Enrica Toninelli


Journalist, vice director Rainews24, Italy All views are my own. RT ≠ endorsement.

Beigetreten Juni 2009


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    4. Juni

    Trovate il tempo per guardare e ascoltare questa testimonianza su cosa successe in piazza 30 anni fa. di Arthur Kent vi spezzerà il cuore. Non dimentichiamo quei ragazzi coraggiosi

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  2. hat retweetet
    15. Aug.
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  3. 15. Aug.
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  4. hat retweetet
    13. Aug.

    The Walmart heirs make $4 million an hour. A new Walmart associate makes $11 an hour. My two-cent wealth tax on families like the Waltons would help level the playing field for working families and rebuild the middle class.

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  5. hat retweetet
    13. Aug.
    , , und 3 weitere
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  6. 12. Aug.
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  7. 12. Aug.
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  8. hat retweetet
    12. Aug.

    Simone Biles hits the unprecedented triple-double on floor exercise.

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  9. hat retweetet
    12. Aug.

    La Farnesina ha emesso un avviso di viaggio per Hong Kong

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  10. 12. Aug.

    La sfida dei giovani di . Continua il sit-in in aeroporto, bloccati tutti voli del maggior scalo al mondo per merci e tra i maggiori per passeggeri. Ci lavorano 65mila persone. Temo la reazione cinese..

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  11. hat retweetet
    12. Aug.
    , , und 3 weitere
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  12. 11. Aug.

    Grandissimi ragazzi ! Battuta la Serbia! E che Vittoria!

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  13. 11. Aug.

    Ma stiamo stracciando la ! Grandi!

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  14. hat retweetet

    Riot Police fired bullet to protestor in railway station within 1 meter. Can anyone tell me Riot Police are trying to murder or not? They are just protestors leaving the protest zone peacefully.

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  15. 11. Aug.
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  16. 11. Aug.

    a : la politica italiana è in una fase di infantilismo acuto, un infantilismo anale direbbe Freud..

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  17. hat retweetet

    WATCH: Despite government saying reports of protests in Saura were completely fabricated, see exclusive BBC footage here for the truth. Thousands marched, police fired on protesters, dozens injured

    Diese Medien könnten sensibles Material enthalten. Mehr erfahren
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  18. 10. Aug.

    Jeffrey si è suicidato in carcere

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  19. hat retweetet

    Protesters flee from riot police on Nathan Road. Around 8pm, police fired multiple tear gas rounds to disperse protesters gathered outside the TST police station.

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  20. hat retweetet
    10. Aug.
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  21. 10. Aug.
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