Chris Magnus


Tucson, Arizona Police Chief and active community member. Tweets are my own views, but you probably figured that out! Blocking for incivility/profanity only.
Vrijeme pridruživanja: kolovoz 2013.


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  1. prije 8 sati

    Tucson's new Public Safety Communications Dir. Jamie O'Leary at City Council retreat encourages the city to rethink how 911 personnel are classified: "They're not clerical (employees), they're first responders." A better way to value these key members of the public safety team!

  2. prije 10 sati

    Tucson's City Council retreat is underway this morning. The goal is to develop and understand future priorities of both Council members and city staff.

  3. 27. sij

    If you're in policing or criminal justice and you don't know who Herman Goldstein is and what his huge contributions to our field were, it's time to do a little reading. This man's positive influence on our work cannot be overstated. What a loss.

  4. 27. sij

    I'm on the Committee for Mental Health & the Justice System that meets in Phoenix today. Long drive from Tucson but important work. That said, things are looking up since we found the Tres Leches Cafe nearby for a pre-meeting latte. Amazing we managed to resist the pastries!

  5. 26. sij

    Enjoying the busy, busy Heirloom Farmers Market along the Rillito River and Loop trail this morning. Greens, and pistachios, and baked goods, oh my!

  6. 26. sij
  7. 23. sij
  8. 20. sij

    Patricia Gilkinson described her father as a “kind man who never refused to help anyone in need. He was always helping family with any financial difficulties, and he learned from my mom to support charities"

  9. 20. sij

    Beautiful morning for the MLK March to Reid Park. Wonderful opportunity to talk with our many neighbors from across the community and reflect on what the day means to us.

  10. 20. sij

    Standing for the right thing today takes courage & skill just as King demonstrated during his lifetime. If we really want to celebrate and acknowledge MLK's legacy, perhaps we should take stock of how we measure up to what he stood up and fought for during his lifetime.

  11. 20. sij

    Devastating news from Honolulu. Our thoughts and condolences to all at HPD. At least two Honolulu police officers killed in shooting, report says

  12. 18. sij

    Exciting happenings downtown with the "soft opening" of the Southern Arizona Heritage & Visitors Center in the Old Courthouse. This is a must-see if you live here or are in Tucson as a visitor!

  13. 18. sij

    “It’s creepy what they’re doing, but there will be many more of these companies. There is no monopoly on math,” said Al Gidari, a privacy professor at Stanford Law School. “Absent a very strong federal privacy law, we’re all screwed.”

  14. 17. sij
  15. 15. sij

    I was late getting my flu shot this year. Did I ever regret it. Real flu involves total misery & is debilitating. What federal agency w/any commitment to humanitarian treatment (yes, I'm calling out you: DHS & Border Patrol) would care for children in their custody this way?

  16. 10. sij

    Great work by our Tucson Police Ops South personnel in and around Santa Rita Park:

  17. 9. sij

    Here are all four recipients of the award.

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  18. 9. sij

    In addition to two amazing UA award recipients, Tucson PD Officer Chris Potter & Detective Natalie Pike receive the Southern AZ Law Enforcement Foundation "Unsung Heroes" award tonight. Great people, well deserved recognition!

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  19. 8. sij

    Does your police HQ have neighbors as eclectic as ours? > drive-thru liquor store > mortuary > contemporary art museum > Catholic diocese > vinyl records store > convention center > state theater company - temple of music and art Yup, we're just part of the neighborhood!

  20. 6. sij

    It's not just researchers and academics who need more of this, it's those of us in policing - especially police leaders. Continuing to work on this is my resolution for 2020 and beyond! Great article.


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