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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est New Age. Afficher tous les articles


Sorry for the Interruption

Thalassa soundtrack by Guy Pedersen (originally 1975).



The Curtain of Dreams. Hypnagogic Visions at IAC Villeurbanne

StopMakingSense supports




The result of a discussion between Yann Chateigné and Joachim Koester, "The Curtain of Dreams. Hypnagogic Visions" consists of a series of incursions in research devoted to 'visual images', to use Henri Michaux's expression, from whom the title has been borrowed in part, perceived by the spirit in a state of changed awareness. The argument is articulated in two parts and designed to interact with the exhibition "Of Spirits and Empty Spaces", extending it by giving physical immersion in material common to both the artist and the critic. A kind of atlas for four hands, or even more, making its way through the open fields and obscure lands of hallucination, imaginary perceptions and inner visions.

- Yann Chateigné, art critic, exhibition curator and head of the Visual Arts department at HEAD (Haute école d’art et de design), Geneva.

- Elisa Brune, Writer (novelist and essayist) and scientific journalist
- Denis Cerclet, Anthropologist, senior lecturer, Université Lumière Lyon 2
- Arnauld Pierre, Art historian and professor at Université Paris IV-Sorbonne
- Jean-Louis Poitevin, Doctor in philsophy, writer and art critic
- Pascal Rousseau, Art historian, curator, senior lecturer at Université François Rabelais, Tours

- Joachim Koester, artist
- Pacôme Thiellement, essayist and writer
- Greg Davis, composer, musician and curator

In the context of the exhibition Of Spirits and Empty Spaces by Joachim Koester:

Laboratory Room
Around Henri Michaux
works by Joachim Koester, films and archives by Eric Duvivier and documentation on relations between hallucinogenic experiences and writing.

Hypnagogic states
archives and documentation: William Burroughs, Roger Caillois, Carlos Castaneda, Brian Eno, Raymond Hains, Steven Halpern, David Hykes, Derek Jarman, Laraaji, David Lynch, Henri Michaux, Frank Perry and Dick Sutphen / Valley of the Sun Publishings
by Greg Davis / Crystal Vibrations


"Des images entoptiques"

"Loaded abstractions"
Discussion between Joachim Koester and Yann Chateigné

"25 minutes dans la salle d’attente du monde des rêves"
Lecture by Pacôme Thiellement


Greg Davis, "Full Spectrum (part 7)"

Ill. Joachim Koester, "The Magic Mirror of John Dee", 2006, selenium toned silver gelatin print, 81 x 70 cm framed. Courtesy of Jan Mot, Brussels

Listen & download: "Hypnagogic States", a 90' podcast curated by Yann Chateigné for Forde Radio here.


Inner Games

Double Fantasy, Lost Control


Brainwaves: Valley of the Sun Publishing

From 4 Hours Restorative Sleep Hypnosis, by Dick Sutphen
Valley of the Sun Publishing

From Mind Travel, by Dick Sutphen
Nightingale-Conant Corporation

"This altered state will enable you to:
- enhance mental perception by combining sensory and emotional visualizations
- create a "Higher Self Sanctuary" where you are free to explore and program your mind
- access your own past-life experiences and fine solutions to present day issues in your past life scenarios
- explore past, future and remote events
- practice pre-cognition on command by transcending physical boundaries of time and space
- heal physical and psychological challenges by travelling to the source of these problems"

From Trance Sex, by Dick Sutphen
Music, Theta Waves & Sensual Subliminal Suggestions
Valley of the Sun Publishings, "Hypnotic Music" series

