शोध परिणाम
  1. २१ ऑक्टो
  2. २० ऑक्टो

    Somewhat recently we introduced the Dullahan as a hombrew playable race in our D&D setting, so I made an image to show to our players. Will probably make more of these as I try to make more personal art. |

  3. १६ ऑक्टो

    Found in the wilds of Facebook, and I need it

  4. १९ ऑक्टो

    Great take on the alignment system. Very simple and succinct.

  5. १७ ऑक्टो

    FIGHTER: I use the ancient magic of giants to augment my strength ROGUE: I returned from the world of the dead to continue my quest RANGER:

  6. १८ ऑक्टो
  7. १७ ऑक्टो

    Ghesh's Guide to Making Things, a guide to equipment crafting for , has gone through layout and is now almost ready for release. Look for it early next week on ! This project has been in the works for over a year now and seeing it finalized truly feels unreal.

  8. १७ ऑक्टो

    If you follow me for musings, here's a fun thing I've been meaning to do for a while: 1 like = 1 detail about my campaign world.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
  9. १३ तासांपूर्वी

    it's spooky month!! and I made a new D&D character for a undead campaign me and some buds started a while ago! an animated suit of armor Cavalier named Alister, and her skeletal horse named Ashen. also included the sketch.

  10. १६ ऑक्टो

    If you've missed any of this month's releases so far, we've got several free pdfs for GMs and Players to unleash in their Halloween games!

  11. ७ तासांपूर्वी

    I'm expecting the print proof of my next adventure module any day now, and I’m so excited I can’t sit still! So I’m gonna release charades style hints about it every day till it arrives. Also, a giveaway in the comments below! First hint: 📽 (movie)

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
  12. १८ ऑक्टो
  13. १६ ऑक्टो
  14. १९ ऑक्टो
  15. २१ ऑक्टो

    Who are the most memorable villains in ? For me it’s hands down Strahd von Zarovich. Acererak is probably #2. Who are your favorite villains?

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
  16. २१ ऑक्टो
  17. १० तासांपूर्वी

    Two sessions into my new campaign and the PCs have each earned 122 xp. At this rate they'll be 2nd level in 3 more sessions.

  18. १८ ऑक्टो

    Artificer: Soda Slinger! In honor of my friend taking a haitus to get orders taken care of, I present the Soda Slinger. Imbue magic and spells into bottles of soda for your soda fountain to distribute to your party. Everyone loves fizzy encouragement!

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
  19. २ मिनिटांपूर्वी
    यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे

    I'm creating content via . I have an adventure mostly written that is called Foul Harvest. did the maps & is doing the interior character art thus far. Credit also to for his mentorship of me.

  20. ३ तासांपूर्वी

    Recent commission for a lucky customer, had a great time making this one

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