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Liveblog: Julian Assange in jeopardy

Julian Assange’s has been arrested and faces extradition charges to the United States; see here for ongoing legal, political and other developments

Bail sentence ends: UK now holding Assange solely on US’ behalf

On 22 September 2019, Julian Assange’s sentence for a bail violation conviction ended, but he was not released from HMP Belmarsh. Beginning today, 23 September, the United Kingdom is detaining Julian solely on behalf of the United States, which requests his extradition and has charged him with 18 counts carrying 175 years in prison for publishing information in the public interest.

Julian Assange wins Compassion in Care’s 2019 Gavin MacFadyen Award for Whistleblowers

"We are giving this year’s award to a man who has the courage to publish the truth and has sacrificed so much as a result." The award will be presented on September 28th in front of Belmarsh prison in London where Julian Assange is incarcerated.

Imprisoned Activist Jeremy Hammond Called Against His Will to Testify Before Federal Grand Jury in the EDVA

Virginia Grand Jury Believed to be the Same Probe that Previously Called on Chelsea Manning, David House

DNC lawsuit against WikiLeaks dismissed in major free press victory

In a historic win for WikiLeaks and its editor-in-chief Julian Assange a federal judge in New York dismissed a lawsuit by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) over WikiLeaks’ publication of DNC documents in 2016. The case sets an important precedent for freedom of the press.

UN Rapporteur on Torture’s Letters to UK, Ecuador, US and Sweden

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer visited Julian Assange at HMP Belmarsh on 9 May 2019, and has written letters to the governments of the United States, United Kingdom, Ecuador and Sweden to express that he is “gravely concerned” about Assange’s treatment and to urge the latter three governments to ensure Assange is not extradited to the United States.

Update: Matt DeHart’s release and conditions

Matt is in a transitional program with a scheduled release date to Leann and Paul’s home on October 3rd, 2019. In some ways the hardest part of his ordeal is yet to come.