"For erotic massage and making love. You’ll hear soothing music, combined with trance-inducing theta waves -- resulting in a shared, eyes-open altered state of consciousness. Embedded in the music are sensual subliminal suggestions. The expected result is an enhanced sexual union -- a merging of two souls who experience each other at a deeper level.
Lovers may perceive shared visions. Some have reported feeling an a new sense of oneness. Others have claimed a soul-bonding “afterglow” which lingered long after making love. Use regularly to enhance effectiveness. When you’re both ready to fully awaken, count yourself up from one to five and say the words, “Wide Awake.”
The Subliminal Suggestions. The following words are repeated over and over behind the music -- unheard by your conscious mind, but perceived by your unconscious. “Sensual. Bonding. Seductive. Love. Sex. Union. Two into one. Arousal. Desire. Passion. Merge soul energy. Become one. Longing. Attain wholeness. Completeness. Love. Beloved. Whispered words. Whispered desires. Love. Passion. Melding. Merging. Intensity. Excitement. Love. Passion. Hunger. Thirst. Love. Craving. Carnal. Heat. Urgency. Love. Flesh. Tantalizing. Zeal. Stroking. Fondling. Love. Taste. Rhythm. Passion. Love. Satisfaction.”


"Dick Sutphen has established distinguished careers in advertising and audio publishing, in addition to writing several bestselling books and conducting seminars for over 185,000 people.
Dick grew up in Nebraska in the 1950s and after high school worked in an advertising agency art department for a year before attending the Art Center School in Los Angeles, California. Starting out as an art director for major advertising agencies, he went on to receive over 150 awards for creating outstanding advertising and design for clients such as Scotch Tape and Betty Crocker. While still working for the agencies, he launched a publishing company on the side and was soon selling books to the professional advertising market internationally. His book, The Mad Old Ads was published in 1966 (McGraw Hill--U.S. and W.H. Allen--England) and received huge reviews, including a full page in Newsweek.
The publishing venture encouraged him to open his own business--a creative studio, which initially serviced ad agencies in Minneapolis, while also creating hundreds of contemporary cards for Hallmark. After moving his studio to Scottsdale, Arizona, Dick continued to work with ad agencies and directly for clients such as Texaco Aviation, the city of Scottsdale and political candidates. He expanded his writing to include a series four-wheel drive articles for Outdoor Arizona magazine and humorous articles for the local newspapers.
Effective advertising is the power of persuasion. In the mid-seventies, Sutphen sought to expand his understanding of this power by studying brain/mind technology and hypnosis. One of the studio offices became the Scottsdale Hypnosis Center--a place to experiment with metaphysics, group hypnosis and past-life regression.
As a result of these explorations, in 1976 he created and marketed the first prerecorded hypnosis tapes through his own company, Valley of the Sun Publishing. Today, the company is a leader in this field, offering over 200 audio and video titles in world-wide release. Valley of the Sun New Age music is often on distributors' top-ten lists.
The Hypnosis Center explorations also led to writing a book: You Were Born Again To Be Together (Simon & Schuster Pocket Books 1976). It has never gone out of print and has sold nearly a million copies. Six additional titles on reincarnation and karma followed from Pocket Books, including Predestined Love, Finding Your Answers Within, Earthly Purpose, and The Oracle Within. Valley of the Sun published 12 more metaphysical titles. A 1991 dark-fantasy collection of short stories published by Spine-Tingling Press was nominated for a Bram Stoker writing award.
Dick is often a featured speaker at conventions such as the American Council of Hypnotherapy. Sutphen Seminars are conducted annually in as many as 35 U.S. cities and England, Ireland and Australia. He has appeared on hundreds of local and national radio and TV shows, including Phil Donahue, Good Morning America, and Tom Snyder, where he conducted the first televised past-life regression. David Susskind built a 90-minute show around Dick's work.

Dick and Tara Sutphen have been together since 1983 and live in Malibu, California with their children, horses, dogs and cats. Their reincarnation research is currently centered upon the concept of past-life themes and documenting one of Tara's case histories--a fascinating past-life/spirit guide connection that relates back to a shared incarnation in France."

