Tadamon! Bulletin

Status For Omar – Time to celebrate

July 10th, 2019 | Posted in Palestine, Solidarity

    #StatusForOmar – Time to Celebrate
    Picnic – potluck
    Saturday July 20, 2019
    2pm to 6pm
    Jarry Park (close to volleyball fields / Boul. St-Laurent and Gounod St.)
    Metro Clastelnau
    ِFacebook event

—- We will have portable BBQ/grills and some food. Please feel free to bring what you’d like to grill and drink —-

This summer brought Omar the warmth and sunshine that he thought he would receive almost eleven years ago, when he landed in so-called Canada as a Palestinian refugee. Instead, he went through many years of stress and uncertainty, not unlike what other migrants face in Canada. Omar had left behind his wife and seven children back in Jenin, Palestine and had hoped for them to join him soon in Canada.


Palestinian Diaspora in Montreal: From One State Violence to Another

March 19th, 2019 | Posted in Événements, Gaza, Palestine, Solidarity

    Palestinian Diaspora in Montreal: From One State Violence to Another
    Saturday, March 23rd

    Centre Lajeunesse
    7378 Lajeunesse, salle 212
    Metro Jean-Talon
    Tionni’tiotiah:ke, Kanien’kehà:ka territories
    Facebook event

A panel discussion with Palestinians living in Tiohtià:ke (Montreal), speaking of their experiences with the state violence and discrimination in occupied Palestine, and the state violence they now face in Canada.

This event is taking place as part of Israeli Apartheid Week-Montréal 2019. More information is available here:


Buffet and Discussion: Screening of Roadmap to Apartheid

March 19th, 2019 | Posted in Événements, Palestine

    Buffet and Discussion: Screening of Roadmap to Apartheid
    Tuesday, March 19, 2019

    College de Maisonneuve, room E-2214
    3800 Sherbrooke E
    Metro Pie-IX
    Tionni’tiotiah:ke, Kanien’kehà:ka territories
    Facebook event

Join SOGEECOM and Tadamon for a Palestinian buffet, followed by a screening of Roadmap to Apartheid. This event is taking place as part of the 15th Israeli Apartheid Week.

In this award-winning documentary film, directors Ana Nogueira and Eron Davidson establish parallels between apartheid in South Africa and Israel, and highlight the physical and psychological consequences of these methods of segregations on oppressed populations.

To support this analogy, Ana Nogueira and Eron Davidson filmed moments of Palestinian daily life and drew upon archives from the era of apartheid in South Africa.

The screening will take place in the original English audio, with French subtitles.

For more information:

Arabic Classes with Omar

March 16th, 2019 | Posted in Événements, Palestine, Solidarity

    Saturdays from 2pm-4pm
    Start date: March 30.

    QPIRG Concordia
    2100 Guy, suite 205
    Metro Guy-Concordia

    Facebook event



March 1st, 2019 | Posted in Other

(English below)


Vendredi 1 mars, 2019
6:00 – 8:00pm
CPFQ- 845 Decarie Blvd #201
Metro Côte-Vertu

Événement facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2883490598329575/

Dans le cadre de notre mandat de mieux informer et de créer des liens entre la société civile québécoise et la communauté palestinienne, nous vous invitons à assister à notre prochain événement , intitulé : ” les ouvriers palestiniens et palestiniennes sous occupation, un regard de l’intérieur

Cet événement se fait en collaboration avec le groupe Labour for Palestine, @palestinelabour qui organise une tournée dans 4 villes Halifax, Ottawa, Montréal & Toronto, afin de tisser des ponts de solidarité et de promouvoir une meilleure compréhension de la situation des ouvriers et ouvrières palestiniens.

Imad Temeiza est le co-fondateur et l’ancien président élu de l’Union des travailleurs aux services Postaux Palestiniens (PPSWU). Aujourd’hui il est le représentant des relations internationales de l’Union.

Imad Temeiza nous présentera les multiples niveaux d’oppression auxquels les travailleurs Palestiniens font face.

La traduction chuchotée sera disponible sur place



Friday, March 1, 2019
CPFQ-845 Decarie Blvd #201
Metro Côte-Vertu

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2883490598329575/

Imad Temeiza is the co-founder and former elected leader of the Palestinian Postal Service Workers’ Union (PPSWU). He is currently the PPSWU International Relations Representative. Imad will discuss the multiple levels of oppression that Palestinian workers face in the Palestinian Territories occupied by Israel in 1967, including the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.

