“This is actually a real economic concept called the velocity of money. Let’s say you get paid $10, you use that $10 to buy lunch from a street vendor, then the street vendor uses that $10 to take a taxi home, then the taxi driver...


This is actually a real economic concept called the velocity of money. Let’s say you get paid $10, you use that $10 to buy lunch from a street vendor, then the street vendor uses that $10 to take a taxi home, then the taxi driver used that $10 to pay his babysitter, next the babysitter uses that $10 to buy groceries, etc. That one $10 bill produced $50 of economic value. This is really good for the economy and why it’s bad to give rich people more and more money because all rich people do is horde it. They don’t stimulate the economy multiple times over with it.

(via disk--horse)




“if you want to adopt kids at an older age, that’s just lazy and you’ll miss the important developmental years. you won’t be able to connect.” okay but consider this:

1. I will not be able to handle a baby, but I will definitely be able to manage and guide an older child

2. no diapers. hallelujah

3. As a foster child gets older, their chance of adoption plummets. Adopting an older child gives a late break to someone who would have otherwise had to age out of the system

4. my plans for adoption are none of your concern

Holy shit people actually say that? Inviting a kid in need to be part of your family is ‘lazy’?

Being there for the ‘developmental years’ is so important not having it is a dealbreaker?

‘You won’t be able to connect’ with another human being unless you’re there for their formative years, imprinting on them?

…people who make that argument should probably do a LOT of soulsearching before they consider getting a toy baby adopting a younger child.

I had a sociology professor once and both he and his wife were registered social workers (in addition to him teaching), and after a couple of years married, they started talking about adopting a child. They’d seen the system up close, they knew how hard it was for some kids to get adopted. So when they sat down to start the fostering process, they told the agency to give them their toughest, most difficult case. If anyone could handle a kid who’d been labeled a “problem child”, it was these two people.

The agency paired them up with a 12 year old girl – the oldest they had, far, far too old to be considered for adoption typically. This girl’s birth parents had had drug problems, she’d been in and out of a couple dozen foster homes, no one able to handle her, she ran away frequently and had diagnosed behavioral problems, she was surly and defiant. When she first met them, she was clammed up tight, snarky, unwilling to trust them or anyone – and really, who could blame her?

But these two adults poured every bit of their compassion and training into this one child, into getting to know her, earning her trust by listening to her and treating her like a person who mattered. And slowly, slowly, she came around. Slowly, they built a relationship with her, and she came out of her shell. It wasn’t always smooth sailing, but having these two adults who were utterly unwilling to give up on her, or see her as the problem, let them work through each issue as it arose, and slowly they started to see this other side of her personality emerge. She joked around, she grinned often, she got excited about sports games and yelled at the tv with her foster father, she was making friends at her new school and doing better in her studies.

One day they sat her down and told her they loved her and they wanted her to legally, officially be part of their family. But they thought she deserved a say, too. If she just wanted to be fostered for the next five, six years, they could do that too. But they wanted to adopt her, they wanted to keep her for always. Did she want them? Yes, she said. Yes, I want to keep you, too.

My professor came into class one day with a grin that just would not go away, bouncing on his toes. We all wanted to know what was up. The adoption was finalized today, he told us. Today I have a daughter! And he showed us pictures of his brand new 12 year old daughter hugged between he and his wife, the three of them grinning at the camera. I’ve been her dad for awhile, he told us, but today it’s official, today we’re finally really a family.

I heard that story in the spring of 2001, when I was 20. This girl just 8 years younger than me, the age of my younger siblings, this girl who everyone had given up on. But these two people, they knew they had enough love and training to handle whatever was thrown their way, these people stayed true to the commitment of being parents, didn’t give up when the going got tough, proved slowly and methodically that they loved her, that she could trust them. 

That girl must be in her late 20s now. She’s had parents for more than a decade and a half. She hasn’t had to face this scary century alone. She has parents who went with her to her freshman orientation for college, I’m certain of it. If she’s gotten married, I know her father walked her down the aisle, that same grin splitting his face, the same grin as when he announced that he had a daughter, the same grin he wore every time he talked about her. If she’s had kids, her kids have the best grandparents.

They are a family of choice built on commitment and trust and love. You can’t tell me that isn’t bonding, you cannot tell me that it’s lazy, that that was somehow easier or less worthwhile than diapers.