(From Valley of the Sun's website)


Brainwaves: Monroe Products

Robert Allen Monroe (October 30, 1915–March 17, 1995) was a New York radio broadcasting executive who became known for his research into altered consciousness. His 1971 book Journeys Out of the Body is credited with popularizing the term "out-of-body experience". Monroe achieved world-wide recognition as an explorer of human consciousness. His research, beginning in the 1950s, produced evidence that specific sound patterns have identifiable, beneficial effects on our capabilities. For example, certain combinations of frequencies appeared to enhance alertness; others to induce sleep; and still others to evoke expanded states of consciousness. Assisted by specialists in psychology, medicine, biochemistry, psychiatry, electrical engineering, physics, and education, Robert Monroe developed Hemi-Sync®, a patented audio technology that is claimed to facilitate enhanced performance. He is also notable as one of the founders of the Jefferson Cable Corporation, the first cable company to cover central Virginia. (From Wikipedia)

"Enjoy a totally refreshing nap in only 30 minutes. Verbal guidance and Hemi-Sync® provide you with a unique opportunity to obtain deeply restorative rest. Benefit from Catnapper's proven effectiveness during work or study breaks or to re-energize for the evening. Catnapper is also effective for countering the effects of jet lag, coping with irregular schedules or as the ultimate pick-me-up anytime. (Verbal; 30 min.). Mind Food Series".

"Monroe Product's binaural beat CDs can help you experience enhanced mental, physical, and emotional states. Robert Monroe's work inspired an entire industry of mind/brain products. After 50 years of research, and thousands of lab sessions, the internationally acclaimed patented Hemi-Sync® process remains unparalleled in its ability to assist us in harnessing our human potential. Thanks to the cooperation of notable medical institutions and universities, the scientifically and clinically proven Hemi-Sync® technology continues to be the focus of a variety of specialized research projects. In addition, many therapists, physicians, educators, and other professionals use Hemi-Sync® extensively. Such research is indispensable in revealing the influence of specific Hemi-Sync® sound patterns on consciousness. Over the years, these efforts have resulted in the development of scores of individual products for specific applications such as focused attention, stress management, meditation, sleep enhancement, and pain management, to name a few". (From Catnapper's liner notes)

Thanks to Joachim Koester for the gift.

Monroe Products, Catnapper, 32'10 (1988)



Jumbo Jellyfish Dubbed 'Big Red'

Just a few miles off the California coastline, scientists have collected a strange new species of jellyfish. Four thousand feet beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean, water temperatures hover around a chilly 37° Fahrenheit, and the tiny sparks of bioluminescent life forms provide the only light. In this dark, cold world, scientists have discovered a strange new predator - a gelatinous, blood-red jellyfish that can reach up to three meters in diameter.
Named Tiburonia granrojo (Spanish for big red), this massive jelly is particularly unusual because it lacks tentacles, which most jellies use to catch their food. Instead, Big Red has between four and seven thick, wrinkled arms. Although the new jelly has been spotted nearly two dozen times, scientists have only been able to collect one Big Red specimen so far. This specimen - a small juvenile - has been added to the Invertebrate Zoology collection at the California Academy of Sciences, where it will be further studied.
There are still many questions to be answered about Big Red, including how it reproduces, how it eats, and what it eats. Unlike many transparent jellyfish, the red pigment in Big Red's dome prevents researchers from peering into its stomach to see what it had for lunch. However, one of the most important questions has been answered - the DNA samples collected to date confirm that Big Red is not only a new species, but part of a new sub-family of jellyfish.

Marc Barreca. Fish Culture

Stellar Om Source, Ocean Chain Letters

Intrusion, Under the Ocean

Hector Zazou, Ocean Of Sound (With Laurie Anderson)

Dolphins Into The Future, Observations Through The Halocline Of The Worlds 9

Tim Blake, Synthese Intemporel

Brian Eno, The Big Ship

Oneohtrix Point Never, Ships Without Meaning

Belbury Poly, Seed Ships