Workers’ struggle and resistance will be situated in the context of the failed Oslo Peace Process which began in the early 1990’s, and led to the creation of the Palestinian Authority. Contrary to the goal of creating a two-state solution, this process led to a system of Apartheid, as prominently witnessed throughout the Territories, in cities such as Hebron.


HALIFAX: Monday, February 25
Glitter Bean Cafe
5896 Spring Garden Road
6:30 – 8:30pm

OTTAWA: February 27th
CUPW National Office
377 Bank Street
7:00 – 9:00pm

MONTREAL: March 1st
845 Decarie Blvd #201
6:00 – 8:00pm

TORONTO: March 2nd
Friends House
60 Lowther Avenue
6:30 – 8:30pm

Labour for Palestine is a pan-Canadian network of labour activists who work to deepen solidarity with Palestinian workers and people in their struggle for liberation.

For more information about the upcoming events and/or how to become involved, you can find us on Facebook Labour for Palestine, Twitter @palestinelabour or contact us by email at L4Pcanada@gmail.com.

Nous sommes et nous resterons aux côtés du STTP, du PPSWU, des postier.e.s et des Palestinien.ne.s!

March 1st, 2019 | Posted in Other

Le 31 juillet 2018, la branche canadienne du B’nai B’rith lançait une campagne de diffamation contre le Syndicat des travailleurs et des travailleuses des postes canadien (STTP) et contre le Syndicat des travailleurs du service postal palestinien (PPSWU).

L’engagement du STTP dans la justice sociale est une tradition indéfectible qui s’applique à la situation palestinienne comme à celle des autochtones du Canada. Il est donc de notoriété publique que le STTP soutient les camarades postiers palestiniens du PPSWU, dans leur difficile travail en situation d’occupation et d’entraves mises en place par les autorités israéliennes qui rendent infernale leur vie quotidienne. Au grand dam du B’nai B’rith, le STTP est aussi un syndicat engagé dans la campagne internationale de Boycott, Désinvestissement et Sanctions (BDS) contre l’Etat israélien tant que cet Etat ne respecte pas le droit international, ainsi que dans les diverses Flottilles visant à briser le blocus illégal de Gaza.

Il est également de notoriété publique que le B’nai B’rith est une organisation sioniste dont l’un des buts est de défendre l’Etat d’Israël, quelques soient les violations du droit international et les atteintes aux droits humains dont cet Etat est coupable. Dans ce but, tous les coups sont permis et il conviendrait de traiter ces communiqués comme il se doit: par le mépris le plus total.

Malheureusement, au Canada, il est des gens qui prennent au sérieux les communiqués de cette organisation qui accuse le PPSWU d’être une organisation pro-terroriste, et par conséquent le STTP de soutenir la violence et le terrorisme. Quelle ironie de la part d’une organisation qui défend un pays qui assassine chaque semaine des civil.e.s palestinien.ne.s et tue à petit feu toute la population de Gaza enfermée dans un blocus illégal depuis plus de 10 ans.

Le PPSWU vit la réalité du quotidien en Palestine, l’apartheid, l’occupation militaire, les bombardements, la prison, les checkpoints, mais aussi la complicité de l’Autorité Palestinienne qui fait perdre espoir à une jeunesse palestinienne parfois tentée par la violence. Bien que l’ONU défende le droit de tout peuple opprimé de se défendre, y compris par la lutte armée, le PPSWU privilégie la non violence en défendant la campagne BDS. Elle pleure néanmoins la condamnation à de longues peines de prison, ou l’assassinat de militants sous les balles ou les bombes de l’armée israélienne, quelques soient leurs tendances idéologiques. L’accusation de soutenir le terrorisme est donc insultante, sans fondement et largement ridicule. Le soutien du STTP envers le PPSWU est donc entièrement justifié, défendable et même honorable.

Tadamon dénonce ces accusations comme non fondées et réaffirme ici son soutien plein et entier envers le STTP et le PPSWU pour leur très important travail d’aide aux travailleurs et travailleuses des postes en situation de néolibéralisme agressif et, pour le PPSWU, de répression violente, auquel ce communiqué du B’nai B’rith contribue.

Avec le STTP et le PPSWU, nous continuerons de défendre les droits des travailleuses et travailleurs, ainsi que ceux indéfectibles du peuple palestinien.

Status For Omar: A Community Dinner & Fundraiser

December 22nd, 2018 | Posted in Canada, Palestine, Solidarity

    Saturday January 19, 2019
    6:00pm – 9:00pm

    CSU Lounge
    Concordia University- Hall Building, 7th floor
    1455 de Maisonneuve West, H3G 1M8
    Tionni’tiotiah:ke, Kanien’kehà:ka territories
    Facebook event

Join us for an evening of Palestinian food, music and dance in solidarity with Omar, for status, justice and dignity.

