#PrivacyCamp20: Call for submissions

Privacy Camp 2020: Technology and Activism

For the 8th edition, Privacy Camp takes “Technology and Activism” as its focus. Over the last decade, digital technologies have played a significant role in activism by mobilising social protests, fostering new forms of civil disobedience, or simply by facilitating the coordination of activist work in the analogue world. Some scholars assigned particular value to the networked nature of cyberspace, arguing that this structure enables people to communicate and take action outside of traditional hierarchical power structures. However, networked information systems also enhance the surveillance power of repressive regimes.

Going beyond cyber-optimist and cyber-pessimist arguments, Privacy Camp 2020 will seek to explore further dynamics in the activist-technology entanglements. Together with activists from diverse fields and scholars working at the intersection of technology and activism, Privacy Camp 2020 will cover a broad range of practices and issues including surveillance, censorship, civic participation in information policy making, social media and political dissent, online civil disobedience, data justice, data activism, commons and peer production, citizen science and more.


For this edition, we call for (1) panel proposals and (2) critical making and DIY project proposals (see further below).

1. Call for Panels

We welcome panel proposals relating to the broad theme of “technology and activism”. We also welcome alternative types of sessions such as workshops or formats with more interaction between the participants than a traditional panel.

We are particularly interested in proposals on the following topics:
• social media and political dissent
• hacktivism and civil disobedience
• critical public sphere and hashtag publics (e.g. #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter etc)
• data justice and data activism
• commons, peer production, and platform cooperativism
• citizen science

Submission guidelines:

• Indicate a clear objective for your session, i.e. what would be a good outcome for you?
• Include a list of speakers that could participate in your panel (and let us know which speaker has already confirmed, at least in principle, to participate).
• Make it as interactive as possible, think about how to include the audience and diverse actors. Note that the average panel length is 75 minutes.
• Send your proposal (a panel description of max 400 words and a tentative list of speakers) to privacycamp(at)edri.org by 10 November.

If you are interested to submit a panel proposal, please do so by 10 November 2019 (hard deadline, no extension).

After the deadline, we will review your submissions and will notify you about the selection process before 20 November. Please note that we might suggest merging panel proposals if they are very similar.

2. Call for Makers: Critical Maker Faire at Privacy Camp 2020

We are pleased to invite makers, disruptors, tinkerers, crafters and DIY artists with the aim of bringing even more diverse communities into the conversation on technology and activism. Maker cultures attempt to democratise technology by focusing on production and consumption patterns and citizen engagement in technology design. We seek makers who create with the ethos of counterculture and activism – in distinction from those who align with innovation and entrepreneurship.

We will provide an exhibit space for makers working at the intersection of technology and activism. Makers will be able to engage participants and hold experiments. Possible maker projects may include, but are not limited to: DIY hardware, biohacking tools, wearables, bots, DIY air quality sensors, glitch art etc.

If you are interested to submit your work for the Critical Makers Faire, please contact us at privacycamp(at)edri.org before 30 November 2019.

About Privacy Camp

Privacy Camp is jointly organised by European Digital Rights (EDRi), Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (LSTS-VUB), the Institute for European Studies at Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles (USL-B), and Privacy Salon.

Privacy Camp 2020 takes place on 21 January 2020 in Brussels, Belgium. Participation is free and registrations will open in early December.

For any general inquiries, please contact Andreea at andreea.belu(at)edri(dot)org or Imge at imge.ozcan(at)vub(dot)be

#PrivacyCamp20: EDPS – Civil Society Summit 2020

We are pleased to announce that Privacy Camp will host once again the annual EDPS Civil Society Summit on 21 January 2020.

For a third year in a row, EDRi members and other important actors in civil society will meet the European Data Protection Supervisor for a discussion on the most ardent threats to our rights and freedoms online.

Registrations for the Summit will open in December. Please note the number of seats is limited and Civil Society Organisations are given priority.

Watch the EDPS Civil Society Summit at Privacy Camp 2019.

