Indigenous Weather Knowledge


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view their seasonal calendar

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have developed an intricate understanding of the environment over many thousands of years.

The relationships between seasonal, meteorological and astronomical changesArtist: Laurie Nilsen

The artwork used in the design of this website represents the relationships between seasonal, meteorological and astronomical changes - and how the Mandandanji people read these changes to inform life on country.


About the Indigenous Weather Knowledge website

Learn more about the Indigenous Weather Knowledge (IWK) website and the Bureau of Meteorology's commitment to strengthening respectful and collaborative relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


Language, culture and environmental knowledge

See an overview of the relationships between language, culture and environmental knowledge.


Reconciliation Action Plan

This plan formalises the Bureau of Meteorology's commitment and contribution towards reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples and the wider Australian community.


Please note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.