Crime and Passion (1976)

R   |    |  Crime, Drama, Romance

Crime and Passion (1976) Poster

Financier persuades his mistress to marry a rich industrialist for his money, then discovers that he and the new wife are to be murdered by her new husband.

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  • Crime and Passion (1976)
  • Crime and Passion (1976)
  • Karen Black and Omar Sharif in Crime and Passion (1976)
  • Karen Black in Crime and Passion (1976)
  • Omar Sharif in Crime and Passion (1976)
  • Crime and Passion (1976)

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User Reviews

13 December 2010 | maurinquina
| Impossible to find but there is good news !
Hello everyone, I know from searching the internet high and low both in the US and Europe that this film is very hard to find . Recently I was able to watch it in great quality with good sound from NetFlix . It's available at NetFlix as instant watching . No idea how they were able to source out a decent copy but they did . The film itself is a great reminder of times past especially if your in your 40's and you all know who you are :) The fashion, cars and constant cigarette smoking takes you all back . Btw I had to give it a 10 because I grew up in Austria . Hello everyone, I know from searching the internet high and low both in the US and Europe that this film is very hard to find . Recently I was able to watch it in great quality with good sound from NetFlix . It's available at NetFlix as instant watching . No idea how they were able to source out a decent copy but they did . The film itself is a great reminder of times past especially if your in your 40's and you all know who you are :) The fashion, cars and constant cigarette smoking takes you all back . Btw I had to give it a 10 because I grew up in Austria . Cheers !

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Plot Summary


Crime | Drama | Romance | Thriller


Release Date:

6 February 1976



Country of Origin

UK, West Germany

Filming Locations


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