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Bilatu Freskatu
Transcend The Matrix uzt. 17
LOL you just proved my point! Wake UP to your internal rage and hatred... at what? People who display joy, unification and even love? Get a clue... or are you a bot?
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Transcend The Matrix uzt. 17
They're playing a game as "victims" to gain attention to continue the mind control narrative of division while they PROJECT hate on ... Wake UP people - see how YOU are being played as pawns. It's TIME to STAND united in Love, Light & God
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Transcend The Matrix uzt. 17
Honi erantzuten: @RealDark_Kent @realDonaldTrump
2 strangers- 1 helping with the other's broken down car, who love and respect using words and beingness of "LOVE" and "God Bless You" with High 5's! That's the REAL
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Amaroush uzt. 16
I’m tired of seeing Epstein’s face all over the internet, so here is a pic of a giraffe. You’re welcome!!!
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#ReclaimTheLaw uzt. 13
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❌MAGACovfefe🙌us❌ uzt. 13
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Ali Bambií uzt. 12
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Bobbi Hackensmith uzt. 12
Honi erantzuten: @politicalwire
Hi Teagan Goddard, Q sent me! Have you ever seen a Trump Rally? We are far from miserable, the only miserable people are the corrupt criminals! Q is bringing Light to the darkness all over the world!
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Bobbi Hackensmith uzt. 12
Honi erantzuten: @CBSNews
Q sent us! We’re you excepting us?
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TayEmMere uzt. 12
Honi erantzuten: @M2Madness
They are out in full force! Lol - they can’t stop what is happening!!!!
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Ali Bambií uzt. 12
Ed of the Outer Light takes you through the drone footage and tunnel entrance of ’s island
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Bobbi Hackensmith uzt. 12
Honi erantzuten: @kim_sax1
Hi Kim, Q sent me! Thank You for sharing this info
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Amazing Polly uzt. 11
Those who scream the loudest: Alyssa Milano dig 👇👇
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Sweet Swim uzt. 9
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Esther Bartkiw uzt. 9
We are in the midst of eclipse season. Eclipse energies create big dramatic change personally & globally. It's course correcting, reality check, Truth revealed energy. And its effects are playing out now big time. ✅ it's happening
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