Adresováno Danielu B. Shapiro, americkému velvyslanci v Izraeli. Organizátor petice Křesťanské mírotvorné sbory v Palestině (CPT, Christian Peacemakers Teams). Více informací a podepsání petice zde.
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Text petice (pouze anglicky)
The villages of Majaz, Tabban, Sfai, Fakheit, Halaweh, Mirkez, Jinba, Kharuba, located in Firing Zone 918 in the South Hebron Hills of the occupied Palestinian territory, are threatened by eviction. This eviction will directly affect 1000 people who are dependent on continuous living and herding on the land for family survival.
On behalf of the villages we appeal to the Government of Israel as the occupying authority to respect international law so that the villagers can continue to live, receive primary education, and work on their land located in Fire Zone 918 throughout the year.
- We call on the Israeli government to insure that the Israeli military do not enter the villages after dark and ensure that the army’s activities respect the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and its Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict.
- We call for the resumption of unhampered and unqualified access to Fire Zone 918 by humanitarian organizations.