ESA Technology


@ the European Space Agency. Follow the latest news, developments and new technologies from ESA's R&D department

ESTEC Noordwijk, Netherlands
가입일: 2015년 4월


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  1. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    2시간 전

    Decision time at for APEX, our cubesat that would accompany to Didymos. Preliminary Design Review is just passed, ready to start the next phase if we get a green light! 🌍🚀🛰️

  2. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    2시간 전

    If you're not familiar with , you can read more in the link. It can't be overstated just how important it is to get more coronagraphs up there.

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  3. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    3시간 전

    🔴 NOW LIVE from Seville, Spain! Follow the opening remarks and discussions from , ESA's Ministerial Council. Live on 👉

  4. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    3시간 전

    Four technology goals ESA favors for honing Europe’s competitive edge ⁩ ⁦

  5. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    5시간 전

    Watch live today at 09:00 CET the Opening of ’s Council at Ministerial Level (T)

  6. 22시간 전

    Read the new Strategy being presented at tomorrow's Ministerial Conference in , to get an idea of tomorrow's R&D priorities for

  7. 11월 26일

    : around globe can help with the planning of ESA's for by observing 7 candidate for flybys. Hera is a mission being proposed at tomorrow's Ministerial

  8. 11월 25일

    We're proud to say the lead scientist of 's sample return mission has issued a letter of support for ESA's own asteroid for ahead of this Wednesday's Ministerial conference

  9. 11월 25일

    Trial by vacuum: a prototype version of the new 4.4 tonne   MetOp Second Generation weather satellite has undergone its first check inside Europe's biggest satellite test centre at site in

  10. 11월 25일

    You've probably interacted with one of ESA’s most-far-reaching inventions without knowing: Terahertz security cameras, used in 18 countries inc, major airports & LA Metro , come from a &  patent, marketed by  

  11. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 25일

    The round-trip delay for each command from to the rover was roughly 800 milliseconds. Despite this he preformed all tasks, picking up rocks from thousands of kilometres away while orbiting Earth.

  12. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 25일

    This experiment proves the technology behind a lunar rover such as for 's proposed Heracles mission. Ministers will convene at to decide on the Agency's future course.

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  13. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 25일

    That's a wrap for , the science team are very happy and transmit their thanks to via the chat function.

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  14. 11월 25일

    The Centaur rover at the end of the testing, with its background team behind it and the all important rock samples collected by ⁦⁩ from orbit in ⁦⁩ can be glimpsed resting in the box under its arm

  15. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 25일

    The science team in Cologne, Germany have all they need from Luca as a successful sampling session draws to a close. Well done and everyone involved ✔️

    , 님, 님 외 2명
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  16. 11월 25일

    mission accomplished ahead of schedule, working from has performed remote control sampling from all 3 sample sites in the cavernous Dutch hangar. Now the assembled journalists are allowed to use wifi again!

  17. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 25일

    Like one of those claw machines where you try and pick up a soft toy, there goes the gravel into the geological sample collection tray. The science team asked if he could take a sample of the gravel for context.

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  18. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 25일

    At the third sampling site already, shows off the fine motor controls that are possible with the rover to pick up some small gravel – from space!

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  19. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 25일

    And this is what we see on Earth! Spooky to see the robot move, knowing the operator is thousands of kilometres away orbiting our planet. 👨‍🚀🌍🤖

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  20. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 25일

    This is the view sees in space as he moves the rover through a simulated lunar terrain in the Netherlands to search for scientifically interesting rocks.

    이 스레드 보기

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