BJPચકાસેલું એકાઉન્ટ


Official Twitter account of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), world's largest political party. भारतीय जनता पार्टी (भाजपा)

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ઑક્ટોબર 2010 જોડાયા


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  1. 34 સેકંડ પહેલાં

    From today, J&K and Ladakh will walk towards a new future, on the birth anniversary of the Iron Man of India: PM Modi

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  2. 1 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    Sardar Patel had said that had the Kashmir issue been put on his shoulders, it wouldn't have taken so long. Today, on his birth anniversary, I dedicate the historic decision taken on Aug 5 today to Sardar Patel: PM Modi

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  3. 2 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    21वीं सदी में भारत की एकता भारत के विरोधियों के सामने सबसे बड़ी चुनौती है। मैं आज राष्ट्रीय एकता दिवस पर, प्रत्येक देशवासी को देश के समक्ष मौजूद ये चुनौती याद दिला रहा हूं। कई आये, कई चले गए- लेकिन बात तो फिर भी यही निकली- 'कुछ बात है की हस्ती मिटती नहीं हमारी': पीएम मोदी

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  4. 4 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    In three decades, over 40,000 people had lost their lives due to terrorism in J&K that had Article 370. How long could the country witness the death of so many incident people? The wall has been broken down, and Sardar Patel's dream has come true: PM Modi

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  5. 6 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    We, 130 crore Indians, must stay united to fight against such anti-Indian forces. This will be the rightful tribute to Sardar Patel. With his blessings, we abrogated Article 370 to free Kashmir from divisiveness and terrorism: PM Modi

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  6. 8 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    Those who can't win wars against us are trying to divide us. They are questioning and challenging our unity. They forget that even after years of such attempts, no one has been able to defeat our unity in diversity: PM Modi

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  7. 9 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    India's unity and diversity is the biggest challenge for every rival of India. A lot of people and passed away. There has been something about us that has galvanized us together for ages: PM Modi

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  8. 10 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    शताब्दियों पहले, तमाम रियासतों को साथ लेकर, एक भारत का सपना लेकर, राष्ट्र के पुनुरुद्धार का सफल प्रयास करने वाला एक नाम था, वो नाम था चाणक्य का। चाणक्य के बाद अगर ये काम कोई कर पाया तो वो सरदार पटेल ही थे: पीएम मोदी

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  9. 11 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    Today the entire world hears what India has to say with attention. Our tradition, our diversity and our heritage is our strength that has made this possible. Today, India is becoming one of the world's financial superpowers, finding its rightful place: PM Modi

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  10. 13 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    The British wanted India to fall through after we gained independence. Sardar Patel, on the other hand, defeated all divisive forces and united the entire region under the Indian Union: PM Modi

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  11. 14 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    When Sardar Patel started to unify over 500 unions under the Republic of India, it was this nationalistic feeling that drew these divided states or princes together. These princely states had a feeling of nationalism & Indianness, even after decades of British rule: PM Modi

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  12. 16 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    मैं मानता हूं कि अपनी एकता की इस ताकत का पर्व निरंतर मनाना बहुत आवश्यक है। एकता की ये ताकत ही है जिससे भारतीयता का प्रवाह है, गति है। एकता की ये ताकत ही है जो डॉ बाबासाहेब अंबेडकर द्वारा लिखित संविधान की प्रेरणा भी है: पीएम मोदी

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  13. 17 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    जब हम विभिन्न पंथों-संप्रदायों की परंपराओं, आस्थाओं का सम्मान करते हैं तो सदभाव-स्नेहभाव में और वृद्धि हो जाती है। इसलिये हमें हर पल, विविधता के हर अवसर को सेलिब्रेट करना है। यही तो नेशन बिल्डिंग है: पीएम मोदी

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  14. 19 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    'We, the People of India' isn't just a few words or the beginning of our Constitution. It places the cultural tradition and unity of India that has been going on for ages rightfully in the Constitution from Dr. BR Ambedkar: PM Modi

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  15. 19 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    विविधता में एकता हमारा गर्व, गौरव और हमारी पहचान है। हमारे यहां विविधता को सेलिब्रेट किया जाता है। हमें विविधता में विरोधाभास नहीं दिखता बल्कि उसमें अंतर्निहित एकता का सामर्थ्य दिखता है: पीएम मोदी

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  16. 20 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    We should, at all times, celebrate our diversity. We should participate in it whole-heartedly. This is the idea of One India, Great India. This is nation building. This power rests with no other country but India: PM Modi

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  17. 21 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    पूरी दुनिया में अलग-अलग देश, अलग-अलग पंथों, अलग-अलग विचारधाराओं, भाषाओं, रंग-रूप के आधार पर बने हैं। लेकिन हम कभी कभी देखते हैं कि एकरूपता, उन देशों की विशेषता और पहचान रही है। लेकिन भारत की विशेषता है विविधता में एकता, हम विविधताओं से भरे हुए हैं: पीएम मोदी

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  18. 22 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    When we treat our diverse cuisine and dresses as our rich heritage, it adds to our feeling of national affinity. When we celebrate the festivals from different regions, it adds to their happiness, and fills more color to the delight: PM Modi

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો
  19. 23 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    अब से कुछ देर पहले ही एकता के मंत्र को जीने के लिए, उसके भाव को चरितार्थ करने के लिए, राष्ट्रीय एकता का संदेश दोहराने के लिए राष्ट्रीय एकता दौड़ देश के हर कोने में संपन्न हुई है। देश के अलग-अलग शहरों में, गावों में, अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों में लोगों ने इसमें हिस्सा लिया है: पीएम मोदी

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  20. 24 મિનિટ પહેલાં

    India's specialty is its Unity in Diversity. We are very diverse as a country. Unity in Diversity is our image, our pride. We celebrate our diversity. We have never felt divisiveness in diversity, but unity in it: PM Modi

    પૂર્વવત્ કરો

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