Watch the EDPS Civil Society Summit at Privacy Camp 2018

#PrivacyCamp19: Final programme

We’re delighted to announce the final programme for #PrivacyCamp19.

Each session’s full description, including participants and moderators, can be found by clicking on each title below. The print version of the programme (pdf) is available here.

Location: Auditorium 3 & 4, Grande Salle (Université Saint-Louis, Boulevard du Jardin botanique 43, 1000 Brussels)

Time Session 1 Session 2
09:00-9:30 Coffee
9:30-10:30 Welcome and narrative session: User Stories
10:30-12:00 Mapping the problem: News dissemination on online platforms Platforms regulations – policy challenge for civil society advocates
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-14:30 Reimagining Data Futures: Data and Agency Platform dominance and privacy harms: What role for civil society in competition policy
14:30-14:45 Coffee break
14:00-16:15 EDPS civil society summit
14:45-16:00 Platforms: the pouvoir exécutif of modern states? Online Platforms and Automated Content Moderation
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-17:45 Let’s see the evidence! Where algorithmic decisions are used in real life, and how we find out about them Towards real safeguards: Data driven political campaigns and EU election
17:45-17:50 Closing

#PrivacyCamp19: After-party!

Our after-party will be a real alternative to surveillance capitalism. More importantly, we will have the opportunity to continue the discussions started during the day around a drink or two.

The official after-party is going to take place at ViaVia Brussels, on 29 January starting at 7.30pm.

Entrance only with a conference badge!


  • 8pm: DJ Soeur Veillance
  • 10pm: kik1

#PrivacyCamp19: Programme 0.1 beta is here!


We’re happy to announce the beta version of the programme for our upcoming Privacy Camp 2019 (hashtag #PrivacyCamp19).
The print version of the programme (pdf) and full descriptions of all panels will follow soon.

Programme 0.1 beta

Rooms: Auditorium 3 & 4, Grande Salle

Time Session 1 Session 2
09:00-9:30 Coffee
9:30-10:30 Welcome and narrative session: User Stories
10:30-12:00 Mapping the problem: News dissemination on online platforms Platforms regulations – policy challenge for civil society advocates
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-14:30 Reimagining Data Futures: Data and Agency Platform dominance and privacy harms: What role for civil society in competition policy
14:30-14:45 Coffee break
14:00-16:15 EDPS civil society summit
14:45-16:00 Platforms: the pouvoir exécutif of modern states? Online Platforms and Automated Content Moderation
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-17:45 Let’s see the evidence! Where algorithmic decisions are used in real life, and how we find out about them Towards real safeguards: Data driven political campaigns and EU election
17:45-17:50 Closing

#PrivacyCamp19: Registrations now open

Registration for the Privacy Camp is now open! If you want to attend the event, please

send an email to registrations(at)edri.org

including your first and last name. Please register before 20 January! If you want to register friends and colleagues, please also include their names.

Make sure to register as soon as possible as places are limited for this free event! A first draft of the programme is following very very soon.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Platforms, Politics, Participation: Save the Date and Call for Panel Proposals

Join us for the 7th annual Privacy Camp!

Privacy Camp will take place on 29 January 2019 in Brussels, Belgium, just before the start of the CPDP conference. Privacy Camp brings together civil society, policy-makers and academia to discuss existing and looming problems for human rights in the digital environment.

Take me to the call for panel submissions.
Take me to the call for user story submissions.

Platforms, Politics, Participation

Privacy Camp 2019 will focus on digital platforms, their societal impact and political significance. Due to the rise of a few powerful companies such as Uber, Facebook, Amazon or Google, the term “platform” has moved beyond its initial computational meaning of technological architecture and has come to be understood as a socio-cultural phenomenon. Platforms are said to facilitate and shape human interactions, thus becoming important economic and political actors. While the companies offering platform services are increasingly the target of regulative action, they are also considered as allies of national and supranational institutions in enforcing policies voluntarily and gauging political interest and support. Digital platforms employ business models that rely on the collection of large amounts of data and the use of advanced algorithms, which raise concerns about their surveillance potential and their impact on political events. Increasingly rooted in the daily life of many individuals, platforms monetise social interactions and turn to questionable labor practices. Many sectors and social practices are being “platformised”, from public health to security, from news to entertainment services. Lately, some scholars have conceptualised this phenomenon as “platform capitalism” or “platform society”.

