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The revolution will not be televised: Working On and Offline on the ground

There is a growing number of insurrections across the planet. After the Gilets Jaunes started their insurrectionary resistance on the French territory, more and more people are resisting against capitalist neoliberal policies and the destruction of nature. As you might have noticed we have republished many texts about these insurrections on the Enough 14 blog, unfortunately we didn’t have much on the ground reporting this year. But we want to change that. In the Enough 14 Info-Café we organized a lot of screenings, info-events, debates and meetings. In the coming months we want to restart our independent on the ground reporting. We are also looking for a bigger space to relocate the Enough Info-Café.

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#Mapuche Community of #Temulemu Chico Begin Process of Territorial Recuperation

Communique from the Mapuche community of Temulemu, as they begin a process of territorial recuperation and autonomous struggle.

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December 6, 2008, a few minutes after 09:00pm: Time zero of the December revolt

Athens. Exarcheia. December 6, 2008, a few minutes after 9 pm – Time Zero of the December Revolt. Two policemen draw their guns and one of them shoots against a group of youngsters. The police bullet finds in the heart and kills 15 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos. What follows is a video of the first 60 minutes of the revolt.

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#Athens: From Theory to Practice – An Initial Response – 15 buildings liberated

Statement about a massive squatting action in #Athens. 15 buildings were liberated.

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#Athens: Steki anarchist migrant squat supports call for demo on December 5

Athens. The anarchist migrant squat Steki published a short statement, calling to support todays demonstration against the ultimatum of the Greek state.

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The Final Straw Radio: Colonization and Revolt: E. Ornelas on the Radical Potentials of LeGuin’s “The Word for World is Forest”

This week we are pleased to present a paper given at the 2019 north american anarchist studies network that took place this year in Atlanta Georgia by e ornelas who presents a thoroughly de-colonial reading of Ursula K. LeGuin’s novel The Word for World is Forest. The paper is entitled “If You Wait, It Is We That Will be Burned: Exploring Violence and Resistance in Ursula LeGuins The Word for World is Forest”.

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Meet Jon Lawrenz: A Look Inside The #Wisconsin 3% Militia Pt1

Report Back: We Will Not Comply Rally, Madison Wisconsin, November 2nd  2019

The rally started as most rallies do and was heavily attended by 3% militias from across the entire country. It was also attended by numerous AntiFascist groups from across WI. The reported purpose of this rally was to denounce recent legislation by WI Governor Tony Ever to create new Red Flag Laws for the state. It quickly became evident that this rally was about so much more. 

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#NoBorders: Croatian Police Kidnapped Nigerian Students and Deported them to #Bosnia

Croatian territory. Abia Uchenna Alexandro and Eboh Kenneth Chennedu arrived in Croatia to participate in a table tennis tournament in Pula on November 12th. They did not know that their sporting competition would end in a nightmare.

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Revolution born of exhaustion

More than tiring, the capitalist world exhausts possibilities; indeed, through fatigue, it blinds to our exhaustion. What lies before us is a repetition of the same. But that repetition can not entirely cover over the meaningless of our lives divorced from the world and any sense of self, that is, divorced from everything but spectacle.

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#NoPasaran: Anarchists turn night into day in solidarity to Squats under attack on Greek territory

Thessaloniki. Greek territory. On Tuesday the 3rd of December 2019 squatters in Thessaloniki sent their own message to the 15 days ultimatum issued by the Ministry of “Public Order” towards the dozens of political and refugee squats across Greece (some of them more than 30 years old) or face violent evictions by the riot police and police special forces.

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