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Health & wellness

Faster walkers 'have healthier minds'

Faster walkers 'have healthier minds'

Slower walkers were shown to have 'accelerated aging'.

  • by Henry Bodkin


My day on a plate: Isabella Giovinazzo

My day on a plate: Isabella Giovinazzo

The Australian actor shares her day on a plate.

  • by Nicole Economos
The great impact of mindfulness is making its way into classrooms
Good Weekend

The great impact of mindfulness is making its way into classrooms

Not just as a tool for fighting anxiety but in boosting attention spans and productivity, protecting the heart, shortening migraines and sharpening senses.

  • by Greg Callaghan
I date my habit of eating in secret to when I was about eight

I date my habit of eating in secret to when I was about eight

My obsession with food started at age eight, taking the place of a mother’s love.

  • by Anonymous
It's time to Kondo your inbox, for your productivity – and health

It's time to Kondo your inbox, for your productivity – and health

Struggling to manage your emails? It’s time to get organised!

  • by Johanna Leggatt
Life-saving Australian heroes should be paid for their donations

Life-saving Australian heroes should be paid for their donations

It is abysmally unfair that we discriminate against Australian heroes – those who donate much-needed blood – by not compensating them as we do overseas donors.

  • by Robert Slonim
Diet could improve depression symptoms in three weeks, study finds

Diet could improve depression symptoms in three weeks, study finds

New research has found improving diet can help to alleviate symptoms of depression in as little as three weeks.

  • by Sarah Berry
How the pineapple became the icon of women's fertility journey

How the pineapple became the icon of women's fertility journey

Women arrive for egg retrievals wearing pineapple leggings, T-shirts and dresses.

  • by Taylor Lorenz
Exercising indoors may help you keep your hair

Exercising indoors may help you keep your hair

Air pollution may wreak havoc on your follicles.

  • by Henry Bodkin
Like being neat or colour-coding pencils? Believe me, that is not OCD
Mental health

Like being neat or colour-coding pencils? Believe me, that is not OCD

Somewhere along the track a disorder involving intrusive thoughts and obsessions to neutralise those intrusive thoughts, lost its meaning and turned into an adjective.

  • by Nicole Liko
The painful truth about what having a hangover really does to your body

The painful truth about what having a hangover really does to your body

If alcohol was invented today – and treated like a new food additive coming to the market – the recommended safe dose would be about a glass of wine per year.

  • by Maria Lally