Privacy Camp 2019 will unpack the implications of “platformisation” for the socio-political fabric, human rights and policy making. In particular, how does the platform logic shape our experiences and the world we live in? How do institutional actors attempt to regulate platforms? In what ways do the affordances and constraints of platforms shape how people share and make use of their data?


We welcome panel proposals relating to the broad theme of platforms. Besides classic panel proposals we are also seeking short contributions for our workshop “Situating Platforms: User Narratives”.

1. Panel proposals

We are particularly interested in panel proposals on the following topics: platform economy and labour; algorithmic bias; democratic participation and social networks.

Submission guidelines:

  • Indicate a clear objective for your session, i.e. what would be a good outcome for you?
  • Indicate other speakers that could participate in your panel (and let us know which speaker has already confirmed, at least in principle, to participate).
  • Make it as participative as possible, think about how to include the audience and diverse actors. Note that the average panel length is 75 minutes.
  • Send us a description of no more than 400 words.

2. “Situating Platforms: User Narratives” submissions

In an effort to discuss situated contexts with regard to platforms, we will have a session on lived practices and user narratives. Individuals, civil society groups or community associations are welcome to contribute in the format of a short talk or show & tell demonstration. Details and the online submission form are here:

Submission form


The deadline for all submissions is 18 November. After the deadline, we will review your submission and let you know by the end of November whether your proposal can be included in the programme. It is possible that we suggest merging panel proposals if they are very similar.

Please send your proposal via email to privacycamp(at)edri.org!

If you have questions, please contact Kirsten at kirsten.fiedler(at)edri(dot)org or Imge at imge.ozcan(at)vub(dot)be.

About Privacy Camp

Privacy Camp is jointly organised by European Digital Rights (EDRi), the Institute for European Studies of the Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles (USL-B), the Law, Science, Technology & Society research group of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (LSTS-VUB), and Privacy Salon.

Participation is free. Registrations will open in early December.

Press release: 6th annual Privacy Camp takes place on 23 January 2018

Tomorrow, on 23 January 2018, Privacy Camp brings together civil society, policy-makers and academia to discuss problems for human rights in the digital environment. In the face of what some have noted as a “shrinking civic space” for collective action, the event provides a platform for experts from across these domains to discuss and develop shared principles to address key challenges for digital rights and freedoms.

Themed “Speech, settings and [in]security by design”, the one-day conference at the Saint-Louis University in Brussels features panel discussions and privacy workshops led by experts in the fields of privacy, surveillance and human rights advocacy. The nonprofit, nonpartisan event draws privacy activists, civil society representatives, public servants and academia of all ages and backgrounds who are interested in improving privacy and security in communications and work towards the respect of human rights in the digital environment.

This year, Privacy Camp also features the “Civil Society Summit” of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS).

Among others, speakers of the Privacy Camp 2018 are Giovanni Buttarelli, Wojciech Wiewiorowski, Fanny Hidvegi, Glyn Moody, Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Juraj Sajfert, Marc Rotenberg. The full programme can be accessed here.

Post-camp Party, Tuesday 23/1 from 7pm onwards

All good things must come to an end. But not all things end quite as dramatically and with as much suspense as this year’s PrivacyCamp!

Join our post-camp party at Smouss Bar! There will be complimentary snacks, free drinks (for those with a conference badge, so remember to register to get yours) and, most importantly, our legendary “Big Fat PrivacyCamp Quiz of 2018”.

Here are the directions for getting from the conference to the after-party (by foot, 18 mins):

From 19:00 onwards
at Smouss Café
112 Rue du Marché au Charbon
1000 Bruxelles