Nirmala SitharamanCompte certifié


Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs. MP (RS) representing Karnataka, views personal, RTs no endorsement.

Delhi, India
Inscrit en juillet 2009


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  1. il y a 10 heures

    Request to upload the question too, wherein a participant from the audience spoke completely deriding . Had halted him to say that he’s welcome to give suggestions & on his request to meet me with a delegation, gave him 23rd Oct ‘19 even from the dais.

  2. a retweeté
    10 oct.

    Smt meets the customers of Punjab & Maharashtra Co-operative (PMC) Bank in Mumbai and listens to their concerns.

  3. a retweeté
    10 oct.

    Smt addresses a press conference at the office in Mumbai. Shri , Hon'ble MP (RS) is also present.

  4. a retweeté
    10 oct.

    Smt interacts with the economic editors from various print media publications.

  5. 10 oct.
  6. 10 oct.

    On my way to Mumbai. Shall attend programs scheduled by

  7. 10 oct.

    The Consonance! लोकातीता गुणातीता सर्वातीता शमात्मिका ॥ second line Verse 176 Beyond all worlds Beyond - all traits, qualities that differentiate, senses, mind & the prana Beyond all/ everything (even if perceived differently) She is in Whom everything abides. 4/4

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  8. 10 oct.

    सुमङ्गली सुखकरी सुवेषाढ्या सुवासिनी ॥ Verse 177 Manifestation of everything auspicious Provides/makes wellness She is auspicious. She is endowed with clothes & accessories reflective of/appropriate to this auspicious-ness Living with goodness. 3/4

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  9. 10 oct.

    धरा धरसुता धन्या धर्मिणी धर्मवर्धिनी ।Verse 176 Bears/holds the world (Patience-virtue presumed) Daughter of the mountain Accomplished all duties Infused with dharma Nourishes dharma (dharma= self-restraint, mind & body cleanliness/purity, positivity in thought,word & deed) 2/4

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  10. 10 oct.

    Lilt of Lalita lingers. The sheer beauty of the language! The qualities attributed! The scale of the imagery! About a Woman! Over at least 2 milennia ago! A few more for today, in the following tweets. First line of Verse 176 And the second line of Verse 177 1/4

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  11. a retweeté
    8 oct.
    En réponse à et

    Wonderful. Coincidentally on Day. Also Vijaya Dashami. 👍😎

  12. 8 oct.

    Information sourced from this book. 8/8

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  13. 8 oct.

    अव्याज-करुणा-मूर्तिर् 992 Name, Verse 181 Showers Grace without expecting anything in return अज्ञान-ध्वान्त-दीपिका 993 Name. Verse 181 She is a small lamp that removes ignorance. 7/8

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  14. 8 oct.

    निस्तुला 184 Name, Verse 50 Incomparable/ No match अप्रमेया 413 Name, Verse 89 Immeasurable by any standard मनोवाचामगोचरा 415 Name, Verse 89 Not felt/ gauged by mind or by words 6/8

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  15. 8 oct.

    निष्क्रोधा क्रोधशमनी निर्लोभा लोभनाशिनी । निःसंशया संशयघ्नी निर्भवा भवनाशिनी || She is devoid of anger Helps douse anger Devoid of greed Destroys greed Devoid of doubts/ambiguity in thought Removes doubts, imparts knowledge Is Eternal Wipes out cycle of birth/death. 5/8

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  16. 8 oct.

    निर्लेपा निर्मला नित्या निराकारा निराकुला । निर्गुणा निष्कला शान्ता निष्कामा निरुपप्लवा ॥ ४४॥ Nothing covers Her; She is The Truth, Pure Eternal Formless Clear substance Devoid of binary qualities: good/bad, like/hate Can’t be fragmented Calm Desire-less Can’t perish 4/8

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  17. 8 oct.

    Will present 2 verses in the following tweets — Verse 44 for the alliteration, and for the qualities attributed; Verse 48 for the sheer imagination contained in it. Following that, 5 names with beautiful meanings that should carry a lot of spiritual heft than what I’ve shown 3/8

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  18. 8 oct.

    Each of the 1000 names is a description of a woman Goddess, Shakti. They extol the qualities, describe the beauty, attribute cosmic/grandiose features — and thereby perceive Her as mundane and spiritual, equally. All this about “the Woman”, “Shakti”, at least 2500 years ago. 2/8

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  19. 8 oct.

    On Vijaya Dashami, a few tweets on Lalita Sahasranamam (LS) the 1000 names of Lalita. LS is a Chapter in the Brahmanda Purana (3rd Cent BCE) compiled by Vyasa. It is in a dialogue format, between Hayagriva and Agastya. The names were uttered by Rishi Vagdevis such as Vaśi. 1/8

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  20. 8 oct.

    Sincere and heart-felt greetings to the on their 87th anniversary. Your recent successful operation in Balakot overwhelmed all Indians. Professionalism, great leadership, and excellence are your hallmark. Wishing you every success in the future too.


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