicago!

By Alexander Fangmann, 7 November 2019

With voting set to begin on the tentative agreement, teachers and other educators in Chicago are approaching a critical juncture in the fight to defend public education.

Chicago teachers denounce union’s sellout agreement as Bernie Sanders, Democrats claim “victory”

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot’s budget: Increased policing and austerity on behalf of the financial aristocracy

The way forward in the Chicago teachers strike
The defense of public education and the fight for socialism

India: 48,000 striking Telangana transport workers defy back to work order

By Kranti Kumara, 7 November 2019

“Teachers, autoworkers, everybody in this country, should go on strike”
New York City bus and subway workers speak out against concession demands

By a WSWS reporting team, 6 November 2019

Feds may have secretly recorded UAW President Gary Jones ordering cover-up of embezzlement of union funds

Australia: Mobilise students, staff and academics against the closure of Macquarie University’s human sciences faculty

By the Committee for Public Education, 7 November 2019

UK: Tens of thousands of university and college staff vote to strike
Ballot follows strike votes by postal workers, railway conductors, airline pilots, NHS staff

Little Rock teachers set to strike against privatization and segregation threats

Wildcat strike by sanitation workers against CHP administration in Maltepe, Turkey

Unifor’s attempt to impose concessions contracts on Saskatchewan workers meeting widespread opposition

25 years ago: Memoirs of Soviet Left Oppositionist Nadezhda Joffe published in English

On November 15, 1994, the US Trotskyist publishing house Labor Publications released Back In Time: My Life, My Fate, My Epoch, the memoirs of Soviet Left Oppositionist Nadezhda Joffe. The daughter of Adolf Abramovich Joffe, a leading figure in the October Revolution and close friend of Leon Trotsky, Nadezhda herself was a partisan of the Left Opposition and an active participant in the struggle against the Stalinist bureaucracy.

More »

50 years ago: Massive demonstrations against the Vietnam War

On November 15, 1969 over 500,000 people gathered in Washington DC to march against the Vietnam War. Demonstrations were held in other cities. Collectively the “Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam” protests constituted the largest political rallies in US history up to that point, with a total of about two million joining. They followed by one month a demonstration in Washington DC that drew 250,000.

More »

75 years ago: German troops ousted from Greece

On November 11, 1944, the last German troops in Greece were evacuated, marking the end of the Nazi occupation of the country that had claimed roughly 400,000 lives and provoked mass resistance.

More »

100 years ago: IWW member Wesley Everest lynched in Centralia, Washington

On November 11, 1919, Wesley Everest, a worker and a member of the revolutionary syndicalist Industrial Workers of the World (IWW or Wobblies), was lynched by members of the American Legion in Centralia, Washington.

More »

Arts Review

Filmmaker Errol Morris provides the extreme-right’s Stephen Bannon a platform in American Dharma

By David Walsh, 11 November 2019

Jojo Rabbit: A misguided comedy about Nazis
Edward Norton’s neo-film noir, Motherless Brooklyn

By Joanne Laurier, 8 November 2019

Pain and Glory from Spain’s Pedro Almodóvar

Judy: Singer-actress Judy Garland’s sad fate brought to the screen
And Harriet: A film biography of abolitionist Harriet Tubman

Socialist Equality Party

Video: 70 years after the Chinese Revolution—How the struggle for socialism was betrayed

31 October 2019

Introduction to the 1955 SWP resolution “The Third Chinese Revolution and its Aftermath”

From the archives
SWP resolution: The Third Chinese Revolution and its Aftermath

Introduction to the 1951 report to the Fourth International by Chinese Trotskyist Peng Shuzhi

From the archives
The Causes of the Victory of the Chinese Communist Party over Chiang Kai-Shek, and the CCP’s Perspectives

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

IYSSE meetings in Germany: Stop the shift to the right at the universities!

By our correspondents, 6 November 2019

Stop the censorship of socialist views by the University of Leipzig student council

Germany: Humboldt University student parliament supports lawsuit against far-right Professor Baberowski

Mehring Books

Mehring Yayıncılık publishes new ICFI books for İstanbul Book Fair

By Ulas Atesci, 29 October 2019

Preface to the Turkish edition of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

By David North, 2 September 2019

Preview the new publication from Mehring Books
Author’s introduction to Bolsheviks Against Stalinism 1928-1933: Leon Trotsky and the Left Opposition

By Vadim Z. Rogovin, 30 August 2019

Now available from Mehring Books
Bolsheviks Against Stalinism 1928-1933: Leon Trotsky and the Left Opposition by Vadim Z. Rogovin


Detroit Democrat John Conyers, long-standing fixture in Congress, dies at 90

By Patrick Martin, 30 October 2019

Featured Commentary

Drawing the lessons of the ICFI split—International Strategy and National Tactics: The change in the ICFI’s approach to national liberation movements

By Deepal Jayasekera, 30 September 2019

This lecture was delivered to the Socialist Equality Party (US) Summer School on July 25, 2019 by Deepal Jayasekera, Assistant Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in Sri Lanka

Introduction to the Turkish language edition of In Defense of Leon Trotsky
Leon Trotsky’s four fateful years in Prinkipo: 1929-1933

By David North, 23 September 2019

The ICFI and the Crisis of Stalinism

The World Capitalist Crisis and the Tasks of the Fourth International: An analysis of the ICFI Perspectives resolution of 1988

The International Committee’s response to the “End of History”: The March 1992 Plenum of the ICFI

The Dissolution of the USSR and the Unipolar Moment of US Imperialism

China: Thirty years since the Tiananmen Square massacre

The Political Origins and Consequences of the 1982–86 Split in the International Committee of the Fourth International

The 2020 US Elections

Joe Biden: A familiar face, a deeply reactionary record

By Patrick Martin, 23 September 2019

Amy Klobuchar: The favorite Democrat of Senate Republicans

By George Gallanis, 19 August 2019