In June 2017, Omar, a stateless Palestinian refugee living and working in Canada for almost a decade, launched a public campaign, appealing directly to Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau demanding that he be granted permanent residency on humanitarian and compassionate grounds and that he be allowed to reunite with his wife and seven children, from whom he has been separated for the past ten years.


Tadamon! New Members Meeting

October 23rd, 2018 | Posted in BDS, Événements, Solidarity, Syria, Tadamon!

    Sunday, November 25, 2018
    2pm to 4pm
    Maison Parent-Roback
    469 Jean-Talon West
    Tionni’tiotiah:ke, Kanien’kehá:ka territory, H3N 1R4
    The space is accessible to wheelchair-users
    Facebook event

Are you interested in being involved in Palestinian solidarity and social justice struggles in the ‘Middle East’? Or, have you always wanted to find out more about Tadamon!? Join us for a meeting for potential new members, which will provide an overview of our mandate, campaigns and actions we’ve been involved in, as well as ways to get involved.


Status for Omar- A Call for Donations

August 7th, 2018 | Posted in Canada, Palestine, Solidarity

For nearly a decade, Omar Ben Ali- a stateless Palestinian refugee- has been living in Montreal. Following the refusal of his refugee claim in 2008, Omar has been left in limbo- unable to obtain status, but unable to return to Palestine. In July 2017, Omar launched the #StatusforOmar campaign, demanding that he be granted permanent residency on humanitarian and compassionate grounds be accepted and that he be allowed to reunite with his wife and seven children, from whom he has been separated for the past ten years.

Last month, Omar received news that his wife and children must complete medical examinations and submit additional documentation as part of the processing of his humanitarian and compassionate grounds application. Costs for the medical examinations, for passport renewals and for police certificates for family members above the age of 18 are expected to surpass $3,000. As the sole source of financial support for his family, Omar is unable to cover these expenses alone.

Tadamon is calling for donations to cover the costs required for the documents and exams. Below are some ways to donate:

* By Online Donation
You can make an online donation via the Status for Omar crowdfunding page: https://www.gofundme.com/status-for-omar-call-for-donations

* By Cheque
Please write your cheque out to “QPIRG-McGill”, specifying “Tadamon- Status for Omar Fundraiser” in the subject line. You can send the cheque by mail, or drop it off in person, at the following address:

3647 University Street, 3rd floor
Montreal, QC, H3A 2B3

QPIRG-McGill office hours are from noon to 6pm, from Monday to Thursday. Please note that the office is unfortunately not wheelchair-accessible.

* By Cash
To arrange a cash contribution, please contact info@tadamon.ca

More info on Omar’s campaign: https://www.tadamon.ca/campaigns/omar

Eight Years into the Syrian Revolution: Understanding the Complex Dynamics

June 9th, 2018 | Posted in Imperialism, Revolution, Solidarity, Syria

Syria_2013_29_Tariq al-Bab, Aleppo_Ali Mustafa

Photo credit: Ali Mustafa

Roundtable discussion with Yasser Munif, Ashley Smith, Oula Hajjar and Brian Aboud

    Wednesday June 20, 2018
    6 pm to 8:30 pm
    La Maisonnette des parents
    6651, boul. Saint-Laurent
    Tionni’tiotiah:ke, Kanien’kehá:ka territory
    H2S 3C5
    (Metro de Castelnau or bus 55)
    Facebook event

Eight years into the Syrian uprising, the grassroots movement, the local councils and the ongoing revolutionary struggle are misunderstood or denied outright by many (even on the left). The military strikes carried out in April by the US, the UK and France against Syrian state targets were cynical and opportunistic actions. They must rightly be condemned. Not, as some do, on strict anti-imperialist grounds, opposing only western intervention in Syria, or, from another standpoint, in blind, apologetic support of the dictatorial Syrian regime, and its allies, Russia and Iran. Such perspectives go hand in hand with a denial of the Syrian popular revolt where, in current debates, support for the brutal Asad regime is justified due to the presence of Al-Qaeda, ISIS and other reactionary groups. Rather, a position on Syria, and on political actions in the Syrian conflict, must start with a recognition of the people’s struggle and the violent repression to which it has been subject at the hands of regime forces (responsible for the overwhelming majority of the hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths). It must also listen to the voices from the Syrian uprising calling for dignity and freedom and respect and support the revolutionary agency and autonomy of the people of Syria.


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