(via gayflamesdabi)

“ bogleech:
“ bogleech:
“ ssnubbull:
“ kermitlesbian:
“this is literally in response to a video a mom posted of a stop motion film her TEN YEAR OLD SON MADE FOR FUN why do men speak
wait you forgot the best part
There’d be nothing...






this is literally in response to a video a mom posted of a stop motion film her TEN YEAR OLD SON MADE FOR FUN why do men speak

wait you forgot the best part


There’d be nothing beneficial to this guys criticism even if it wasn’t a child. I’m so fucking sick of what internet shitboys think critique means.

will you dingbats stop saying “looool but he’s a joke account" when that’s literally the one thing that makes it even worse? We’re supposed to say “oh, okay, a middle aged man was rude to a little kid’s video because he thought that was funny, whew, that’s a relief!” Holy shit what’s the matter with some of you.

The entire “joke” of his account is also that he thinks this is how “liberals” behave, like he rants about white privilege and ableism as his idea of “satire.”


(via geekandmisandry)





Bisexuals were essentially accused of murdering women via HIV in the 80s, either because we were intentionally duplicitous or because we were out of control maniacs who couldn’t resist unsafe sex. For many people of that generation, this was their first time hearing about bisexuals. Now folks want to pretend that didn’t influence today’s perception of bisexuality. 

Okay, since yall assholes are trying to say that bisexuals are to blame for transmission from the gay community to straight women:

Ekstrand et al. also found that bisexually-identified MSMW [men who have sex with men and women] in San Francisco were not a common vector or “bridge” for spreading HIV from male partners to female partners due to high rates of using barrier protection and extremely low rates of risky behavior. This was further confirmed by James Kahn and colleagues, who found that in a sample of 40,000 new HIV infections in the US, only 1 percent occurred in women who had contracted the virus from MSMW.

- Bisexual Invisibility: Impacts and Recommendations, San Francisco Human Rights Commission, LGBT Advisory Committee, p22

Besides this, I also want to say that we, as a community, do NOT blame people with HIV/AIDS for HIV/AIDS. Some of you went there.

Bisexuals were on the front lines of the safe sex and sex education (including illicitly-taught queer sex ed) movements in specific response to the AIDS crisis and don’t you fucking forget it.


“Umm bisexuals did spread AIDS….but it also has nothing to do with you so you must have a weird agenda”.


“ the-barista-who-became-a-rabbit:
“ meganphntmgrl:
“ panic-boy-21:
“ blckrapunzel:
“ laughingacademy:
“ interficio-vos:
“ thatpettyblackgirl:
“ The White Wash is real.
One of the Earliest Memorial Day Ceremonies Was Held by Freed...









The White Wash is real.


Just wait until you google what the original Statue of Liberty(that got refused by America)looked like

For those of you who don’t want to look it up yourselves:


Lady Liberty is a black woman.

Guys, this has been thoroughly debunked since 2000, and it does the statue on the left there a huge disservice to treat her as an unwanted copy. That’s Lady Liberty of St. Maarten, an homage from 2007 (post-dating the debunking, even) that was dedicated to the anniversary of the ending of slavery there:


The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor is a representation of Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, with bonus American iconography:


HOWEVER: Lady Liberty in New York is not based on a white woman, either. 


She’s a Muslim Arab woman, at least in terms of the modeling of her face. Her face was reused from an abandoned project to build a colossal statue of a modern Egyptian Arab peasant woman near the Suez Canal (as verified by the Smithsonian, no less).

While she wasn’t originally dedicated specifically for immigrants, the poem “The New Colossus” was added specifically because of the position she occupied in the harbor and the symbolic visual power she would have to immigrants coming in. The author, Emma Lazarus, was Jewish.

It’s important to fight back on the whitewashing of history, because it happens left and right, but it shouldn’t happen at the cost of misinformation that treats Lady Liberty of St. Maarten as an unwanted prototype rather than a powerful monument in her own right and, ironically, claims that she’s now a white woman when she’s not while also ignoring the powerful influence of the Jewish-American community on the final version.

Geez, I’m really tired of people trying to spout false shit all over tumblr. Like, this post has 37K notes, But I assure you, that like many other false posts, ¾ of the notes are from people who saw the false bit and prefered to reblog it that way and be mad, instead of just making a simple google search

Hi Darling Friends of Tumblr.

I’ve been taking too long to do data entry and I’m not good at actually doing analysis so it’s time to start naming and shaming.

@thatpettyblackgirl is a blog that I’ve been observing for a while that has a really interesting pattern of behavior.

Namely, posting a bunch of shit like this.

