Free Software Foundation Europe


FSFE Newsletter - October 2019

30 October 2019

This month, we focus our attention on digital restrictions and the International Day against them. To this end, we launched our first episode of the monthly Software Freedom Podcast, this time starring Cory Doctorow talking about DRM. We have published our yearly report, summing up our activities of the past 12 months and shining light on the community we build our success on. As usual, you will also discover upcoming events with the FSFE, including our Annual Community meeting, as well as recordings and information from events we participated in.

Router Freedom: regaining sovereignty over your digital equipment

28 October 2019

The right of choosing your own modem and router is a basic precondition for a neutral, safe and healthy digital environment. If you cannot control your router, it is not free and your digital freedom is likely to be compromised. For years, the FSFE has been successfully fighting for Router Freedom in Germany. Now the debate has reached the European level with Internet Service Providers imposing their specific routers to customers. The FSFE has prepared an activity package for people and organisations interested in advocating for their freedom of choice.

Annual report of the Free Software Foundation Europe 2019

22 October 2019

"Software Freedom in Europe" is the yearly report of the Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. (FSFE). In one document, it gives you a breakdown of important things the FSFE has done and achieved during the last 12 months. Among many other interesting stories, in the 2019 report you will read about our ongoing work for router freedom in Europe, about the first Parliament in Europe who joins our "Public Money? Public Code!" campaign, about our new version of REUSE tools to help Free Software developers with easy license compliance and about much more of our multi-faceted policy work - all together aiming at a world in which users are in control of technology!

The FSFE re-elects president, vice president, and financial officer

14 October 2019

At this year's General Assembly, which took place in Essen, Germany, on 12 October, the members of the FSFE re-elected Matthias Kirschner as the president, Heiki Lõhmus as the vice president, and Patrick Ohnewein as the financial officer for another two-year term.

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LocHal Open Source Event in Tilburg, Netherlands

02 November 2019

On November 2nd, from 12:00 to 16:00 there will be the fourth edition of LocHal Open Source Event in Tilburg. This year all labs of the library will participate and even KunstLoc Brabant is involved in the program. The FSFE will be represent with an infobooth and a presentation by the Dutch country coordinator Nico Rikken.

The FSFE with talk and booth at SFSCon in Bolzano, Italy

15 to 16 November 2019

The FSFE will be present at SFSCon in Bolzano, Italy, with a track of sessions as well as an info-booth. On the same occasion the FSFE will run its annual community meeting.

The FSFE Community Meeting 2019 in Bolzano, Italy

15 to 16 November 2019

The FSFE will run its annual community meeting in 2019 in cooperation with the SFScon, one of Europe’s most established annual conferences on Free Software happening annually in November in Bolzano, Italy. On Saturday, November 16, in the morning there will be a public fsfe-track and our internal workshops and sessions during the afternoon. In the evening there will a social gathering. Find all up-to-date information on the dedicated wiki-page.

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