Remember that tweet about Olive Garden supporting Donald Trump that was debunked? Well when it circulated on tumblr two weeks ago it was because of @thatpettyblackgirl

You know the misreported post about the school lunch program that refused donations from a local businessman? That was a different blogger but thatpettyblackgirl has circulated another version of it.

That other blogger has a posting history that’s full of the same kinds of things thatpettyblackgirl posts - lots of reposts from twitter, lots of screenshots from other sites, not a lot of commentary, and things that are decontextualized enough to make them seem worse than they are or to totally misrepresent the actions depicted (like this reposted video and tweets indignant about a man being arrested when the very specific purpose of his protest was to get arrested).

It reminds me of that post about coconut husks as a wood alternative that’s been circulating recently - a screenshot of a white man above a news article is posted with the complaint that white people “discovering” coconuts after disregarding them as useless when the article is about a new method of processing coconut husks that allows them to be put to new uses.

That blog is fascinating. And has a lot in common with thatpettyblackgirl - both of them reblog their own posts at a rate that’s higher than I’ve seen on most tumblrs (btw, you should know that a while back I asked for volunteers who would let me explore their tumblrs and while my research sample isn’t random it is a collection of small and large blogs and none of them have *checks notes* reblogged their own post of a bunch of screencaps of a tweet storm five times in the last couple of days). Both of them tend to post screencaps, neither one really writes much. They reblog a lot of memes, and both have some pretty big textposts that are just straight rip-offs of tweets (”bi folks have you eaten today? answer quick and iced coffee doesn’t count” is one of thatpettyblackgirl’s recent popular textposts and it’s ripped off from twitter.) They also reblog eachother a fair amount - along with @whyyoustabbedme and @endangered-justice-seeker, who ALSO have really weird posting patterns.

Also all four of those blogs are part of a group of nine blogs that were created in a three-week period of 2017 that I’ve been watching that don’t seem to follow a pattern of normal tumblr behavior and that also post an awful lot of incorrect viral posts and are staggeringly popular (for clarity: blackqueerblog is not one of the nine created in that time period).

ANYWAY this is all reminding me very strongly of bellygangstaboo and lagonegirl.

I know I probably sound like this image:


But there are excellent, thoughtful bloggers who discuss police brutality, racism in the US, class warefare, and institutional bias who aren’t ALSO unflaggingly committed to having their own dedicated Snopes pages. @odinsblog, Franchesca Ramsey, @antifainternational, and @mostlysignssomeportents might be a good place to start.

My dudes, I don’t want to be depressing so I’ll let Vanity Fair do it for me:

That Russian operatives could so effectively engage Americans with tactics as simple as Facebook ads, fake-news postings, and Twitter trolls, shows how dangerous misinformation is in the social-media age, when propaganda can be so easily amplified. More important, it highlights how primed Americans already were for manipulation.

When the ICE raids started up again a few months ago thatpettyblackgirl was posting about how shameful it was that there was nothing that could be done. A lot of these blogs are writing about how it’s impossible for black people to succeed in America, they’re writing about how voting is always rigged and you can’t fight the system.

And you know what that goes against every fucking principle of my cold little anarchist heart. These blogs are full of despair - they look like they’re full of cute memes and fresh news but they’re a poisoned pill telling you not to bother because you can’t fight the system. They’re not offering help, they’re training you not to bother fighting for your rights (there was a popular post about how the Hong Kong protesters are light years ahead of US protesters - that post didn’t talk about mutual aid or sharing tactics, it just said “people in the US would never” and left it at that, like we can’t learn from each other and share information across borders)

Fucking. Anyway. I’ve been fairly quiet about this because I’ve been trying to be all good and data sciencey about it but I’ve seen this post on my dash fifty times this week.

Keep your eye out for @thatpettyblackgirl  @uncommonbish @whyyoustabbedme and @blackqueerblog - all of them have large followings and are known to post tweets and news articles out of context and if you’re considering reblogging information from one of their blogs please make a point to fact-check the post yourself.

Not everything they post is wrong. I don’t know if these are real bloggers who don’t care about the potential negative impact of their tweet thievery or if they’re weird psyops blogs that are intended to make you feel hopeless about your place in the political process. Whatever they are it doesn’t matter when they continually post misinformation and don’t seem to care about stopping so please be cautious.

Anyway, I’m cataloguing these sorts of posts at @psyops-redux so if you want to keep an eye out for stuff that’s debunked I’ll tag by originating blogger over there.

Stay safe, buds.

(via geekandmisandry)

long post

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